Perencanaan Unit Pengolahan Pati Ganyong Skala Industri Kecil : studi kasus di Desa Tawangsari Kecamatan Pujon

Fitrianti (2008) Perencanaan Unit Pengolahan Pati Ganyong Skala Industri Kecil : studi kasus di Desa Tawangsari Kecamatan Pujon. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pati ganyong merupakan produk olahan dari umbi ganyong. Pati ganyong yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku cendol, jenang, cookies, dan mie sohun. Desa Tawangsari merupakan sentra pengolahan pati ganyong di wilayah Pujon. Jumlah kepala keluarga yang memproduksi pati ganyong adalah 150 KK dengan kapasitas produksi 50 ton pertahun. Pati ganyong yang dihasilkan oleh desa Tawangsari mempunyai keunggulan yaitu bersifat organik, tetapi produksi yang dilakukan oleh industri rumah tangga ini belum optimal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari teknologi yang digunakan sangat sederhana dan kualitas pati yang dihasilkan rendah baik fisik maupun kimia, sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Produksi ganyong di desa Tawangsari pada tahun 2006 sebesar 500 ton dan meningkat 25% tiap tahunnya. Daerah pemasaran meliputi wilayah Pujon, Batu, Surabaya, Malang dan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan ketersediaan bahan baku, daerah pemasaran serta keunggulan dari produk pati ganyong, maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan unit pengolahan pati ganyong skala industri kecil. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperbaiki proses produksi, meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, menentukan kebutuhan mesin dan peralatan dan menentukan biaya produksi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis. Pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi pembuatan pati ganyong dan uji fisik dan kimia antara lain kadar pati, kadar air, kadar abu dan derajat putih. Analisa data meliputi potensi bahan baku dan potensi pasar. Perencanaan unit pengolahan dibatasi pada penentuan kapasitas produksi, penentuan kebutuhan mesin dan peralatan, perbaikan proses produksi serta analisa biaya produksi meliputi harga pokok produksi (HPP) dan break event point (BEP).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi pati ganyong dengan memperbaiki proses pencucian dan penggantian metode pengeringan dengan cabinet dryer, mempunyai kualitas yang lebih baik pada tingkat kadar air 11,01%; kadar abu 0,17% dan derajat putih 91,4% sedangkan pada sentra tingkat kadar air 14,19%; kadar abu 0,3% dan derajat putih 88,75%. Perbandingan waktu produksi untuk satu kali produksi pada sentra 1735 menit dan hasil penelitian 1210 menit. Sedangkan harga jual untuk sentra pengolahan pati ganyong Rp. 38.250/kemasan (10kg) dan harga jual untuk hasil penelitian Rp. 39.410/kemasan. Perbaikan mesin dan peralatan dilakukan pada mesin pemarut, cabinet dryer dan mesin penepungan. Kapasitas produksi pati ganyong direncanakan 108 kg/hari, dengan total biaya produksi sebesar Rp. 106.418.316. Harga jual ditetapkan sebesar Rp. 3.941/kg. Break Event Point terjadi pada volume penjualan sebanyak 12.461 kg atau senilai Rp. 49.113.935. Kata kunci : pati ganyong, unit pengolahan, industri kecil

English Abstract

Canna starch is a processed product from canna tuber. The resulting canna starch could be used as materials for cendol, jenang, cookies and noodle. Tawangsari village is a central of canna starch processing in Pujon district. The numbers of family producing canna starch are 150 families with the capacity of 50 ton per year. The resulting canna starch by Tawangsari village has advantages, that is, organic, however the production by household is not optimal yet. It could be observed from the simple technology used and the low quality of resulting canna starch, both physical and chemical, so it needs to be improved. The canna production at Tawangsari village in 2006 was 500 ton and increased 25% annually. The marketing area covers Pujon, Batu, Surabaya, Malang and its environs. Based on the raw material availability, the marketing region and the special quality of canna starch product, the planning of canna starch processing unit in small-scale industry needs to be done. The purposes of the research are to improve the production process, to increase the production capacity, to determine the needs of machine and tools, and to establish the cost of production. The research method is a descriptive analysis. The research conduct includes the making of canna starch, physical and chemical test of starch content, water content, ash content and lightness degree. The data analysis includes the potential of raw material and the market potential. The planning of processing unit is limited on the determination of production capacity, the determination of machine and tools need, the improvement of production process and the analysis of production cost including the primary cost of production (HPP) and the break event point (BEPThe research result shows that the canna starch production by improving the washing process and replacing the drying method with cabinet dryer has better quality on the water content of 11.01%; the ash content of 0.17% and the lightness degree of 91.4%, while in the central the water content of 14.19%; the ash content of 0.3% and the lightness degree of 88.75%. The comparison of production length of time for one production at the central is 1735 minutes and the research result is 1210 minutes. While, the selling price for the central of canna starch processing is Rp 38.250/packing (10kg) and the selling price for the research result is Rp 39.410/packing. The improvement of machine and tools was on the grating tools, cabinet dryer and powdering machine. The production capacity of canna starch is planned as 108 kg/day, and the total of production cost is Rp 106.418.316. The established selling price is Rp 3.941/kg. Break event point is on the selling volume of 12.461 kg or Rp 49.113.935. Key words : canna starch, processing unit, small industry

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2008/33/050800640
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 07 Apr 2008 08:47
Last Modified: 07 Apr 2008 08:47
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