Suci, Fadhila (2015) Studi Pengolahan Selai Bahan Baku Kulit Buah Manggis (Kajian Perbandingan Kadar Bubur Kulit Buah Manggis Dengan Kadar Gula Serta Kadar Pektin. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Manggis (Garcinia mangostana) merupakan pohon buah yang berasal dari daerah Asia Tenggara. Secara umum, orang hanya mengkonsumsi buahnya saja dan cenderung membuang kulit buah manggis tersebut. Ternyata kulit manggis yang selama ini hanya menjadi sampah di sekitar masyarakat, mempunyai khasiat yang luar biasa. Kulit manggis yang mengandung xanthone sebagai antioksidan yang kuat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mengambil judul pengembangan produk selai bahan baku kulit buah manggis guna menambah nilai jual dari kulit manggis. Untuk mendapatkan gel selai yang baik yang harus diperhatikan adalah penambahan gula dan pektin pada saat pemasakan. Kombinasi kadar gula dengan pektin diduga dapat meningkatkan kualitas selai kulit buah manggis. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua faktor, yaitu persentase kadar gula dengan jumlah 55%, 60% dan 65% serta kadar pektin 0,50%, 0,75% dan 1%. Uji yang akan dilakukan adalah uji organoleptik, kadar air, viskositas, total padatan terlarut, dan kadar antioksidan. Data yang diperoleh akan dihitung dengan ANOVA (Analysis of Varian) menggunakan DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). Hasil uji organoleptik diperoleh bahwa panelis lebih menyukai selai kulit buah manggis dengan persentase bubur kulit manggis dengan gula sebesar 65% serta kadar pektin 1%. Sedangkan uji fisik dan kimia, perlakuan terbaik selai kulit buah manggis ada pada perlakuan persentase bubur kulit manggis dengan gula sebesar 40% : 60% serta kadar pektin 0,50% dengan hasil nilai viskositas 6381,333 Mpas, kadar air 38,357%, total padatan terlarut 59,267°Brix serta kadar antioksidan sebesar 62,783 ppm.
English Abstract
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a fruit tree which the origin is coming from Southeast Asia. In general, people only consume the fruit meat and discard the peel. However, mangosteen peel that is considered previously as community trash has been identified as having unusual efficacy. Mangosteen peel contains of xanthone. Therefore, this research attempts to examine the development of jam product with mangosteen peel as the raw material to increase the sale value of mangosteen peel. To obtain good jam, what must be considered is the addition of sugar and pectin during the cooking. The combination between sugar and pectin has been considered as able to increase the quality of jam with mangosteen peel as raw material. Research design is Group Random Planning with two factors. First factor is sugar level at various percentages such as 55%, 60% and 65%, whereas second factor is pectin level at percentages of 0.50 %, 0.75% and 1 %. Testing procedure includes organoleptic test, water content test, viscosity test, dissolved solid total test, and antioxidant level test. The obtained data are analyzed with ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). Result of organoleptic test indicates that the panelists are favoring more mangosteen peel porridge comprising of the percentage of sugar level at 65 % with pectin level at 1 %. Based on physical and chemical tests, the best treatment of jam based on mangosteen peel is found at mangosteen peel porridge comprising of the percentage of sugar level at 40% and 60 % with pectin level of 0.50 %. Some parameters determine this best treatment such as viscosity of 6381.333 Mpas, water content of 38.357%, dissolved solid total of 59.2670Brix, and antioxidant level of 62.783 ppm
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2015/351/051508640 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 04 Jan 2016 13:46 |
Last Modified: | 24 Nov 2021 08:03 |
URI: | |
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