Listyoningrum, Hestuning (2014) Optimasi Penggunaan Susu Bubuk Menggunakan Teknik Linear Programming Dalam Formulasi Bubur Instan Makanan Pendamping Asi (Mp-Asi) Berbasis Tepung Kecambah Kacang Hijau (Vignaradiata L.) Dan Tepung Jag. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
MP-ASI merupakan makanan tambahan bagi pertumbuhan bayi usia 6-24 bulan. MP-ASI diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bayi yang kian meningkat. Salah satu bentuk MP-ASI yang paling praktis disajikan dan banyak dikenal masyarakat adalah bubur bayi instan. Kacang hijau sebagai bahan makanan padat gizi, tinggi daya cerna, kaya serat, dan kandungan nutrisi lainnya yang baik bagi pertumbuhan bayi. Jagung sebagai bahan sumber karbohidrat. Ketiadaan gluten pada tepung jagung mempunyai kelebihan yakni tidak menimbulkan alergi pada bayi. Berdasarkan nilai potensi keduanya yang tinggi, maka dilakukan upaya pemanfaatan kacang hijau dan jagung lebih lanjut dalam pembuatan MP-ASI. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik linear programming untuk menghasilkan produk MP-ASI yang memiliki nilai kalori maksimal dan memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang sesuai dengan standar MP-ASI bubuk instan yang tercantum dalam Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor: 224/Menkes/SK/II/2007. Formula yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisa meliputi kandungan kimia, sifat fisik, serta dilakukan uji organoleptik. Penyelesaian model matematis dilakukan dengan bantuan aplikasi solver pada program Microsoft Excel 2007, diperoleh data proporsi bahan baku untuk formula 1 adalah tepung kecambah kacang hijau 79,9614 gram, tepung jagung 10,1832 gram, susu bubuk 5,00 gram, gula halus 4,8725 gram; formula 2 adalah tepung kecambah kacang hijau 74,8917 gram, tepung jagung 10,3221 gram, susu bubuk 10,00 gram, gula halus 4,7903 gram; dan formula 3 adalah tepung kecambah kacang hijau 69,9408 gram, tepung jagung 10,2114 gram, susu bubuk 15,00 gram, gula halus 4,9017 gram. . Berdasarkan hasil analisa kimia produk MP-ASI kacang hijau pada formula 1 kadar protein 24,48%, lemak 5,76%, serat kasar 4,43%, kadar abu 2,22%, kadar air 9,21%, karbohidrat 58,31%, total kalori 383,08 kkal; formula 2 kadar protein 23,04%, lemak 7,83%, serat kasar 3,98%, kadar abu 1,8%, kadar air 8,60%, karbohidrat 57,85%, total kalori 397,48 kkal; dan formula 3 kadar protein 21,64%, lemak 9,00%, serat kasar 4,25%, kadar abu 3,03%, kadar air 8,35%, karbohidrat 56,89%, total kalori 399,46 kkal. Hasil analisa fisik viskositas panas pada ketiga formula masing-masing 357,66 cp, 315,33 cp, 301,67 cp; viskositas holding 2639,33 cp, 2445,33 cp, 2263,66 cp; dan viskositas dingin 4880,67 cp, 4222,67 cp, 4024,66 cp. Hasil analisa mutu hedonik menunjukkan respon panelis pada formula 1 rasa manis pahit (2,3), tekstur kasar (2,45); formula 2 rasa manis pahit (2,3), tekstur agak kasar (2,6); dan formula 3 rasa manis agak pahit (2,85), tekstur agak kasar (2,55). Hasil analisa hedonik tingkat kesukaan panelis pada formula 1 warna agak suka (3,3), aroma agak suka (2,9); formula 2 warna agak suka (3,25), aroma agak suka (3,0); dan formula 3 warna agak suka (3,25), aroma agak suka (2,95).
English Abstract
Complementary feeding is an additional food for the growth of infants aged 6-24 months. Complementary feeding is given to fulfill the baby’s nutritional needs are increasing in number. One of complementary feeding which the most practical is presented and much known to the public is an instant baby porridge. Mung beans as a nutrient dense food, high digestibility, rich in fiber, and contains other nutrients that are good for growth of baby. Corn as a carbohydrate source.Absence of gluten in corn flour has the advantage that does not clause allergies in infants. Based on both the high potential value then make efforts to use mug beans and corn further in making complementary feeding. This study used the technique of linear programming to produce the complementary feeding which have maximum calorific value and a nutrient content in accordance with standard of the complementary feeding based on decision The Minister of Health of The Republic Indonesia Number: 224/Menkes/SK/II/2007. The formula obtained was then analyzed that covers the chemical content and physical properties as well as the organoleptic test. Based on results of mathematical model that used application program solver in Microsoft Excel 2007, data obtained proportion of raw materials to the formula 1 mung bean sporouts flour as much as 79,9614 grams, 10,1832 grams of corn flour, 5,00 grams of milk powder, 4,8725 grams of refined sugar; formula 2 mung bean sporouts flour as much as 74,8917 grams, 10,3221 grams of corn flour, 10,00 grams of milk powder, 4,7903 grams of refined sugar; and formula 3 mung bean sporouts flour as much as 69,9408 grams, 10,2114 grams of corn flour, 15,00 gram grams of milk powder, 4,9017 grams of refined sugar. Based on the results of the chemical analysis of complementary feeding product based on mug beans in formula 1 with protein content 24,48%, fat 5,76%, crude fiber 4,43%, ash content 2,22%, moisture content 9,21%, carbohydrate 58,31%, total energy 383,08 kkal; formula 2 with protein content 23,04%, fat 7,83%, crude fiber 3,98%, ash content 1,8%, moisture content 8,60%, carbohydrate 57,85%, total energy 397,48 kkal; and formula 3 with protein content 21,64%, fat 9,00%, crude fiber 4,25%, ash content 3,03%, moisture content 8,35%, carbohydrate 56,89%, total energy 399,46 kkal. Physical analysis results in the third heat viscosity formulas respectively 257,66 cp, 315,33 cp, 301,67 cp; holding viscosity 2639,33 cp, 2445,33 cp, 2263,66 cp; and cold viscosity 4880,67 cp, 4222,67 cp, 4024,66 cp. Hedonic quality analysis results show panelist responses to formula 1 is bitter sweet taste (2,3), rough texture (2,45); formula 2 bitter sweet taste (2,3), somewhat rough texture (2,6); and formula 3 somewhat bitter sweet taste (2,85), somewhat rough texture (2,55). Hedonic test results shows the preference level to formula 1 of the color panel is somewhat like (3,3), somewhat like aroma (2,9); formula 2 of the color panel is somewhat like (3,25), somewhat like aroma (3,0); and formula 3 of the color panel is somewhat like (3,25), somewhat like aroma (2,95)
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2014/420/051406450 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 21 Oct 2014 07:34 |
Last Modified: | 09 Nov 2021 06:01 |
URI: | |
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