Karo S, Dyanika Maharani BR (2014) Aplikasi Content Analysis untuk Eksplorasi Sensory Lexicon Susu Pasteurisasi di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Meskipun susu dikenal sebagai pangan yang penting bagi tubuh, tingkat konsumsi susu masyarakat Indonesia saat ini masih sangat rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lainnya yang berada di kawasan Asia. Rendahnya tingkat konsumsi susu di Indonesia disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti budaya dimana orang Indonesia bukan termasuk ke dalam budaya milk drinker . Sebagian masyarakat Indonesia juga mempunyai persepsi bahwa susu hanya dibutuhkan bagi bayi, anak- anak dan lanjut usia serta susu bisa membuat gemuk. Kemungkinan lain adalah daya beli masyarakat yang rendah dimana sebagian masyarakat menganggap bahwa susu termasuk kedalam pangan mahal. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen diperlukan adanya profiling sensori secara objektif terhadap susu yang dipasarkan saat ini. Salah satunya yaitu susu pasteurisasi. Dengan adanya profiling tersebut produsen dapat melakukan pengembangan atau perbaikan mutu produk susu agar sesuai kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen tersebut. Selain itu dapat mendukung kampanye minum susu yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, dimana 1 Juni 2012 ditetapkan sebagai hari susu sedunia. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi sensori susu di Indonesia, khususnya di kalangan mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya yaitu dengan metode content analysis . Metode ini dilakukan dengan wawancara secara langsung dan informasi yang didapatkan tersebut akan diinterpretasikan, sehingga dapat diketahui profil konsumsi susu dan lexicon yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui profil konsumsi susu metode content analysis dan mengetahui lexicon yang digunakan oleh kalangan mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya serta mengetahui pengaruh suku dan jenis kelamin terhadap ambang sensori dan lexicon dengan metode Multivariate yaitu PCA ( Principal Component Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis susu yang paling banyak dipilih panelis di Universitas Brawijaya yaitu susu UHT dan susu bubuk. Selain itu, menurut panelis bahwa atribut rasa merupakan parameter penting dalam pemilihan suatu produk susu. Berdasarkan hasil content analysis bahwa lexicon asin seperti keju paling banyak digunakan oleh panelis dalam mendeskripsikan rasa skim milk. Rasa enak juga digunakan panelis dalam mendeskripsikan rasa dari skim milk. Panelis cenderung mengasosiasikan rasa enak tersebut dengan rasa hambar seperti air dan rasa asin seperti keju, tekstur susu encer, warna susu putih kekuningan dan putih kehijauan serta flavor susu seperti susu yang sudah diolah dan tidak adanya after taste. Sedangkan lexicon tekstur skim milk yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu encer, lexicon warna putih kekuningan. Selain itu lexicon flavor seperti susu segar yang sudah diolah ( cooked flavor ) dan panelis menggunakan lexicon tidak ada after taste dalam mendeskripsikan after taste dari skim milk . Begitu juga atribut mutu sensori susu pasteurisasi full cream , panelis paling banyak mendeskripsikan rasa full cream yaitu dengan lexicon manis. Lexicon enak juga digunakan oleh panelis dalam mendeskripsikan rasa dari full cream. Rasa enak susu full cream tersebut cenderung diasosiasikan panelis dengan rasa berlemak, manis dan gurih seperti asin keju, tekstur susu kental, warna susu putih. Selain itu flavor susu full cream yaitu manis, susu segar yang sudah diolah ( cooked) dan vanilla dan lengket di langit-langit mulut ( mouth coating) . Untuk lexicon tekstur dan warna yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu kental dan atribut warna putih. Selain itu lexicon flavor dengan susu segar yang sudah diolah dan lexicon after taste berlemak paling banyak digunakan panelis dalam mendeskripsikan karateristik sensori dari full cream. Suku Jawa dan Batak memberikan pengaruh terhadap respon pada uji pengenalan dan uji ambang mutlak rasa dasar. Suku Batak memiliki sensitivitas lebih tinggi dalam mengenali rasa manis, asin dan pahit sedangkan suku Jawa memiliki sensitivitas lebih tinggi terhadap rasa asam dan umami. Begitu juga dengan ambang mutlak panelis suku Batak terhadap rasa manis, asin dan pahit lebih rendah dibandingkan suku Jawa. Sedangkan ambang mutlak panelis dengan suku Jawa terhadap rasa asam dan umami lebih rendah dibandingkan suku Batak. Sementara itu panelis perempuan memiliki sensitivitas lebih tinggi dan ambang mutlak yang lebih
English Abstract
Although milk is known as an important food for the body, but the level of Indonesian milk consumption are still very low when compared to other countries which are in Asia. Low level of milk consumption in Indonesia is caused by several factors such as cultural factor which Indonesian people not include to the culture of milk drinker. Most Indonesian people have the perception that milk is only needed for infants, children and the elderly. In addition, understanding the community that can make fat milk and low purchasing power which some people think that milk including food into expensive In fulfilling the needs and desires of consumers is necessary to have an objective sensory profiling against currently marketed milk. One of them is pasteurized milk. With the profiling of the manufacturers can do the development or improvement of the quality of dairy products that can address the needs and desires of the consumer. Moreover, it can support milk drinking campaign organized by the government, which set June 1 as the worlds milk. One of the methods used to describe the perception of milk in Indonesia, especially in students of Brawijaya University is method content analysis. The information obtained will be interpreted, so it can be known profile of milk consumption and consumer lexicon used in Malang. The purpose of this study is to determine the profile of milk consumption in students of Brawijaya University with content analysis and knowing lexicon used by panelists as well as determine the effect of the differences in demographic data for sensory threshold and lexicon with Multivariate methods is PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The result showed that UHT milk and milk powder were the most preferred milk consumers in students Brawijaya University. Besides taste attributes are important parameters in the selection of a dairy product. Based on the result of content analysis that lexicon salted like cheese most much used by the panel in described taste skim milk. Delicious taste is also used by of the panelists in describing taste of skimmed milk. The panel tending to associate delicious taste with taste like watery and saltiness as of cheese, textur milk thin or watery and color of milk are yellowish white anda greenish white, flavored milk has been processed and no after taste. While skim milk texture most widely used is watery, lexicon yellows white color. Addition lexicon flavor as fresh milk that has been processed (cooked flavor) and panelists using lexicon no after taste in describing the after taste of skim milk. While for the sensory attribute of full cream pasteurized milk, most panelist describe the taste of full cream with sweet lexicon. Lexicon delicious also used by panelists describe the taste of full cream. Delicious taste of full cream milk, panelist tend to be associated with fatty taste, sweet, and savory like saltiness of cheese, texture of milk is thick, white color of milk. In addition, full cream milk flavor are sweet, fresh milk has been processed (cooked) and vanilla and ceiling of the tounge (mouth coating). For texture lexicon, the most widely used is thick and lexicon of color is white. Addition lexicon flavor with fresh milk that has been processed and lexicon fatty used describing after taste of full cream. Javanese and Bataknese give effect to the response to the introduction of test and test basic tastes absolute threshold. Batak etnich has a higher sensitivity in recognizing sweet, salty and bitter, while the Javanese have a higher sensitivity to sour and umami. So is the absolute threshold Bataknese panelists to taste sweet, salty and bitter lower than the Javanese. While the absolute threshold panelists with Javanese to taste sour and umami lower than the Batak ethnic. While the panelists women have a higher sensitivity and lower absolute threshold to recognize the five basic tastes than male panelists. Likewise, ethnic and gender tends to give effect to the lexicon used panelists with different percentages of each lexicon used panelists..
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2014/491/051408264 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Hasbi |
Date Deposited: | 23 Dec 2014 10:11 |
Last Modified: | 11 Mar 2022 07:30 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/149906 |
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