Setiawan, Arief (2015) Rancangan Model Pemberdayaan Pelaku UKM Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Dengan Berbasis Zakat Produktif. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori modal sosial dan pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai alat analisanya, sedangkan jenis penelitiannya berjenis deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1) Berdasarkan penelitian BAZNAS dan IPB pada tahun 2012 potensi zakat di Indonesia pada tahun 2012 sebesar 217 triliun, khusus untuk Jawa Timur saja sebesar 15 triliun, tentu saja nilai sebesar itu sangat potensial dalam membantu program penanggulangan kemiskinan, 2) Semua SKPD di lingkungan Pemprov Jatim sudah menyalurkan zakatnya ke BAZNAS Jatim, 3) BAZNAS Provinsi Jatim belum pernah berkoordinasi sama sekali dengan PEMPROV Jatim dalam kegiatan penanggulangan kemiskinan, 4) Zakat yang dibayarkan muzakki melalui lembaga amil zakat yang telah diakui dan disahkan oleh Pemerintah dapat mengurangi penghasilan kena pajak dari muzakki yang bersangkutan. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1) Dalam pengumpulan zakat ada tiga cara yang bisa dilakukan, yaitu muzakki/donatur datang setor langsung ke BAZ atau transfer ke rekening BAZNAS Provinsi Jatim, diambil petugas juru pungut (jungut) ke rumah/alamat muzakki, dan yang terakhir yaitu dikumpulkan melalui bendahara gaji atau UPZ (Unit Pengumpul Zakat) di masing-masing instansi kerjanya, lalu UPZ menyetorkannya ke BAZNAS Provinsi Jatim atau diambil petugas jungut ke UPZ yang bersangkutan. 2) Secara umum implikasi penyaluran zakat produktif dalam bentuk bantuan modal bergulir terhadap peningkatan keadaan ekonomi pelaku UKM di lokasi penelitian (Keputran Panjunan) cenderung cukup baik, tergantung bagaimana kreatifitas individu yang mengelolanya. 3) Dalam perancangan model pemberdayaan pelaku UKM berbasis zakat produktif diperlukan sinergitas yang kontinyu antara Pemerintah Provinsi Jatim dengan BAZNAS Provinsi Jatim.
English Abstract
The activities of alleviating the poverty in East Java were conceptually good due to the program of Jalan Lain Menuju Kesejahteraan Bantuan Rumah Tangga Sangat Miskin (An Alternative Way in Achieving the Welfare of the Poorest Households or Jalin Kesra Bantuan RTSM) held from 2010 to 2013. Unfortunately, there were some issues emerging in its practice in the field, for instance, the targets of the distributions were not matched with the criteria (in the case of RTSMs donation program holders), lack of continuous guidance and companionship from the program coordinators who provided no solutions when there was a problem in donation package and sustainability of empowerment activities, and this led to the failures of RTSM holders to optimize the donations resulting in the stagnant life in poverty of the RTSM holders. Furthermore, the last issue was the act of corruption by the equipment and service providers in distributing the donation packages to the residents of East Java living in poverty, in which a large number of donation packages given with unequal and unworthy specification. However, BAZNAS East Java has some social protection programs, such as Jatim Peduli (to help the victims of natural disaster and give monthly fakir donations), Jatim Sehat (to gather mass medication in poverty and disease-sensitive areas as well as build and open medical clinics), Jatim Cerdas (educational scholarship for youngsters who live in low rate life, starting from elementary school to higher education level), and Jatim Takwa (to give mental and spiritual guidance to people in poverty, and socialize zakat to the communities). To empower the low class residents of East Java, there is also Jatim Makmur program which provides assistance in the form of capital for low class residents intending to start a business, yet they do not have enough fund. Based on the explanation above, there is still lack of support given by the East Java Regional Government towards the socialization of the zakat activities to the communities in which it runs its programs separately and independently. Consequently, it has caused the program of elevating the poverty particularly in East Java not to reach its maximum outputs. Based on the background of study, thus, the author is interested in formulizing a designed empowerment model of low class residents in the basis of productive zakat. The output expected by the author is the production of synergic activities in elevating poverty between the East Java Regional Government and BAZNAS East Java in which both of the institutions are expected to complement one anothers weaknesses in order to reach the aimed target. This research is a descriptive qualitative-based study with the method of case study. In collecting the data, the author used an in-depth interview method, observations, and documentation. The technique of respondent selection was conducted by using Purposive Sampling. Thus, in formulating the interview guidelines, the author focused on the exploration of social capital elements and resident empowerment shaped in the research location. viii Based on the results of this research conducted in Kampong Keputran Panjunan, Embong Kaliasin Surabaya, which has been assisted by BAZNAS East Java since 2007, it was found that the distribution process of productive zakat in the form of capital business from BAZNAS East Java is really helpful in the attempt of improving Mustahiks economic activities. The advantages which they have obtained are not only the business capital but also activities like Quran recitation, education courses for children, donations for the dhuafa and fakir, education scholarship, and health supports. By these conducted empowerment activities, both by providing capital assistance and mental guidance through annual meetings, BAZNAS East Java always points out moral messages and values to their guided UKM. Therefore, they would become more independent and have power by not always depending on others help. Nevertheless, it is not unusual for the people when someone cannot be a hundred percent honest and truthful when he or she is given supports and donations. There are always some people trying to obtain financial and living supports not only from BAZNAS East Java but also from other social institutions like Nurul Hayat and Infaq Management Institution or Lembaga Manajemen Infak. The empowerment activities of low class residents in Keputran Panjunan are the ideal examples of low class society empowerment based on productive zakat since there are many activities such as social protection programs and society empowerment activities in Keputran. Social capital elements like participations in certain network, reciprocity (tolerate to each other), trusts, social norms, values, and proactive actions are fused with elements in the society empowerment approaches. The approaches include possibility, strength, protection, support, and treatment strongly attached to the UKM (small-medium scaled enterprises/SMES) belonging to BAZNAS East Java. Based on the elements in social capital and society empowerment approach, the synergy of the low class society empowerment activities between BAZNAS East Java and the Regional Government of East Java can be built and developed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/297.54/SET/r/041500414 |
Subjects: | 200 Religion > 297 Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith > 297.5 Islamic ethics and religious experience, life, practice |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik |
Depositing User: | Samsul Arifin |
Date Deposited: | 25 Mar 2015 10:14 |
Last Modified: | 25 Mar 2015 10:14 |
URI: | |
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