An Interactive Governance Among State, Private Enterprise And Civil Society In The Local Retail Market System (A Case Study Of Malang Municipality, East Java Province, Indonesia

Kurniawan, Badrudin (2013) An Interactive Governance Among State, Private Enterprise And Civil Society In The Local Retail Market System (A Case Study Of Malang Municipality, East Java Province, Indonesia. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


English Abstract

Interactive governance is a concept that argues an interaction among actors happened within a certain system. In this study, researcher examines an interaction among actors in the frame of retail market competition system. This system was inherently neo-liberalism. It supports free market mechanism for achieving society welfare. However, it precisely creates an imbalance retail market competition. In several countries, traditional market was bankrupt in competition with supermarket. Supermarket has several eminence compared with traditional market. It tends to charge consumers with lower prices, offer more varieties of products and higher quality products than traditional retailers, has more comfortable place for shopping. Besides, it has their own distribution who supply them with a good quality food package. In Indonesian case, a study by A.C. Nielsen reveals that modern markets are growing by 31.4% a year, whereas traditional markets are decreasing by 8% a year. In fact, modern retail markets refer to not only supermarket but minimarket also. In 2006, the number of minimarket was 6,465 outlets then in 2010 the number of minimarkets rapidly grow reached 16.922 outlets. Such condition reflects that Indonesian government prefers to support imbalance retail market competition. This paper show how the interaction actors should be established facing such condition. Former, this study researcher only use basic concept to do the research such as interactive governance and decentralization. But while the researcher does the research, he find another theory which help him to understand the phenomenon namely civil society, hegemony, public sphere and social movement. He tried to related all concept and interactive governance as a core concept. This research uses a qualitative approach so researcher is become the main instrument in collecting data. He collects the data by interviewing, observing and collecting important document. To optimize collecting data, he always generate hypothesis. So he tries to contact with many institutions to answer the hypothesis and to validate the data This paper focuses on the interaction of Malang Municipality actors in the local retail market system. Those actors included local government, modern retail investor and civil society. In the last decades, in Malang Municipality, the establishment of traditional market was stopped, but since last decades the establishment of modern retail (supermarket, minimarket and mall) grows rapidly. The presence of modern retail has gave positive effects, but also negative effects. It has grabbed the market share of traditional traders. Facing the condition, traditional traders and the other activist held the protest against its presence. But the structure, the role of actors and the form of interaction still produce systematically an imbalance retail market competition. Thus, researcher tries to create a systemic solution by proposing several important aspects such as the redefinitionof reality , innovationin social movement , public spheres and decentralizedsystems . Those aspects reinforce each other to produce potentially alternative ideology which protecting the weak.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/338.73/KUR/a/041400981
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.7 Business enterprises
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 09 May 2014 14:39
Last Modified: 09 May 2014 14:39
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