Johannes, Standy (2013) Pemodelan Jaringan Distribusi Transportasi Laut Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya (MBD) Propinsi Maluku. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
K abupaten Maluku Barat Daya dengan kondisi wilayah kepulauan terdiri dari 50 pulau dan terbagi atas delapan (8) Kecamatan dengan akses utama melalui laut . Transportasi laut di Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya dilayani oleh armada perintis KM. Sabuk Nusantar 31 dengan kapasitas tampungan resmi untuk penumpang 400 orang dan barang 50 ton. Total jarak berlayar yang ditempuh 3.096 mil dengan waktu rata-rata 24 hari per satu (1) rondtrip dan menyinggahi 22 pelabuhan singgah yang terbagi menjadi 2 trayek. Trayek A melayani wilayah Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat yang terdiri dari 10 pelabuhan singgah. Trayek B difokuskan menjadi wilayah studi/penelitian yang melayani wilayah Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya dengan 12 pelabuhan singgah. kondisi tersebut menjadikan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan infrastruktur Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya menjadi terhambat akibat rendahnya keinginan melakukan perjalanan dan distribusi barang, sebagai indikasi 44,17% penduduk hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan menjadi alasan masyarakat melakukan perjalanan dengan mengutamakan tarif murah dibanding faktor keamanan dan kenyamanan . Studi ini dilakukan meliputi 10 pelabuhan yang berada pada wilayah Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya (interen zona) , dan 2 pelabuhan lainnya berada pada eksteren zona yang juga menjadi main gate (pelabuhan Ambon dan Kupang). Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merumuskan tujuan sebagai berikut: (a) Mengetahui pola pergerakan penumpang dan barang di wilayah studi. (b) Menentukan model dan penataan jaringan distribusi yang optimal. (c) Memperoleh gambaran jumlah armada sesuia hasil pemodelan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara survey langsung, metode pengumpulan data yang terdiri dari data primer dengan cara mengikuti langsung satu(1) trip pelayaran armada KM. Sabuk Nusantara 31. Adapun data primer yang dikumpulkan yaitu, menyangkut informasi spesifikasi teknis kapal serta data trafik penumpang dan barang di masing-masing pulau dalam wilayah Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya , sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari Dinas Perhubungan, Dinas BAPEDA, BPS, ADPEL, serta dari pustaka yang relevan dengan penelitian. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukan pola pergerakan ( bangkitan dan tarikan ) penumpang yang terjadi di Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya umumnya mengikuti pola aktivitas penduduk dibidang ekonomi dan pemerintahan berdasarkan kelengkapan infrastruktur, sedangakan untuk pola pergerakan barang umumnya mengikuti pola pergerakan alat angkut dengan p usat bangkitan pergerakan pelabuhan Kupang dan pelabuhan Ambon . Untuk analisis pergerakan yang ditinjau lebih terfokus pada mobilitas penumpang bukan pada barang, hal ini disebabkan distribusi barang yang ada habis dikonsumsi. D iketahui rasio tingkat pertumbuhan pada dua belas (12) pelabuhan hasil proyeksi umumnya berfluktuatif,
English Abstract
District of South West Maluku is an archipelago area that consists of 50 islands and eight (8) sub-districts and the main access for transportation is sea. Sea transportation in district of South West Maluku is served by KM Sabuk Nusantara 31 with load capacity for 400 passengers and 50 ton goods. Total trip distance is 3.096 miles with average 24 days per one (1) roundtrip and halt at 22 halt ports that are divided into 2 trajectories. Trajectory A served District of West South East Maluku area that consists of 10 halt ports. Trajectory B that become the focus of the research serve district of South West Maluku with 12 halt ports. The condition creates constraints on the economic and infrastructure growth of district of South West Maluku because there is low drive to take a trip and to distribute the goods. As an indication, 44,17% of its people live under poverty line that become a factor for people to prefer take a trip with cheaper cost than emphasized on the safety and comfort of the trip. This study is conducted in 10 ports that located in the district of South West Maluku (internal zone) and others 2 ports that located in the external zone and become main gate (Ambon an Kupang ports). The problems that studied in this research are: (a) To know the pattern of the movement of passengers and goods in the area of study. (b) To determine the optimal model and arrangement of distribution network. (c) To get a description on the amount of the fleet of ship based on the result of modeling. This research is conducted used direct survey. Data is collected through primary data by directly follow one (1) trip of KM Sabuk Nusantara voyage. Primary data that is collected is about technical specification information of the ship and the data on human and goods load traffic in each islands in the area of District of South West Maluku. Secondary data is collected from Transportation Office, Development Planning Office, Statistical Bureau, Port Administrator, and from the relevant literatures with the subject of the research. The result of the research showed that the pattern of passenger movement (trip generation and attraction) in the district of South West Maluku in general followed the pattern of economic and governmental activities according to the completeness of infrastructure. Meanwhile the pattern of goods movement in general followed the pattern of transport device in the center of trip generation that is Kupang and Ambon ports. The analysis of movement more focused on the mobility of passenger and not the goods because of the goods that is distributed is already consumed. It was known that the ratio of the growth rate of twelve (12) ports from the result of projection is fluctuate. The highest rate of growth is at Kisar port (1,085) and the lowest one is at Ambon port (0,931). Based on five (5) models that are recommended according to the score of marginal output, then: (a) Model - 1 (Ambon-Tepa-Moa Kisar). (b) Model - 2a (Kisar – Leti – Moa – Lakor - Lelang – Tepa – Wulur – Bebar). (c) Model - 2b (Kisar – Ilwaki – Upisera – Kupang). (d) Model - 3a (Moa-Lakor-Lelang-Tepa-Wulur-Bebar). (e) Model - 3b (Moa-Leti-Kisar-Ilwaki-Upisera-Kupang). Model -1, model – 3a dan model – 3b, then from the analysis of gravitational modeling showed that it resulted three (3) optimum network or trajectory models, that are model-1, model -3a, and model 3-b. Based on the previous analysis and the comparison of existing passengers traffic 2006-2001 and the demand until 2021, the result of modeling and arrangement of the routes/trajectories showed that it will needed 3 additional ship units, 1 unit with the same type with the old (GT 1200) that will serve the model-1 trajectory, and 2 additional ships with Roro type that has load capacity 300 GRT that serve model-3a and model-3b trajectories respectively.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/387.5/JOH/p/041300766 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 387 Water, air, space transportation > 387.5 Ocean trasportation (Marine transportation) |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 08 Oct 2013 15:07 |
Last Modified: | 08 Oct 2013 15:07 |
URI: | |
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