Diversitas, Komposisi, dan Struktur Komunitas Arthropoda Kanopi Jati pada Lahan Budidaya Porang Hutan Saradan, Madiun

SyahrudinAgungPermana (2011) Diversitas, Komposisi, dan Struktur Komunitas Arthropoda Kanopi Jati pada Lahan Budidaya Porang Hutan Saradan, Madiun. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Upaya peningkatan produksi tanaman Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blumei (Schott) Engl.) adalah sebagai upaya pembangunan masyarakat hutan dengan sistem agroforestri pada lahan basal hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan diversitas, komposisi, dan struktur komunitas Arthropoda kanopi pada dua lokasi berbeda (hutan agroforestri lahan budidaya porang dan non porang), mengetahui perbandingan efisiensi warna perangkap bejana untuk pencuplikan, dan mengetahui hubungan antara kelimpahan dan diversitas dengan faktor lingkungan di Hutan Saradan, Madiun. Pencuplikan Arthropoda di dua lokasi dengan perangkap bejana kuning dan biru berisi air, detergen, dan pengawet (Natrium Benzoat) yang digantungkan pada ketinggian kanopi (5 – 15 m). Koleksi sampel diidentifikasi dan dianalisis di laboratorium. Perbandingan struktur komunitas antar dua lokasi didapatkan dari nilai penting, kesamaan (Bray-Curtis), dan diversitas (Shannon-Wienner). Arthropoda kanopi dikoleksi 283 spesimen terdiri 9 ordo dan 19 famili di lokasi lahan budidaya porang dan 560 spesimen terdiri 10 ordo 22 famili di lokasi lahan budidaya non-porang. Perangkap bejana warna kuning lebih efisien didapatkan kelimpahan dalam pencuplikan Arthropoda kanopi dibandingkan dengan perangkap bejana berwarna biru. Diversitas lahan porang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan lahan non-porang dengan Index Shannon-Wienner berturut-turut sebesar 2.49 dan 2.12. Kelimpahan Arthropoda kanopi antar dua lokasi berbeda nyata (P < 0.05) dengan uji F. Kesamaan antara dua komposisi Arthropoda kanopi dengan indeks Bray-Curtis lahan budidaya porang dan non-porang sebesar 0.788. Struktur Komunitas didominasi oleh Famili Simuliidae dengan indeks nilai penting 60.48 pada lahan porang dan 73.03 pada lahan non-porang. Penurunan intensitas cahaya berdampak pada peningkatan kelimpahan Arthropoda secara signifikan, korelasi negatif sebesar -0.582. Penurunan kelembaban udara berdampak pada peningkatan diversitas Arthropoda kanopi secara signifikan, korelasi negatif sebesar -0.515.

English Abstract

Increasing of management Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blumei (Schott) Engl.) productions were to developes the forest peoples with agroforestry system on the base of forest.areas. This research aimed to analyse and to compared diversity, composition, and community structure of Canopy Arthropod in the different location (Porang Crop area and Non-Porang Crop Area of agroforestry forest) and both of correlation with its abiotic factors. Sampling methods performed by adopting yellow and blue colored water pan trap hanged on the trees (5-15m). The samples were identified and analysed in the Laboratorium. Bray Curtis Index, Diversity (Shannon-Wienner), and number of important values index measured to compare of Community structure between two areas. A total of 283 specimens belong to 9 orders and 19 families of the Canopy Arthropods were collected in Porang Crop area and 560 specimens belong to 10 orders and 22 families of the Canopy Arthropods in Non-Porang Crop area. The yellow traps had better trapping efficiency than the blue traps in abundance. The result showed the significant difference in abundance among two areas (F-test, P < 0.05). The value of both communities was 0.788 were measured in this research, indicated that the difference of Arthropods composition had a similarity. Community Structure were dominated by Simuliidae in the both of areas with number of important species index 60.48 in the porang crop area and 73.03 in the non-porang crop area. There was significant light intensity decerasing and this facts affected on the canopy Arthropods abundances It increase with the negative correlation of -0.582. The significant air moisture decreasing were affected on The Canopy Arthropods diversity with the negative correlation of -0.515.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2011/31/051100415
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 570 Biology
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email repository.ub@ub.ac.id
Date Deposited: 11 Feb 2011 10:38
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 07:46
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/152763
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