Optimasi Suhu dan Ketebalan Sampel untuk Proses Penurunan Kadar Air Madu Metode Adsorption Drying dengan RSM Joint Optimization Plot (JOP).

Sakinah, Nimawati (2015) Optimasi Suhu dan Ketebalan Sampel untuk Proses Penurunan Kadar Air Madu Metode Adsorption Drying dengan RSM Joint Optimization Plot (JOP). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Madu merupakan salah satu hasil hutan yang memiliki potensi cukup besar untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia dengan rata-rata produksi pertahunnya mencapai 4000 ton (Novandra dan Widnyana, 2013) dan dengan luas hutan yang mencapai 80,47 juta ha (Purba dkk., 2013). Menurut SNI 01-3545-2013, persyaratan kadar air madu maksimal adalah 22 %, akan tetapi, kadar air madu di Indonesia berkisar antara 15-25 % (Darmawan dan Agustarini, 2011), sehingga madu yang memiliki kadar air di atas 22 % akan berpotensi memiliki kualitas yang lebih rendah dibanding madu dengan kadar air di bawah 22 %. Kadar air yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan terjadinya fermentasi, yang mana hal tersebut dapat menurunkan kualitas madu. Upaya penurunan kadar air madu telah dilakukan dalam beberapa metode, seperti dengan pemanasan dan metode dehumidifikasi. Namun metode pemanasan memiliki kekurangan dalam hal menjaga kualitas madu. Di sisi lain, metode dehumidifikasi membutuhkan biaya proses yang cukup tinggi. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya solusi metode lain yang dapat menurunkan kadar air madu tanpa menurunkan kualitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menurunkan kadar air madu dengan metode pengeringan adsorpsi untuk enentukan kondisi optimum suhu dan ketebalan sampel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan Joint Optimization Plot (JOP). Variabel yang diteliti adalah suhu (25; 27; 29 oC) dan ketebalan sampel (0,5; 0,75; 1 cm) dengan responnya adalah kadar air, pH dan warna. Penelitian dilakukan dengan total running optimasi 12 perlakuan. Nilai optimum yang diperoleh untuk suhu yaitu 30 oC dan 0,67 cm untuk ketebalan sampel. Hasil optimum prediksi respon kadar air, pH dan warna ( E) berturut-turut adalah 19,21±0,39 %; 3,42±0,03; dan 12,01±0,70. Hasil analisis verifikasi diperoleh nilai kadar air, pH dan warna ( E) berturut-turut yakni 19,58±1,53 %; 3,53±0,07; dan 23,35±4,94. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah respon kadar air dan pH mendekati data hasil prediksi menggunakan RSM-JOP, sedangkan respon warna ( E) berada di luar prediksi disebabkan adanya faktor eksternal di luar proses. Madu hasil verifikasi proses adsorption drying yang dilakukan memiliki karakteristik kadar air, pH, warna, total padatan terlarut, keasaman, total asam dan gula pereduksi berturut turut yaitu 19,58±1,53 %; 3,53±0,07; L* 42,65±7,97, a* +8,82±1,6, b* +24,68±5,66; 89,5±0,2 %; 34,89 ml N NaOH/kg; 6,84%; 78,84 %. Hasil tersebut telah sesuai dengan persyaratan mutu madu yang diatur oleh SNI 2013.

English Abstract

Honey is one of the forest products that have significant potential to be developed in Indonesia. An average annual production of honey in Indonesia reaches 4000 tons (Novandra and Widnyana, 2013) with an area of forest that reaches 80.47 million ha (Purba et al., 2013). According to SNI 01-3545-2013, the requirements of maximum moisture content of honey is 22%, but moisture content of honey in Indonesia ranges between 15-25% (Darmawan dan Agustarini, 2011). Therefore, the honey with moisture content higher than 22% potentially have a lower quality than the honey with moisture content less than 22%. High water content levels can cause fermentation, which it can decrease the quality of honey. Earlier, there have been several methods that applied to decrease the moisture content of honey, such as: heating and dehumidification method. However, the heating method has lack of maintaining the quality of honey. In other hand, the dehumidification method requires a fairly high cost of the process. Hence it is need to find a solution from other methods that can reduce the moisture content of honey without reducing the quality. The objectives of this research were to reduce water content levels of honey using adsorption drying method and determine the optimum conditions of temperature and sample thickness. Optimization was performed by applying Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using Joint Optimization Plot (JOP). The variables such as temperature (25; 27; 29 ° C) and sample thickness (0.5; 0.75; 1 cm) were evaluated in order to study the water content, pH and color as the responses. Total running of this research are 12 treatments optimization. Optimum value was obtained at 30° C for temperature and 0.67 cm for sample thickness. Optimum results of the responses have been predicted at 19.21±0.39% for water content; 3.4206±0.03 for pH value; and 12.0052±0.70 for color change ( E). The actual results of verification analysis obtained 19.58±1.53% for water content, 3.5250±0.07 for pH value and 23.3540±4.94 for color change value ( E). These results show that the water content and pH value were not significantly different with the predicted data using RSM-JOP, while the response of color ( E) was out of the prediction due to external factors. The characteristics of honey from the verification process including water content, pH, color, water soluble solid content, acidity, total acid and invert sugar content are 19.58±1.53 %; 3.525±0.07; L* 42.65±7.97, a* +8.82±1.6, b* +24.684±5.66; 89.5±0.2 %; 34.89 ml N NaOH/kg; 6.84%; 78.84 %, respectively. These results had been conformed with the standard of honey from SNI 2013.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2015/184/051504140
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2015 15:11
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2021 01:56
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/150072
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