Penilaian Risiko Rantai Pasok Minuman Sari Apel Dengan Metode Fuzzy Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (Studi Kasus Di Ukm Kelompok Tani Makmur Abadi (Ktma), Batu)

Iswari, Dian Ardifah (2016) Penilaian Risiko Rantai Pasok Minuman Sari Apel Dengan Metode Fuzzy Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (Studi Kasus Di Ukm Kelompok Tani Makmur Abadi (Ktma), Batu). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


UKM KTMA merupakan UKM yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan sari apel dan wisata petik apel. Dalam penyediaan bahan baku, proses pengolahan, serta pemasaran produknya UKM KTMA perlu memperhatikan sistem rantai pasoknya. Anggota rantai pasok UKM KTMA antara lain petani, pemerintah, UKM KTMA, serta retailer. Masalah rantai pasok yang terjadi di UKM KTMA saat ini adalah jumlah apel romebeauty yang tidak menentu, kualitas apel tidak stabil, alat yang digunakan manual, keterbatasan modal, sumber daya manusia kurang terampil, dan pemasaran belum maksimal. Masalah tersebut akan menjadi risiko yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian, sehingga untuk mengurangi risiko diperlukan identifikasi, pengukuran, dan penilaian risiko. Hasil penilaian risiko rantai pasok akan menjadi dasar dalam penentuan alternatif strategi untuk meminimasi risiko di UKM KTMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko rantai pasok, melakukan pengukuran dan penilaian risiko rantai pasok, serta menentukan alternatif strategi untuk meminimalisir risiko yang terjadi pada UKM KTMA. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fuzzy FMEA) dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Penilaian risiko pada penelitian ini ditinjau dari variabel bahan baku, variabel produksi, dan variabel produk. Responden pakar yang digunakan terdiri atas 4 orang petani, 1 orang dari pihak UKM, 1 orang retailer, dan 1 orang akademisi. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh 16 risiko yang teridentifikasi yang terdiri dari 3 variabel. Risiko yang telah teridentifikasi pada variabel bahan baku yaitu kualitas buah apel tidak sesuai standar, buah apel bersifat musiman, varietas buah apel beragam, ii ketersediaan buah apel rendah, dan keterlambatan pasokan buah apel. Risiko yang telah teridentifikasi pada variabel produksi yaitu keterlambatan atau penundaan pengolahan minuman sari apel, kerusakan kemasan sari apel selama penyimpanan, kerusakan mesin dan peralatan selama proses pengolahan minuman sari apel, kapasitas produksi sari apel yang fluktuatif, dan kontaminasi debu, rambut, atau benda asing lainnya selama proses pengolahan minuman sari apel. Risiko yang teridentifikasi pada variabel produk yaitu kelebihan dan kekurangan persediaan minuman sari apel, permintaan sari apel yang fluktuatif, pesaing substitusi dan sejenis minuman sari apel, dan keterlambatan pengiriman minuman sari apel. Risiko tertinggi pada variabel bahan baku yaitu kualitas buah apel tidak sesuai standar (FRPN sebesar 5,496), variabel produksi yaitu kerusakan mesin dan peralatan selama proses pengolahan minuman sari apel (FRPN sebesar 6,928), dan variabel produk yaitu permintaan minuman sari apel yang fluktuatif (FRPN sebesar 5,916). Strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk minimasi risiko rantai pasok yaitu pembentukan SOP, pelatihan tenaga kerja, perbaikan akses informasi, perencanaan kapasitas, dan menjalin kemitraan.

English Abstract

SMEs KTMA is a manufacture business of apple cider and apple picking tour. In supplying raw material, disposing the process, and marketing the product, SMEs KTMA needs to pay attention to its supply chain system. The members of SMEs KTMA’s supply chain are farmer, government, SMEs KTMA, and retailer. Problem happens in SMEs KTMA nowadays are the number of Romebeauty apple that uncertain, the quality of the apple that is precarious, manual tools, limited capital, less skilled labor and the marketing is not maximal yet. Those problems will be some risk that can cause harm, hence to lessen the risk, it requires identification, measurement, and risk assessment. The result of risk assessment would be a base in determining an alternative strategy to minimize risk in SMEs KTMA. The purpose of this research is to identify supply chain risk, measure, assess the risks, and minimize risk that occurs in SMEs KTMA. Method used in this research was Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fuzzy FMEA), and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Assessing risk in this research reviewed from raw material variable, production variable, and product variable. Expert respondents that were being used were 4 farmers, 1 person from SMEs KTMA, 1 retailer, and 1 academician. In the result of the research, it obtained 16 identified risks, which contain 3 variables. Identified risk in raw material variable are the quality of the apples are not match with the standard, the apples tend to seasonal, the variety is diverse, the availability is low, and the supply of the apple were suspended. Identified risk in production variables are the processing of apple cider were suspended or delayed, the package of apple cider were damaged when it were in the stockpile, the machinery and equipment were iv damaged in the processing of apple cider, the capacity production of apple cider are fluctuating, and dust contamination, hair, or other strange objects during in the processing of apple cider. Identified risks in variable products are the excessive and lacking of apple cider stock, the demand of apple cider was fluctuating, substitutions competitors and similar apple cider, and the delivering the apple cider beverage were delayed. The highest risk on raw materials variable that is the quality of the apple not match to the standard (FRPN in amount of 5,496); in production variables, the machinery and equipment were damaged in the processing of apple cider (FRPN in amount of 6.928), and demand of apple cider are fluctuating (FRPN in amount of 5.916). Strategies that can be used for supply chain risk minimization, namely the establishment of SOP, manpower training, improved access to information, capacity planning, and partnerships. Strategies that can be used to minimize supply chain risk are establishing SOP, labor training, improvement information access, capacity planning, and forge partnership.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2016/349/ 051606793
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 19 Sep 2016 09:25
Last Modified: 23 Dec 2021 04:36
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