Kajian Kinerja Pelayanan Terminal Penumpang Domestik (T1) di Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya

Rohman, Saiful (2014) Kajian Kinerja Pelayanan Terminal Penumpang Domestik (T1) di Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Peningkatan penumpang di Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda berhubungan erat dengan tingkat pelayanan jasa kepada penumpang di terminal domestik (T1) Bandara Juanda. Penumpang banyak melakukan aktifitas di bandar udara pada area terminal penumpang, oleh karena itu pelayanan fasilitas di terminal penumpang harus memadai serta memberikan rasa nyaman saat berada di terminal penumpang. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan kajian kinerja pelayanan di terminal domestik (T1) Bandar Udara Juanda. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pelayanan berdasarkan persepsi penumpang, dan hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pelayanan berdasarkan persepsi penumpang, serta membuat rekomendasi perbaikan kinerja pelayanan di terminal domestik (T1) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya. Survei dilakukan dengan menyebarkan keusioner pada setiap penumpang secara random sampling di terminal domestik (T1) Bandar Udara Juanda Surabaya. Hasil survei di analisis menggunakan metode Important Performance Analysis (IPA ) dan Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Metode IPA digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pelayanan berdasarkan persepsi penumpang dan prioritas utama perbaikan kinerja pelayanan di terminal domestik (T1) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya. Metode QFD digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan, proses perencanaan perbaikan dan prioritas utama perbaikan secara sistematis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pelayanan di terminal domestik (T1) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya. Serta model regresi berganda untuk mendapatkan model kinerja pelayanan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Hasil penelitian dengan metode IPA didapatkan ada sembilan faktor yang ada di kuadran I (prioritas utama) yaitu jumlah tempat duduk di ruang tunggu keberangkatan (X4.6), adanya Pintu evakuasi di terminal keberangkatan (X1.1), fasilitas bagi penyandang cacat di terminal keberangkatan (X4.12), akses turun dari pesawat ke ruang kedatangan (X3.6), papan informasi di terminal kedatangan (X3.7), proses pengambilan bagasi di ruang kedatangan (X3.9), fasilitas bagi penyandang cacat di terminal kedatangan (X4.16), Pintu evakuasi di terminal kedatangan (X1.4), adanya jaminan keamanan dari tindak kriminalitas (X2.2). Sembilan faktor tersebut mempunyai kepentingan yang tinggi tetapi kinerjanya rendah menurut persepsi penumpang sehingga harus mendapat prioritas utama perbaikan. Berdasarkan metode QFD prioritas utama yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah adanya pintu evakuasi atau emergency di terminal keberangkatan dan kedatangan Terminal Domestik (T1), prioritas perbaikan dengan penambahan dan pengaturan letak pintu evakuasi atau emergency di terminal domestik (T1) disesuaikan dengan aturan yang ada. Diperoleh model persamaan regresi untuk kinerja pelayanan yaitu Y=1,253+0,092X 1 +0,108X 3 +0,093X 4 +0,053X 5 +0,102X 6 +0,125X 8 +0,084X 9 dimana X1=jumlah tempat duduk di ruang tunggu keberangkatan, X3 = fasilitas bagi penyandang cacat di terminal keberangkatan, X4 = akses turun dari pesawat ke ruang kedatangan, X5=papan informasi di terminal kedatangan, X6= proses pengambilan bagasi di ruang kedatangan, X8=Adanya pintu evakuasi di terminal kedatangan, X9=adanya jaminan keamanan dari tindak kriminalitas. Variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh paling besar terhadap kinerja pelayanan adalah variabel X8 yaitu adanya pintu evakuasi atau emergency di terminal kedatangan domestik (T1) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya.

English Abstract

Increased passenger in Juanda International Airport is closely linked to the level of services to passengers at the domestic terminal (T1) Juanda Airport. Passengers lot of activity in the area of airport passenger terminal, therefore the terminal passenger service facilities should be adequate and provide a sense of comfort while in the passenger terminal. For it is necessary to study the performance of services in the domestic terminal (T1 Juanda Airport. The purpose of the study to determine the factors that affect the performance of the service as perceived by the passengers, and the relationship between the factors that affect the performance of the service as perceived by the passengers, and make recommendations for improvements in service performance of the domestic terminal (T1) Surabaya Juanda International Airport. The survey was conducted by distributing and questionnaires on each passenger by random sampling in the domestic terminal (T1) Surabaya Juanda Airport. The survey results were analyzed using the method Important Performance Analysis (IPA) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). method IPA is used to determine the factors that affect the performance of the service is based on the perception of high priority passengers and improved service performance in the domestic terminal (T1) Surabaya Juanda International Airport. QFD method is used to determine the relationship, process improvement and planning a major priority repairs systematically the factors that affect the performance of services in the domestic terminal (T1) Surabaya Juanda International Airport. And multiple regression models to obtain models of service performance and the factors that influence it. Research results obtained by the methods of science there are nine factors that exist in the first quadrant (top priority) the number of seats in the departure lounge (X4.6), the presence of evacuation door in the departure terminal (X1.1), facilities for disabled people in the terminal departure (X4.12), access off the plane into the arrivals hall (X3.6), the information board at the arrival terminal (X3.7), the baggage claim in the arrivals hall (X3.9), facilities for disabled people in the terminal arrival (X4.16), Door evacuation at the arrival terminal (X1.4), the guarantee of security from crime (X2.2). Nine of these factors have a high interest but low performance as perceived by the passengers so that should receive top priority repair. Based on QFD main priorities that need attention is the presence of an evacuation or emergency door at the departure and arrival domestic terminal (T1), priorities and setting improvement with the addition of the location of evacuation or emergency door at the domestic terminal (T1) adapted to the existing rules. Obtained regression model for service performance is Y = 1.253+0,092X 1 +0,108X 3 +0,093X 4 +0,053X 5 +0,102X 6 +0,125X 8 +0,084X 9 where X1 = number of seats in the departure lounge, X3 = facilities for disabled people in departure terminal, X4 = access off the plane into the arrivals hall, X5 = information board at the arrival terminal, X6 = the baggage claim in the arrivals lounge, X8 = presence evacuation doors in the arrivals terminal, X9 =the guarantee of security from crime. The variables that have the most impact on the performance of the service is variable X8 that is the evacuation or emergency door in the domestic arrival terminal (T1) Surabaya Juanda International Airport.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/387.736/ROH/k/041405781
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 387 Water, air, space transportation > 387.7 Air transportation
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 29 Sep 2014 15:08
Last Modified: 29 Sep 2014 15:08
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/157365
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