Profil Interaksi Diversitas Pohon Riparian dengan Beberapa Variabel Kualitas Air Mata Air dan Salurannya di Jawa Timur

Semiun, ChatarinaGradict (2013) Profil Interaksi Diversitas Pohon Riparian dengan Beberapa Variabel Kualitas Air Mata Air dan Salurannya di Jawa Timur. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan: (1) profil diversitas pohon riparian yang berada di beberapa mata air dan salurannya di Jawa Timur, (2) profil kualitas air, (3) korelasi antara diversitas pohon riparian dengan kualitas air, dan (4) kontribusi vegetasi pohon pada kualitas air. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan tiga ulangan pada mata air terpilih di TNMB Jember, Kediri, Pasuruan, dan Malang pada bulan April 2012 sampai Januari 2013. Pengamatan di lapangan meliputi kualitas penggunaan lahan di sempadan (indeks naturalness , indeks hemeroby , indeks jasa lingkungan), kondisi geografi (koordinat, ketinggian, kemiringan), kualitas diversitas vegetasi pohon riparian (jenis dan jumlah individu, tinggi, diameter, stratifikasi, indeks naturalness , indeks hemeroby , indeks jasa lingkungan), kualitas air (pH, konduktivitas, kecerahan, dan warna) dan kualitas kondisi fisik (kedalaman, lebar, substrat, kecepatan arus, dan debit) mata air dan salurannya. Semua data yang terkumpul ditabulasi dengan Microsoft Excel 2007. Data dianalisis untuk menentukan profil diversitas pohon riparian (kekayaan spesies, indeks diversitas indeks nilai penting, derajat endemisme dan indeks kesamaan Raup-Crick), kesesuaian profil kualitas air dengan baku mutu kualitas air (analisis gap, cluster dan biplot ). Kemudian analisis statistik korelasi Spearman untuk menentukan korelasi antara diversitas vegetasi pohon dengan kualitas air, dan kontribusi vegetasi pohon terhadap perbaikan kualitas air dengan analisis PLS menggunakan software SmartPLS . Profil pengelompokkan pohon dikaitkan dengan beberapa variabel kualitas air, penggunaan lahan, dan geografi dengan analisis multivariate cluster dan biplot menggunakan software PAST . Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa kekayaan spesies yang ditemukan berjumlah 69 spesies yang berasal dari 28 famili, dengan pohon Artocarpus elasticus sebagai spesies kunci di mata air. Kualitas diversitas vegetasi pohon riparian mata air dan salurannya telah terdegradasi dan tidak ada yang menyamai vegetasi di Blok Aren 1 dan 2 dengan indeks diversitas masing-masing 3,2 dan 3,0 dan stratifikasi A-E. Hampir semua mata air dan salurannya (92,75 %) ditumbuhi vegetasi pohon endemik, kecuali di Plosolor, Tempurejo 1 dan 2 yang masih ditemukan pohon eksotik. Profil vegetasi pohon riparian di sempadan mata air dan salurannya memiliki tingkat kesamaan yang bervariasi sesuai lokasi. Nilai pH berkisar dari 6,5-8,8 dan masih memenuhi baku mutu menurut PP No. 82 Tahun 2001, tetapi telah melebihi baku mutu pH air irigasi menurut FAO misalnya di Lawang 4, Karangan 3, Coban Rondo 1 dan Coban Rondo 2. Sebaliknya, nilai konduktivitas berkisar dari 52-419 µ -1 masih tergolong baik untuk perairan tawar dan air irigasi. Sebagian dari mata air dan salurannya (66,67 %) memiliki kecerahan air tinggi tidak berwarna. Profil diversitas pohon riparian berkorelasi positif dengan kecerahan dan warna air, tetapi berkorelasi negatif dengan pH air. Kekayaan spesies, indeks diversitas, lebar riparian dan stratifikasi pohon riparian yang tinggi ditemukan di lokasi dengan pH rendah, dan kecerahan air semakin tinggi serta tidak berwarna. Pemodelan struktural interaksi profil diversitas pohon riparian dengan beberapa variabel penentu kualitas air menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara variabel yang diukur. Nilai predective-relevance (Q 2 ) 99,11% dan layak dipakai. Variabel kualitas diversitas pohon riparian dan geografi berpengaruh langsung pada kecerahan dan warna air. Adapun kualitas penggunaan lahan di sekitar badan air tidak berpengaruh langsung pada kecerahan dan warna air. Ada dugaan kalitas air di saluran pada jarak hingga 5,5 km lebih dipengaruhi terutama oleh kualitas air mata air dibandingkan dengan penggunaan lahan. Dengan demikian maka kecerahan dan warna air di mata air dan salurannya secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh lebar riparian, indeks naturalness , indeks hemeroby , indeks jasa lingkungan, dan kemiringan sempadan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diberikan beberapa saran: (1) Untuk memperbaiki kualitas air di saluran mata air, maka kualitas vegetasi riparian perlu ditingkatkan. (2) Untuk meningkatkan kualitas vegetasi riparian maka penggunaan lahan di sekitar mata air dan salurannya direhabilitasi dengan tumbuhan local atau mengkonservasi vegetasi pohon riparian yang ada sehingga fungsi ekologis vegetasi riparian sebagai pelindung kualitas air tetap ada. (3) Restorasi atau rehabilitasi dengan menanam beragam pohon lokal yang bernilai ekonomis.

English Abstract

This research aimed to determine: (1) riparian tree diversity grown around some spring and its drains in East Java, (2) profile of water quality (3) correlation between riparian tree diversity and water quality of both fresh water, and (4) contribution of vegetation tree on some variable water quality. This descriptive research was conducted on selected spring by observing three sites for each station including Meru Betiri National Park Jember (as a reference site), Kediri, Pasuruan, and Malang. It was done from April 2012 to January 2013. Field observation included quality of land use off spring or channel border (naturalness index, hemeroby index, environmental service index), geography (altitude, slope), quality of riparian tree diversity (species and total individu, height, diameter, stratification, naturalness index, hemeroby index, environmental service index, water quality (pH, electric conductivity, transparency, and color), and quality of physical condition (depth, width, substrate, water velocity, and discharge) of spring water and its drains. Data were tabulated by using Microsoft Excel 2007, then its were analyzed to determine profile of riparian tree diversity (species richness, diversity index, important value index, rate of endemism, and Raup-Crick similarity index) and water quality profile (gap, cluster and biplot analysis). Analysis of Spearman correlation was used to determine interaction between quality of tree vegetation and water quality. Riparian contribution on water quality was determined using PLS analysis. A multivariate analysis of cluster and biplot were held by PAST software to determine grouping of riparian tree related to water quality and its environment. The result showed that species richness recorded were 69 species belonging to 28 families and Artocarpus elasticus tree as the common species on the spring. Generally, the quality of riparian tree diversity on spring and its drains were low due to land use conversion, except in the Meru Betiri National Park (Blok Aren 1, Blok Aren 2). Riparian diversity index in both sites reached 3.2 and 3.0 and vegetations were composed by multistrata trees from A to E. Almost all the spring and its drains (92.75 %) were composed by endemic tree species, except in Plosolor, Tempurejo 1 and 2 where two exotic trees were recorded. Structure and composition of riparian tree in the border of spring and its drains showed spatial variation. Water pH value ranged 6.5 to 8.8 and was still fulfill the standard based on Indonesian Government Regulation No. 82 in 2001. However pH water in Lawang 4, Karangan 3, Coban Rondo 1 and Coban Rondo 2 were not fulfill FAO irrigation standard. On the other hand, electric conductivity value ranged 52 to 419 µ -1 and was allowed for irrigation. Two of three spring waters and its drains showed high water transparency and colorless. Profile of riparian tree diversity indicated a positive correlation to water transparency and color, but it had a negative correlation with pH water. Low pH, higher water transparency and colorless water were found in station where we recorded high riparian species richness, diversity index, width and stratified tree. Structural modeling of riparian tree diversity with some variables determining water quality showed that there were interaction among variable involved. The value of predictive-relevance (Q 2 ) was applicable and reached 99.11 %. Riparian tree diversity and geography directly influenced on water transparency and color. However, quality of land use around water body did not affect significantly on both water quality. It would suggest that along 5.5 km drains water was strongly influenced by spring water quality rather than land use quality. Some suggestions were proposed based on the above result: 1. To improve water quality of spring drain, quality of riparian vegetation should be improved. 2. To improve quality of riparian vegetation, land use around the spring and its drains should be rehabilitated by growing native vegetation or by conserving the ecological services of existing riparian tree. 3. To restore or rehabilitate the degraded riparian we proposed various fast growing and multipurpose native trees.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/577.68/SEM/p/041301371
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 577 Ecology > 577.6 Aquatic ecology
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2013 14:45
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2013 14:45
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