Simanungkalit, EvyannaL (2015) Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Minyak Atsiri Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix D.C.) dan Fraksinya dengan Metode DPPH. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tanaman jeruk purut terdiri atas tiga jenis bagian tanaman yaitu daun, buah, dan ranting. Masing-masing bagian tanaman jeruk purut berpotensi sebagai penghasil minyak atsiri dan masih tergolong baru. Hingga saat ini tanaman jeruk purut masih diperdagangkan sebagai bahan mentah, dan harganya sangat rendah. Melalui teknologi sederhana seperti penyulingan, tanaman jeruk purut dapat dibuat menjadi minyak atsiri yang harganya jauh lebih tinggi. Minyak atsiri jeruk purut dimanfaatkan dalam bidang industri, farmasi, dan sebagai antioksidan alami.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan alami minyak atsiri dari bagian tanaman jeruk purut (daun, kulit buah, ranting) berdasarkan perhitungan harga bahan baku yang paling murah. Selanjutnya mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan minyak atsiri dari hasil fraksinasi bagian tanaman jeruk purut yang terbaik berdasarkan nilai IC50 terendah. Tujuan selanjutnya adalah untuk mengetahui produktivitas tanaman jeruk purut di Indonesia beserta minyak atsirinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan minyak atsiri jeruk purut berdasarkan jenis bahan yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai IC50, dilihat dari minyak atsiri jeruk purut kulit buah (IC50 6,43 µl/ml) lebih tinggi dibandingkan aktivitas antioksidan minyak atsiri jeruk purut daun (IC50 6,83 µl/ml) dan minyak atsiri jeruk purut ranting (IC50 9,04 µl/ml). Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan perhitungan harga bahan baku yang paling murah yaitu minyak atsiri jeruk purut ranting yang mempunyai berat jenis sebesar 0,8517 gram/ml dan nilai indeks bias 1,4575 0Brix. Hasil penelitian tahap kedua menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan minyak atsiri jeruk purut fraksi 3 (IC50 2,4 µl/ml) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan aktivitas antioksidan minyak jeruk purut fraksi 1 (IC50 4,77 µl/ml), fraksi 2 (IC50 4,54 µl/ml), dan fraksi 4 (IC50 6,01 µl/ml). Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi yaitu fraksi 3 yang mempunyai berat jenis sebesar 0,8441 gram/ml, dan nilai indeks bias 1,4584 0Brix. Hasil perhitungan produktivitas tanaman jeruk purut dan minyak atsirinya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lahan jeruk purut seluas 10,08 ha yang terdiri dari 840.000 ribu tanaman jeruk purut dan akan menghasilkan kurang lebih 84 ton daun jeruk purut, 33,59 ton ranting jeruk purut dan 700 kg buah jeruk purut. Pada tahap penyulingan akan menghasilkan 83,33 kg minyak atsiri daun jeruk purut dengan rendemen 1 %, 6,664 kg minyak atsiri ranting jeruk purut dengan rendemen 0,2 %, dan 0,19 kg minyak atsiri kulit buah jeruk purut dengan rendemen 1 %.
English Abstract
The lime plant consists of three kinds of parts of the plant there was leaves, fruit and twigs. Each part of the plant as a potential lime essential oil and still relatively new. Until now, lime plants was still traded as raw materials, and the price is cheaper. Through simple technologies such as distillation, lime plants can be made into a volatile oil price is much higher. Lime essential oil used in industrial, pharmaceutical, and essential antioxidant. The purposes of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of natural essential oils by the parts of lime plant (leaves, fruit peel, twigs) is based on the calculation by the price of the cheaper raw materials. Furthermore, knowing the antioxidant activity of essential oils from the fractionation by the parts of lime plant which is the best based on the lowest value of IC50. The next purpose is to determine the productivity of lime plants in Indonesia and lime essential oil. The research suggested that the antioxidant activity of essential oil from the different types of materials and fractions gave the real effect to the IC50 value, seen from the essential oil by the rind of lime (IC50 of 6,43 μl/ml) was higher than the antioxidant activity of essential oils by the leaf of lime (IC50 of 6,83 μl/ml) and the twigs of lime essential oil (IC50 of 9,04 μl/ml). The best treatment based on price calculation of the cheapest raw material that is the essential oil by the twigs of lime that have a density of 0,8517 g/ml and the refractive index value of 1,4575 0Brix. The second phase of the study results showed antioxidant activity of essential oil of lime fractions 3 (IC50 of 2,4 μl/ml) was higher compared with the antioxidant activity of lime oil fractions 1 (IC50 of 4,77 μl/ml), fraction 2 (IC50 4,54 μl/ml), and the fraction 4 (IC50 6,01 μl/ml). The best treatment based on the highest antioxidant activity, that is fraction 3 which has a density of 0,8441 g/ml, and the value of the refractive index of 1,4584 0Brix. x Productivity of lime fruit plants in Tulungagung was calculated in wide, about 10.08 ha. There were consists of 840,000 trees and was resulst 84 tons of leaves, 33.59 tons twigs and 700 kg of lime fruits. From the distillation process resulsted 83.33 kg essential oil from lime leaves and resulted 1% of yield, 6.664 kg essential oil from lime twigs and resulted 0.2% of yield, and 0.19 kg essential oil from lime peels and resulted 1% of yield
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2015/292/051508581 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Aktivitas Antioksidan, DPPH, Fraksinasi, Minyak Atsiri Jeruk Purut Produktivitas Tanaman,-Antioxidant Activity, DPPH, Fractionation, Kaffir Lime Essential Oils Plant Productivity |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 30 Dec 2015 07:56 |
Last Modified: | 23 Nov 2021 03:29 |
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