Kadir, Bahrudin (2012) Implementasi Kebijakan Konsep Pengembangan Kota Sofifi Provinsi Maluku Utara. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah adanya paradigma pengembangan kota yang menghadapi berbagai permasalahan yang cenderung meningkat dan kompleks dari tahun ke tahun; pola sebaran penduduk, urbanisasi, “ slum area”, pemukiman yang tidak merata, kesemrawutan transportasi, sampah dan pemenuhan ar bersih, pengangguran yang akan menjadi titik lemah pemerintah dalam mendesain suatu kota karena keterbatasan ruang dan alokasi anggaran sebagai konsekuensi. Ketidaksiapan pemerintah daerah dan administrator kota dalam melaksanakan pengembangan kota sebagai manivestasi pelayanan publik yang prima ( service exellent ), kesejahteraan rakyat dan pemerataan pembangunan adalah tujuan yang dicapai dalam pengembangan Kota Sofifi. Pengembangan kota seyogiyanya didasarkan “ grand design ” pengembangan kota yang mengakomodir kondisi geografis, sosial, budaya, politik dan ekonomi, serta tata guna lahan peruntukan, yang berimplikasi perubahan struktur ruang dan keberlanjutan “ sustainable development ”. Penulisan tesis dengan judul “ Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Kota Sofifi Provinsi Maluku Utara”, merupakan kajian spesifik terhadap implementasi kebijakan konsep pengembangan di Kota Sofifi, yakni ; (a) Konsep “ Sustainable Development” dengan tipologinya ; “ Neotradisonal Development, Urban Contaiment, Compact City, Eco-City”; (b) konsep “ Waterfront City”; dan (c) konsep “ Flexibility / Mix Used” . Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah ; (1) Bagaimana Implementasi kebijakan Konsep pengembangan Kota Sofifi ?; (2) Bagaimana Strategi Implementasi Kebijakan konsep pengembangan Kota Sofifi ?; (3) Bagaimana Implikasi dan peluang, tantangan, kekuatan serta kelemahan implementasi kebijakan konsep pengembangan kota Sofifi ?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk; mengetahui kebijakan dan implementasi kebijakan pengembangan Kota Sofifi; mengetahui strategi-strategi implementasi kebijakan pengembangan Kota Sofifi; mengetahui Implikasi dan peluang, tantangan, kekuatan serta kelemahan implementasi kebijakan konsep pengembangan kota Sofifi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen serta menggunakan analisis data kualitatif model (Miles and Huberman, dalam Rohidi, 2009). Hasil temuan menunjukan bahwa; (1) Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Kota Sofifi adalah pilihan Pemerintah Provinsi Maluku Utara untuk mengimplementasikan Kebijakan Pemerintah Pusat melalui Undang-Undang RI Nomor : 46 Tahun 1999 tentang Pembentukan Provinsi Maluku Utara, Kabupaten Buru dan Kebupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat. Implementasi Kebijakan Konsep Pengembangan Kota Sofifi, dengan memadukan dua pendekatan yakni; pendekatan sektoral dan pendekatan wilayah (regional). Implementasi Konsep Pengembangan Kota Sofifi diharapkan mengantisipasi beberapa permasalahan antara lain; (a) Lokasi dan berbagai kegiatan ekonomi yang akan berkembang; (b) Penyebaran penduduk di masa yang akan datang dan kemungkinan munculnya pusat-pusat pemukiman baru; (c) Adanya perubahan struktur ruang wilayah dan prasarana yang perlu dibangun untuk mendukung perubahan tersebut; (d) Adanya penyediaan berbagai fasilitas sosial yang seimbang pada pusat-pusat pemukiman baru; (e) Perencanaan jaringan penghubung yang dapat menghubungkan berbagai pusat kegiatan atau pemukiman secara efisien. karakteristik; (1) “ Sustainable Development ” dengan 4 (empat) tipikal (a) “ Neotradisional Development ” pengembangan Kota Sofifi yang memperhatikan luas lahan yang terbatas, terutama perumahan yang luasnya kurang dari 200 ha dan transportasi, dilengkapi dengan pola jalan yang berbentuk “ grid iron ” berorientasi pada kenyaman pejalan kaki, kota mandiri, tidak mengelompok, mengatasi kepadatan yang tinggi, pejalan kaki dan pengemudi memiliki alternatif rute. (b) Urban Contaiment, konsep ini memiliki 3 (tiga) instrumen, yakni; greenbelt ( sabuk hijau) dan urban growt boundaries (batas pertumbuhan wilayah kota), urban service area (kawasan pusat pelayanan kota), urban growt boundaries (batas administrasi dan kawasan terbangun). Ketiga instrumen bertujuan; menyediakan konsentrasi dan fungsi campuran secara sosial dapat berlangsung secara berkelanjutan ( socially sustainable mix uses); memusatkan pembangunan, pengembangan serta mereduksi kebutuhan perjalan hingga menekan, meminimalisasi atau menghilangkan emisi kendaraan. Oleh karena itu implementasi kebijakan diarahkan pada penggunaan “ public transport”, kenyamanan berlalu lintas, berjalan kaki atau bersepeda. Konsep telah ini dilengkapi dengan rencana untuk mendukung pengimplementasian kebutuhan listrik, yang merupakan konsekuensi dari konsep “ urban containment ” serta efisiensi penyediaan konsentrasi lahan campuran dari konteks sosial berkelanjutan; (c) Compact City, implementasi konsep ini berupaya untuk menyelaraskan keseimbangan antara lingkungan ( environtment ), ekonomi ( economic ) dan sosial ( society ) sebagai ketiga atribut atau pilar pembangunan yang berimplikasi masa depan. Keuntungan konsep ini adalah ; (a) penghematan energi, (b) pengurangan emisi, (c) peningkatan taraf hidup akibat kepadatan yang tinggi dan daerah peruntukan campuran. Dengan demikian maka, implementasi kebijakan diarahkan pada ; (a) peningkatan pembaruan sosial dan pengembangan hunian kepadatan tinggi; (b) penggabungan fungsi-fungsi komersial; dan (c) meningkatkan biaya transportasi pribadi. Konsep ini telah dilengkapi dengan pembangunan Fasilitas Sosial (fasos) dan Fasilitas Umum (fasum); (d) konsep Eco-City”; mendorong agenda lingkungan yang menekankan cara mengorganisasi dan mengelola masyarakat kota, penghematan energi dan peremajaan lingkun
English Abstract
The research background is the paradigm of urban development with many complex problems occurred every year. These problems include the chaotic distribution of population, urbanization, “slum area”, unevenly distributed settlement, transportation disorder, waste, water demand, and unemployment. All of these represent a weak point of the government in designing a city because these problems merely narrow the urban space. The consequence is the limitation of budget allocation. The local government and the city administrator are not ready to implement the city development. The excellent public service, public welfare, and development distribution are the objectives required for the development of Sofifi City. Indeed, city development must be based on “grand design” that is accommodating the geographic, social, cultural, political and economical conditions. The land space for certain land use has an implication to the change of space structure and to the “sustainable development”. The thesis is entitled with “ The Implementation of The Development Concept Policy for Sofifi City in North Maluku Province ”. It is a specific review on the implementation of the development concept policy for Sofifi City. There many concepts considered such as: (a) "Sustainable Development” Concept with its typologies such as Neo-Traditional Development, Urban Containment, Compact City, and Eco-City; (b) “Waterfront City” Concept; and (c) “Flexibility/Mix Used” Concept. There are problems determined in this research: (1) How is the implementation of the development concept policy for Sofifi City? (2) What is the strategy of the implementation of the development concept policy for Sofifi City? and (3) What is the implication and chance, challenge, strength and weakness of the implementation of the development concept policy for Sofifi City? The objectives of this research are: to understand the urban policy and the implementation of the development policy for Sofifi City, to acknowledge the strategies required for the implementation of the development policy for Sofifi City; and to figure out the implication and chance, challenge, strength and weakness of the implementation of the development concept policy for Sofifi City. Research method is qualitative with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques involve interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis tool is qualitative model (Miles and Huberman, in Rohidi, 2009). Result indicates that : (1) the implementation of the development policy for Sofifi City is the option chosen by the government of North Maluku Province for the implementation of the policy made by the central government through Act of Republic of Indonesia No.46 of 1999 on the establishment of North Maluku Province, Buru District and West Southeast Maluku District. The implementation of the development concept policy for Sofifi City involves two approaches, sectoral and regional. The implementation of the development concept for Sofifi City anticipates some problems such as: (a) the location and many economic activities developed around, (b) the future distribution of population and the emergence of new settlement centers; (c) the change of spatial and regional structures and the importance of infrastructures required to support the change; (d) the provision of social facilities to accommodate the new settlement centers; and (e) the planning of the network to connect many centers or settlements. Some development concepts are considered. (1) One is “Sustainable Development” Concept with four types: (a) “Neo-Traditional Development” is characterized by the limited land wide, simple housings with less than 200 ha width, adequate transportation, “grid iron” road pattern for the comfort of pedestrian, self-supported city, less clustering, the prevention of high density, and the presence of alternative routes for pedestrian and driver; (b) “Urban Containment” has three instruments such as (i) greenbelt and urban growth boundaries (the growth boundaries of a city region); (ii) urban service area (the region of urban service centers); and (iii) urban growth boundaries (the boundary of the administration and the built region). The objectives of these three instruments are to provide the concentration and function of socially sustainable mix uses; to centralize the development; and to reduce the demand of journey such that it suppresses, minimizes, and eliminates the vehicle emission. Therefore, the implementation of the policy is directed into the use of “public transport”, the traffic comfort, pedestrian, or bicycle. This concept is also supported by the planning of electricity because it is a reasonable consequence of “urban containment” and because it is important to improve the efficiency of mixed land concentration in the sustainable social context; (c) Compact City attempts to align between environment, economic and society because these three are important attributes or pillar of future development. The benefits of this concept are: (i) the social renewal and the development of high density housings; (ii) the mixture of commercial functions; and (iii) the increase of personal transportation cost. This concept is also equipped with the development of social and general facilities; and (d) Eco-City insists on the setting of environmental agenda consisting items such as the management of the urban community, the economization of energy, the renewal of environment after pollution, and the management of waste and water. (2) Other concept is “Waterfront City”. It creates a synergy of land and marine developments covering ± 219 km coastline. It really develops the marine-based development. Waterfront City includes fundamental aspects such as: (a) the recovery of coast function, from the background to the foreground of the city; (b) the use of urban space in the edge of coast to give additional value to the economic of community around; and (c) the use of coast area as the center of recreation, business and tourism. (3) The final concept is “Land Mix/Used”. It involves various installations of many scales, regions, complexes (lands), and building blocks. The function of occupation may be similar but it can be different in class or because of the mix with other function (non-occupation). The vertical and horizontal patterns are always aligned with the type of mixed functions. The determination or selection of these mixed uses depends on the wide and form of land. So far, three concepts above are a part of the development of modern city with the consideration of environmental friendliness for long-term and future sustainability.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/354.353/KAD/i/041202246 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 354 Public administration of economy and environment > 354.3 Public administration of environment and natural resources |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 24 Oct 2012 16:14 |
Last Modified: | 24 Oct 2012 16:14 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/157012 |
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