Pemanfaatan Tepung Bungkil Biji Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus) dalam Pembuatan Cookies dengan Kajian Proporsi Tepung (Kenaf : Terigu) dan Konsentrasi Baking Powder

HeraSiscaPrasmita (2010) Pemanfaatan Tepung Bungkil Biji Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus) dalam Pembuatan Cookies dengan Kajian Proporsi Tepung (Kenaf : Terigu) dan Konsentrasi Baking Powder. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Di Indonesia, produksi serat kulit batang, yaitu 70% dari kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus , L). Dengan persentase kebutuhan produksi serat kenaf yang tinggi maka dihasilkan pula biji kenaf dalam jumlah yang banyak. Sejak tahun 2001, luas areal pengembangan tanaman kenaf kurang lebih mencapai 2500 ha dan dihasilkan biji kenaf sekitar 2500 ton/ 4-5 bulan. Namun selama ini belum banyak perhatian terhadap pemanfaatan biji kenaf untuk dikembangkan menjadi berbagai produk makanan. Diketahui bahwa kandungan minyak biji kenaf sekitar 23.7% dan protein kasar sekitar 24-35% berat bungkil. Biji kenaf juga mengandung asam lemak cyclopropenoat sebesar 3,4 – 4,9 % yang harus diturunkan dengan cara ekstraksi minyak sehingga diperoleh tepung defatted biji kenaf. Protein oilseed seperti halnya biji kenaf telah menunjukkan sifat fungsional dan memiliki karakteristik nutrisi yang bagus serta mampu menurunkan resiko penyakit tertentu. Salah satu upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan protein adalah dengan cara mengolahnya biji kenaf bungkil menjadi produk cookies karena mudah dibawa, umur simpan lama dan disukai oleh berbagai kalangan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio tepung bungkil biji kenaf dengan tepung terigu dan penambahan baking powder terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan organoleptik cookies. Baking powder sebagai leaving agent akan dapat mendukung kualitas produk cookies yang baik. Selain karena mudah didapat dan murah, reaksinya lebih cepat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan dua faktor yang masing-masing terdiri dari 3 level dengan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor satu yaitu proporsi tepung bungkil biji kenaf : tepung terigu (10:90, 30:70, 50:50) (b/b) dan faktor dua yaitu konsentrasi baking powder (0,50%; 0,75%; 1,00%). Data dianalisa menggunakan analisa ragam ANOVA dan BNT taraf 5%. Penilaian terhadap sifat organoleptik dianalisa dengan uji Hedonik. Sedangkan untuk pemilihan perlakuan terbaik dengan metode de Garmo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan proporsi tepung bungkil biji kenaf : tepung terigu memberikan pengaruh terhadap karakteristik cookies yaitu kadar protein, kadar serat kasar, kadar abu, kadar pati, tekstur, daya patah. daya kembang dan warna (L*,a+, b+) serta terhadap parameter organoleptik (warna, rasa, aroma dan kerenyahan). Penggunaan konsentrasi baking powder berpengaruh terhadap tekstur dan daya kembang cookies. Interaksi dari kedua perlakuan berpengaruh terhadap tekstur dan daya kembang cookies. Perlakuan terbaik cookies parameter fisik kimia adalah pada proporsi tepung bungkil biji kenaf : tepung terigu (10:90) dengan konsentrasi baking powder 1% dengan karakteristik: kadar air 2,06%, serat 2,48%, protein 10,86%, pati 26,07%, abu 1,17%, tekstur 10,20 mm/g.s, daya patah 44,66 N/m, daya kembang 137,57%, warna (L*= 50,35; a*= 13,22; b*= 19,78).

English Abstract

In Indonesia, production of stalk fibers are 70% from kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus , L) which is cultivated in East Kalimantan and Lamongan, East Java, and 30% gave from the other resource. The highess production of this stalk fibers is also produce a great amount of the seed. Since 2001, the areal of kenaf production was approximately 2500 ha with result of seed about 2500 ton/4-5 mount. Unfortunatly, very little attention given to this seed kenaf to be development in various of food production. Kenaf seed contain about 23,7% oil and crude protein about 24-35% (w/w) seed meal. It is also contain toxic compound called cyclopropene fatty acid about 3,4 – 4,9 % (w/w) oil that must be deleterious by ekstracting the oil, so it can be obtain the meal called kenaf seed defatted flour. Nowdays, protein contain in oilseed such as kenaf seed has shown fungsional properties in various aplication, high nutrisional value for human intake and it could be lowering the certain disease risk. One of way to increase protein intake is by making alternative food products from kenaf seed, and this can be done by supplementing of kenaf seed into popular food such as cookies because it has long period lifetime, easy to bring and loved by many people. Cookies is bakery product which contained high level of sugar and fat, and low of water. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of propotion of flour (kenaf seed defatted and wheat) and consentration of baking powder in characteristic physical, chemical and organoleptic of cookies. Baking powder as leaving agent that can improve a good quality of cookies product. Beside of those, it is inexpensive, easy to find out and has good reaction than other leaving agent. This research was conducted by using randomized block design arranged by factorials with two factor. The first factor content of 3 levels baased on ratio of kenaf seed defatted flour of against wheat flour (10:90, 30:70, 50:50) and the second factor content of 3 levels based on addition of baking powder (0,5%, 0,75%, 1%). Each treathment role in 3 times. Result of data was analized by ANOVA and BNT 5%. Result of organoleptic was analized using Hedonic test. The best threatmen used de garmo methode. Result of this research show that proportion of kenaf seed defatted againts wheat flour have significant effect on protein, fiber, ash, starch, texture, breaking streght, volume expansion value, color (L*, a+, b+) and on organoleptic parameter (color, taste, flavor, crishpness). Consentration of baking powder has significan result on texture and volume expansion value . Interaction between two treatment has significant effec on texture and volume expansion value. The best treatment of cookies in chemical and physical parameter at using proportion of kenaf seed defatted flour against wheat flour (10:90), in consentration of baking powder 1%, which has characteristics as followed: water content 2,06%, fiber 2,48%, protein 10,86%, starch 26,07%, ash 1,17%, texture 10,20 mm/g.s, breaking streght 44,66 N/m, volume expansion value 137,57%, color (L*= 50,35; a*= 13,22; b*= 19,78).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2010//27/051000510
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2010 11:19
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 06:05
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