Pembuatan Mi Kering Ubi Jalar Varietas Ase Kuning (Kajian Proporsi Pasta Ubi Jalar : Tepung Terigu dan Konsentrasi Tepung Bekatul).

Kurniawati, Priyantini (2014) Pembuatan Mi Kering Ubi Jalar Varietas Ase Kuning (Kajian Proporsi Pasta Ubi Jalar : Tepung Terigu dan Konsentrasi Tepung Bekatul). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mi kering adalah salah satu produk pangan kering yang menggunakan bahan baku utama yaitu tepung terigu. Diversifikasi produk pangan dengan memanfaatkan bahan baku lokal yang selama ini dianggap inferior seperti ubi jalar dan bekatul diharapkan dapat meningkatkan konsumsi mi kering. Penggunaan pasta ubi jalar dan tepung bekatul sebagai bahan substitusi tepung terigu diharapkan dapat mengurangi impor gandum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi antara pasta ubi jalar:tepung terigu dan konsentrasi tepung bekatul terhadap sifat kimia, fisik, dan organoleptik mi kering sehingga dapat diterima oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial. Penelitian ini memiliki 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah rasio pasta ubi jalar : tepung terigu (60%:40%, 70%:30%, 80%:20%). Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi tepung bekatul (5%, 7.5%, 10%). Setiap perlakuan memiliki 3 kali ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan analisis fisik dan kimia dianalisa secara statistik menggunakan ANOVA. Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil atau Duncan Multiple Range Test menggunakan selang kepercayaan 5% atau 1%. Data hasil organoleptik dari panelis dianalisa dengan metode statistik Uji Friedman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mi perlakuan terbaik diperoleh dari perlakuan proporsi pasta ubi jalar:tepung terigu (60%:40%) dan konsentrasi tepung bekatul 5%. Karakteristik kimia dan fisik mi perlakuan terbaik adalah kadar air 6,15%, kadar lemak 1,01%, kadar protein 7,45%, kadar abu 4,27%, tingkat kecerahan 57,30, warna kemerahan 14,97, warna kekuningan 21,73, tensile strength 2,43, waktu masak optimum 3,47 menit, dan kapasitas penyerapan air 1,35 kali berat awal. Sedangkan nilai sensori terbaik diperoleh dari perlakuan proporsi pasta ubi jalar:tepung terigu (70%:30%) dan konsentrasi bekatul 5%. Karakteristik sensori mi perlakuan terbaik terhadap warna 2,85 (tidak disukai), aroma 3,08 (netral), rasa 3,05 (netral), dan tekstur 2,73 (tidak disukai).

English Abstract

Dry noodle is one of dry food product and its main raw material is wheat flour. Food product diversification by utilizing local raw materials which previously considered inferior such as sweet potato and rice bran are expected to improve dry noodle consumption. The use of sweet potato and rice bran flour as ingredient substitutes for wheat flour are expected to reduce grain import. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of sweet potato pasta:wheat flour proportions and concentration of rice bran flour on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of dry noodle so that it could be accepted by consumers. The Factorial Randomized Block Design was used on this research contain two factors. The first factor was ratio of sweet potato pasta:wheat flour (60%:40%, 70%:30%, 80%:20%). The second factor was concentration of rice bran flour (5%, 7.5%, 10%). Every treatment had 3 replicates. The data obtained from physicochemical analysis were statistically analyzed using ANOVA. Posthoc test used was Least Significant Difference Test or Duncan Multiple Range Test using 5% or 1%. The data obtained from hedonic test were statistically analyzed using Friedman test. The results showed that the best treatment noodle was obtained from sweet potato pasta:wheat flour proportion (60%:40%) and 5% concentration of rice bran flour treatment. The physicochemical properties of the best treatment noodle were 6,15% moisture, 1,01% fat, 7,45% protein, 4,27% ash content, 57,30 lightness, 14,97 redness, 21,73 yellowness, 2,43 tensile strength, 3,47 minutes of cooking time optimum, and rehydration 1,35 of weight before cooking. The best sensory value was obtained from sweet potato pasta:wheat flour proportion (70%:30%) and 5% concentration of rice bran flour treatment. The sensory properties of the best treatment noodle to colour was 2,85 (dislike), odor was 3,08 (neutral), flavor was 3,05 (neutral), and texture was 2,73 (dislike).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2014/188/051403324
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2014 10:56
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 06:55
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