Inovasi Produk Beras Tiruan (Kajian Pengaruh Jenis dan Proporsi Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu dengan Tepung Porang) terhadap Karakteristik Beras Tiruan.

Yuslinda, Meliana Febri (2016) Inovasi Produk Beras Tiruan (Kajian Pengaruh Jenis dan Proporsi Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu dengan Tepung Porang) terhadap Karakteristik Beras Tiruan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ketergantungan Rakyat Indonesia Terhadap Beras Saat Ini Cukup Tinggi. Tingkat Konsumsi Beras Di Indonesia Mencapai 139 Kg/Kapita/Tahun. Salah Satu Alternatif Bentuk Diversifikasi Makanan Pokok Yang Tidak Bertentangan Dengan Budaya Makan Orang Indonesia Adalah Beras Tiruan. Beberapa Komoditi Pangan Lokal Yang Dapat Dikembangkan Sebagai Bahan Baku Dalam Pembuatan Beras Tiruan Adalah Ubi Kayu Menjadi Tepung Gaplek, Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf), Dan Tepung Tapioka. Pembuatan Beras Tiruan Dari Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu Dilakukan Dengan Penambahan Tepung Porang Sebagai Agen Penstabil. Tujuan Penelitian Ini Adalah Untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Jenis Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu, Proporsi Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu Dengan Tepung Porang, Dan Formulasi Terbaik Proporsi Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu Dan Tepung Porang Terhadap Karakteristik Beras Tiruan. Desain Penelitian Menggunakan Rancangan Tersarang (Nested Design) Dengan Dua Faktor. Faktor I Adalah Jenis Tepung (J) Yang Terdiri Dari 3 Level (Tepung Gaplek, Tepung Mocaf, Dan Tepung Tapioka) Dan Faktor II Adalah Proporsi Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu : Tepung Porang (P) Yang Terdiri Dari 3 Level (96% : 4%; 94% : 6%; 92% : 8%) B/B, Sehingga Diperoleh 9 Kombinasi Perlakuan Dengan Tiga Kali Ulangan Sehingga Diperoleh 27 Satuan Percobaan. Hasil Penelitian Menunjukkan Bahwa Perbedaan Jenis Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu Dan Proporsi Tepung Berbasis Ubi Kayu : Tepung Porang Memberikan Pengaruh Nyata (Α=0,05) Terhadap Kadar Air, Kadar Pati, Kadar Serat, Kadar Abu, Kadar Amilosa, Kecerahan Warna (L*), Daya Rehidrasi, Cooking Time Beras Tiruan. Perlakuan Terbaik Beras Tiruan Parameter Fisik-Kimia Dan Organoleptik Diperoleh Dari Beras Tiruan Dari Tepung Tapioka : Tepung Porang (94 : 6) Yang Memiliki Nilai Kadar Air 7,25%, Kadar Pati 81,58%, Kadar Serat Kasar 4,43%, Kadar Abu 1,2%, Kadar Amilosa 18,10%, Kecerahan Warna (L*) 46,97, Daya Rehidrasi 191,91%, Cooking Time 18,10 Menit, Total Kalori 101,94 Kal/Gram

English Abstract

ii MELIANA FEBRI YUSLINDA. 115100501111005. Artificial Rice Product Innovation (Study Effect of Based Cassava Flour Type and Proportion of Flour Based on Cassava with Porang Flour) on the Characteristics of Artificial Rice. TA. Supervisor : Dr. Ir. Aji Sutrisno, M.Sc and Co-Supervisor : Nur Ida Panca Nugrahini, STP, MP SUMMARY Indonesian people's dependence on rice is currently quite high. The level of consumption of rice in Indonesia reaches 139 kg / capita / year. One alternative form of diversification of staple foods that do not conflict with the eat culture of Indonesian people is artificial rice. Some local food commodities that can be developed is cassava into cassava flour, Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf), and tapioca flour. Manufacturing of artificial rice from flour based cassava by adding porang flour as stabilizer agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect types based cassava flour, proportion of flour based on cassava with porang flour, and the best formulation proportion of cassava flour and flour based on the characteristics of artificial rice. The study design using nested design with two factors. The first factor is the type of flour (J) consisting of 3 levels (cassava flour, mocaf flour, and tapioca flour) and the second factor is the proportion of flour-based cassava flour with porang flour (P) consisting of 3 levels (96%: 4% ; 94%: 6%; 92%: 8%) b/b, thus obtained 9 combination treatments with three replicates to obtain 27 units experiment. The results show that different types of flour-based cassava (cassava flour, mocaf flour, tapioca flour) and the proportion of flour-based cassava with porang flour (96: 4; 94: 6; 92: 8) significant effect (α = 0.05) on water content, starch content, fiber content, ash content, amylose content, color brightness (L *), power rehydration, artificial rice cooking time. The best treatment artificial rice physical-chemical and organoleptic parameters obtained from a clone of the rice flour tapioca flour porang (94: 6) which has a 7,25% water content, 81,58% starch content, 4,43% crude fiber, 1,2% ash content, 18,10% amylose content, color brightness (L*) 46.97, 191,91% rehydration power, 18,10 minutes cooking time, 101.94 cal / gram total calories

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2016/7/051602885
Uncontrolled Keywords: Beras Tiruan, Tepung Gaplek,Tepung Tapioka, Tepung Mocaf, Tepung Porang,-Artificial Rice, Cassava Flour, Tapioca Starch, Mocaf Flour, Porang Flour
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2016 08:58
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2021 06:45
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