Analisis Hidrofobisitas Lapisan Tunggal Es dengan Simulasi Dinamika Molekuler

Raharjo, YogaArisandi (2016) Analisis Hidrofobisitas Lapisan Tunggal Es dengan Simulasi Dinamika Molekuler. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Air diketahui dapat terikat kuat pada permukaan logam, misalnya Pt dan Pd, membentuk lapisan tunggal es. Dalam penelitian ini lapisan tunggal es diamobilisasi pada permukaan pendukung Pt, dan hidrofobisitasnya dianalisis dengan metode simulasi dinamika molekuler. Analsis densitas lokal menunjukkan bahwa hidrofobisitas lapisan tunggal es dipengaruhi oleh konfigurasi dan kerapatan molekul dalam lapisan tersebut.

English Abstract

Water can be strongly bond on a metal surface, such as Pt and Pd, and forms a monolayer of ice. In this study, ice was immobilized on a supporting surface Pt, the hydrophobicity of this monolayer was investigated using molecular dynamics simulation method. The simulation showed that the degree of hydrophobicity is influenced by the configuration and density of the monolayer. Water can be strongly bond on a metal surface, such as Pt and Pd, and forms a monolayer of ice. In this study, ice was immobilized on a supporting surface Pt, the hydrophobicity of this monolayer was investigated using molecular dynamics simulation method. The simulation showed that the degree of hydrophobicity is influenced by the configuration and density of the monolayer.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2016/312/051610474
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 540 Chemistry and allied sciences
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Kimia
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 27 Oct 2016 08:55
Last Modified: 27 Oct 2016 08:55
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