Pengaruh Job Relevant Information, Task Technology Fit dan Ease of Use Information Technology terhadap User Performance (Studi pada Pengguna Akhir Sistem Informasi Akademik dan Keuangan di Universitas

Widodo, HeriPrawoto (2014) Pengaruh Job Relevant Information, Task Technology Fit dan Ease of Use Information Technology terhadap User Performance (Studi pada Pengguna Akhir Sistem Informasi Akademik dan Keuangan di Universitas. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi tidak hanya pada organisasi sektor bisnis, tetapi juga pada sektor publik. Universitas Brawijaya sebagai lembaga publik dibidang pendidikan juga memanfaatkan teknologi sistem informasi berbentuk Sistem Informasi Akademik untuk menunjang proses pendidikan. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja manajemen pendidikan di Universitas Brawijaya. Untuk itu dalam penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar dampak penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akademik terhadap kinerja karyawan selaku pengguna sistem informasi tersebut. Penelitian dipilahkan dalam tigas aspek yaitu 1) bagaimana variasi, jumlah dan kualitas informasi yang dihandel Sistem Informasi Akademik dalam mendukung pekerjaan yang ditetapkan sebagai variabel Job Relevant Information, 2) bagaimana struktur, fitur, dan infrastruktur Sistem Informasi Akademik dalam mendukung pekerjaan yang ditetapkan sebagai variabel Task Technology Fit, 3) bagaimana kemudahan yang diwujudkan dalam Sistem Informasi Akademik dalam mendukung pekerjaan yang ditetapkan sebagai variabel Ease of Use. Ketiga aspek (variabel) tersebut dikaji pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja karyawan dan ditetapkan sebagai variabel User Performance . Instrumen penelitian (angket) disebar keseluruh karyawan administrasi mulai tingkat rektorat hingga fakultas. Sampel yang berhasil dikumpulkan sebanyak 46 responden, berupa jawaban atas pernyataan dalam instrumen angket dengan menggunakan variasi skor jawaban 1 – 5 (Skala Likert). Penelitian difokuskan pada hipotesis utama 1) Job Relevant Information (JRI) berpengaruh terhadap User Performance (UP); 2) Task Technology Fit (TTF) berpengaruh terhadap User Performance (UP); Ease of Use (EoU) berpengaruh terhadap User Performance (UP). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil analisis tersebut adalah 1) variasi, jumlah dan kualitas informasi yang dihandel Sistem Informasi Akademik berpengaruh pada kinerja karyawan; 2) struktur, fitur, dan infrastruktur Sistem Informasi Akademik tidak memberikan pengaruh pada kinerja dan karyawan 3) sedangkan kemudahan yang diwujudkan dalam Sistem Informasi Akademik berpengaruh pada kinerja karyawan. Jika dilihat dari perbandingan besarnya nilai koefisien korelasi dan nilai uji t, maka faktor kemudahan berpengaruh lebih besar dibanding variasi, jumlah dan kualitas informasi yang dihandel Sistem Informasi Akademik dan Keuangan.

English Abstract

The use of Information Technology is not only on an organization in a sector of business, but also in a sector of public. University of Brawijaya as a public institution mainly in education also making use of technology of information system in a form of Academic Information System in order to support the process of education. The use of information technology is very needed in order to improve the educational management performance in University of Brawijaya. Thus in this research, it studies how big the impact of the use of Academic Information System to the performance of workers as the users of this information system. The research is divided into three aspects such as 1) how are the variation, total and quality of information handled. Academic Information System in supporting a job determined as a variable Job Relevant Information, 2) how are the structure, feature, and infrastructure of the Academic Information System in supporting a job determined as a variable Task Technology Fit, 3) how is the sufficient accomplished in the Academic Information System in supporting a job determined as a variable Ease of Use. The three aspects (variables) were studied their impacts to the workers performance and determined as a variable User Performance. The instrument of this research (questionnaires) were spreaded through all of the administration workers starting from rectorate to faculty. Sample that was able to be collected were 46 respondents, in a form of answers for the statements in the questionnaires instrument by using a variation of answer score 1 – 5 (Scale of Likert). The research was focused on the main hypothesis, such as 1) Job Relevant Information (JRI) has its impact to the User Performance (UP); 2) Task Technology Fit (TTF) has its impact to the User Performance (UP); Ease of Use (EoU) has its impact to the User Performance (U). A conclusion that could be obtained from the result of the analysis are 1) variation, total and information quality handled by Academic Information System has its impact to the workers performance; 2) structure, feature, and infrastructure of the Academic Information System does not have an impact to the peformance and workers 3) meanwhile for such sufficientness that has been accomplished in the Academic Information System has its impact to the workers performance. Seen from the comparison of the coefficient value total and t test value, thus the factor of sufficient has a bigger impact compared to the variation, total and quality of information handled by the Academic Information System and Financial.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/352.38/WID/p/041408060
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 352 General considerations of public administration > 352.3 Executive management
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2015 13:38
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2015 13:38
Full text not available from this repository.

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