The Supporting Efforts of Government to Develop Primary Cooperatives: Practice in Thailand and Indonesia (Case Study on Cooperative Promotion Office of Chonburi Province, Thailand and Department of Co

Maskur, Ali (2012) The Supporting Efforts of Government to Develop Primary Cooperatives: Practice in Thailand and Indonesia (Case Study on Cooperative Promotion Office of Chonburi Province, Thailand and Department of Co. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Koperasi adalah hubungan otonom orang-orang yang disatukan secara sukarela untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya mereka serta aspirasi melalui perusahaan yang dimiliki bersama dan secara demokratis. Koperasi telah memainkan peran penting dalam pengembangan sosial ekonomi negara dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja, menghasilkan pendapatan bagi para anggota, mengurangi kemiskinan dan pengecualian, memberikan perlindungan sosial kepada anggota, dan mewakili kelompok-kelompok dalam keterlibatan sipil. Organisasi koperasi tumbuh dengan cepat tidak hanya di negara maju tetapi juga dalam mengembangkan yang. Namun, koperasi dibatasi oleh kekurangan sumber daya manusia yang terampil, dan kekurangan modal dan akses terbatas ke kredit. Oleh karena itu, peran pemerintah diperlukan untuk mengembangkan koperasi. Menurut Baswir (1990) dikutip oleh Nasution (2008, hal. 171) upaya untuk mengembangkan koperasi dilakukan dengan penguatan kelembagaan, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, dan penguatan keuangan. Meskipun upaya pemerintah dilakukan, tetapi kegagalan kooperatif masih terjadi, terutama dalam mengembangkan. Hampir semua alasan kegagalan itu terkait dengan kurangnya keterampilan manajemen dan kekurangan modal. Kurangnya keterampilan manajemen terkait dengan kekurangan keterampilan sumber daya manusia dan kekurangan untuk menyeimbangkan dengan nilai-nilai koperasi. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan kooperatif harus ditujukan untuk memberdayakan koperasi (EMANA, 2009, P.VIII). Dengan kata lain, pengembangan kooperatif harus sesuai dengan nilai-nilai koperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Thailand memiliki strategi yang berbeda dari pemerintah Indonesia dalam hal pengembangan kooperatif primer. Strategi pemerintah Thailand berfokus pada penguatan organisasi koperasi dan kapasitas manusia anggota koperasi. Sementara, strategi pemerintah Indonesia berfokus pada penguatan bisnis anggota individu dan kapasitas keuangan koperasi dan bisnis anggota. Strategi pemerintah Thailand lebih tepat dengan nilai-nilai koperasi daripada strategi pemerintah Indonesia. Strategi pemerintah Thailand dapat merangsang independensi dan soliditas koperasi. Strategi ini juga cocok dengan karakteristik dan prinsip-prinsip koperasi seperti berorientasi pada komunitas. berorientasi pada orang. dimiliki dan dikelola oleh anggota. dan pendidikan, pelatihan dan informasi. Namun, pemerintah Thailand dan Indonesia menghadapi beberapa masalah dalam implementasi program pembangunan kooperatif. Masalah pemerintah Thailand termasuk kurangnya kesadaran akan anggota koperasi dan pejabat pemerintah. kurangnya pengetahuan tentang anggota koperasi. kurangnya infrastruktur. Kurangnya dukungan dari CPO. harga produk tinggi. dan jarak antara koperasi dan kantor pemerintah. Sementara masalah pemerintah Indonesia termasuk sistem desentralisasi. kurangnya pengetahuan tentang anggota koperasi. kurangnya kreativitas petugas pemerintah. kurangnya koordinasi di antara para pemangku kepentingan. penyalahgunaan program. dan kebutuhan bank yang sulit. Selain hambatan, pemerintah Thailand dan Indonesia juga memiliki beberapa faktor pendukung. Faktor pendukung pemerintah Thailand termasuk ketersediaan ahli. implementasi prosedur standar. ketersediaan panduan. dan pengetahuan tentang anggota koperasi terhadap aturan atau peraturan. Sementara, faktor pendukung pemerintah Indonesia hanya sistem desentralisasi.

English Abstract

Cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and culture needs as well as aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. Cooperatives have played critical roles in socio-economic development of the country by creating jobs, generating income for the members, reducing poverty and exclusion, providing social protection to the members, and representing groups in civic engagements. The organization of cooperatives grew rapidly not only in developed country but also in developing ones. However, cooperatives were constrained by shortages in skilled human resources, and shortages of capital and limited access to credit. Therefore, the role of the government was necessary to develop cooperatives. According to Baswir (1990) quoted by Nasution (2008, p. 171) the efforts to develop cooperatives were conducted by institutional strengthening, human resources development, and financial strengthening. Although the government`s efforts were conducted, but cooperative failures still happen, particularly in developing ones. Almost all of the reasons of the failures were related to lack of management skills and shortage of capital. Lack of management skill was related to shortages in skill human resources and shortages to balance with cooperative values. Therefore, cooperative development should be aimed at empowering cooperatives (Emana, 2009, p.viii). In other words, cooperative development should be appropriate with the cooperative values. The result of the research showed that Thai government had different strategy from Indonesian government in terms of primary cooperative development. The strategy of Thai government focused on strengthening cooperative organizations and human capacity of cooperative members. While, the strategy of Indonesian government focused on strengthening individual member businesses and financial capacity of cooperatives and member businesses. The strategy of Thai government was more appropriate with the cooperative values than the strategy of Indonesian government. The strategy of Thai government could stimulate the independence and solidity of cooperatives. This strategy was also suitable with the characteristics and the principles of cooperatives such as community oriented; people oriented; owned and managed by members; and education, training and information. However, the Thai and Indonesian government faced some problems in the implementation of cooperative development programs. The problems of Thai government included lack of awareness of cooperative members and government officers; lack of knowledge of cooperative members; lack of infrastructure; lack of support from CPO; high price of product; and distance between cooperatives and government office. While the problems of Indonesian government included decentralization system; lack of knowledge of cooperative members; lack of creativity of government officer; lack of coordination among stakeholders; misuse of the programs; and difficult requirement of the bank. Besides the obstacles, the Thai and Indonesian government also had some supporting factors. The supporting factors of Thai government included the availability of experts; the implementation of standard procedures; the availability of guidance; and the knowledge of cooperative members toward the rules or regulations. While, the supporting factor of Indonesian government was only decentralization system.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/334/MAS/s/041204112
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 334 Cooperatives
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 22 Nov 2012 09:17
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2012 09:17
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