Optimasi Pembuatan Fruit Leather Nanas Dan Pisang Dengan Response Surface Methodology (Kajian Penambahan Pisang Dan Lama Pengeringan)

Milasari, Inti (2017) Optimasi Pembuatan Fruit Leather Nanas Dan Pisang Dengan Response Surface Methodology (Kajian Penambahan Pisang Dan Lama Pengeringan). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Nanas merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Daerah penghasil nanas di Jawa Timur di Kabupaten Blitar dengan varietas nanas Queen. Produksi pisang di Jawa Timur sebagian besar dari Kabupaten Malang, diantaranya pisang ambon hijau. Setelah panen pisang mampu bertahan 10 hari dan nanas 5 hari. Diperlukan alternatif solusi pengolahan untuk menambah umur simpan. Salah satunya diolah menjadi fruit leather. Dalam pembuatan fruit leather proporsi buah harus tepat karena akan mempengaruhi rasa. Lama pengeringan mempengaruhi jumlah kadar air dalam fruit leather. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan penambahan pisang dan lama pengeringan yang optimal untuk menghasilkan kualitas kimia dan fisik fruit leather diantaranya kadar air, total asam dan total padatan terlarut terbaik serta mengetahui tingkat penerimaan konsumen. Penelitian menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM) terdiri dari dua faktor dan tiga respon,. Faktor penambahan pisang (20%, 30%, dan 40%) dan lama pengeringan (8 jam, 10 jam dan 12 jam). Pengamatan meliputi total asam, kadar air, dan total padatan terlarut. Response surface methodology untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan kondisi optimal dengan menggunakan program Design Expert. Setelah diketahui hasil paling optimal kemudian di verifikasi dan dibandingkan dengan fruit leather komersil. Data hasil uji organoleptik kondisi optimal dianalisa dengan uji Friedman dan jika hasil berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Chisquare. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi optimal untuk penambahan pisang 40% dan lama pengeringan 12 jam. Fruit leather memiliki total asam 0,48%, kadar air 16,21%, total padatan terlarut 75 Brix, dan rata-rata kesukaan panelis nilai warna 4,47 (agak menyukai), rasa 5,6 (menyukai), aroma 5 (agak menyukai), dan tekstur 4,77 (agak menyukai). Kadar air fruit leather nanas pisang telah memenuhi standar fruit leather dan secara keseluruhan fruit leather nanas pisang diterima oleh konsumen.

English Abstract

Pineapple is one of many fruits massively cultivated in Indonesia. Blitar, East Java, is one of the region in Indonesia which produces pinapple. The variety of pinapple produced in this region is Queen. Most of banana Production in East Java are located in Malang, especially Green ambon banana. The post-harvest shelf-life of banana and pineapple are 10 days and 5 days respectively. Alternative processing solution is necessary in order to preserve the shelf-life, and making the fruit into fruit leather is one of them. This research aimed to determine the optimum proportion of banana and drying time to produce fruit leather with fine chemical and physical quality including its water content, total acid, and total soluble solid content. The consumer acceptance towards the finished product is also examined. Response Surface Method (RSM) research consists of two factors and three response. The factors were banana (20%, 30%, and 40%) and drying period (8, 10, 12 hours). The chemical properties analyzed were acid total, water content, and total soluble solid. RSM were used to find out the effect and optimum condition between all the factors using Design Expert program. After the optimum condition is obtained, the condition is verified with comercial fruit leather. Friedman test is applied to the organoleptic results obtained from the optimized fruit leather, if the result shows significant difference, the data is further examined with chisquare test. The optimum condition obtained from this research was 40% banana proportion and 12 hours of drying. The verified fruit leather contains 0,48% of total acid, 16,21% of water content, and 75 brix of total soluble solid. The average of consumers preference towards the products color was 4.47 (like slightly), 5.6 points (like moderately) for its taste, 5 points (like slightly) for aroma, and 4.77 points (like slightly) for the texture. The water content of fruit leather has meet the standar and the product is acceptable enough by the consumer overally.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/210/051704297
Uncontrolled Keywords: Fruit leather, lama pengeringan, nanas, pisang, response surface methodology
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2017 11:06
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2021 03:39
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/151444
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