Pembuatan Biskuit dan Crackers Bebas Gluten dan Bebas Kasein Bagi Penderita Autisme : kajian Proporsi Pati Garut : Tepung Kacang Hijau : Tapioka

Kurniawati, Elya (2007) Pembuatan Biskuit dan Crackers Bebas Gluten dan Bebas Kasein Bagi Penderita Autisme : kajian Proporsi Pati Garut : Tepung Kacang Hijau : Tapioka. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Biskuit dan crackers adalah makanan ringan favorit bagi anak-anak. Biskuit biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan tepung terigu sebagai bahan baku utamanya. Biskuit dan c rakers yang dikonsumsi untuk anak penyandang autisme tidak boleh mengandung gluten (tepung terigu) dan kasein (susu). Kasein dan gluten akan membentuk kaseomorfin dan gluteomorfin, sehingga terjadi gangguan perilaku seperti hiperaktif. Hingga saat ini belum banyak biskuit dan crakers yang khusus diperuntukkan bagi anak penyandang autisme. Selain itu, jika biskuit atau crakers dibuat tanpa penambahan susu, maka akibat yang timbul adalah kurangnya protein yang ada dalam biskuit atau crakers . Pati garut merupakan salah satu alternatif tepung bebas gluten bagi penderita autis. Pati garut merupakan salah satu bahan baku lokal sehingga mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proteinnya didapatkan dari jenis kacang-kacangan yaitu kacang hijau yang memiliki kandungan protein sebesar 24%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan proporsi pati garut dan tepung kacang hijau yang tepat pada produk biskuit dan crackers sebagai alternatif bahan baku non terigu sehingga dapat diterima oleh penderita autis. Penelitian disusun dengan menggunakan Rancangan Tersarang yang terdiri dari dua faktor dengan empat kali pengulangan, sehingga diperoleh 24 satuan percobaan. Berdasarkan sifat organoleptik dapat diketahui bahwa pada proporsi tepung komposit (pati garut : tepung kacang hijau : tapioka) 65% : 20% : 15% (P1T1) menghasilkan produk biskuit terbaik. Biskuit ini memiliki kadar air 3,74%, kadar abu 0,61%, kadar protein 11,6%, kadar lemak 30,58%, kadar pati 32,80%, total gula 19,93%, kadar serat kasar 0,42%, total energi 532,78 Kal, kadar timbal (Pb) 0 ppm, daya cerna protein 81,11%, daya patah 12,18, daya kembang 47,50%, warna L* 59,28, warna b+ 31,95. Sedangkan pada proporsi tepung komposit (pati garut : tepung kacang hijau : tapioka) 45% : 40% : 15% (P2T3) menghasilkan produk crackers terbaik. Crackers ini memiliki kadar air 2,15%, kadar abu 1,52%, kadar protein 15,76%, kadar lemak 30,71%, kadar pati 29,72%, total gula 8,39%, kadar serat kasar 0,98%, total energi 491,87 Kal, kadar timbal (Pb) 0 ppm, daya cerna protein 94,63%, daya patah 3,25, daya kembang 27,50%, warna L* 59,28, warna b+ 31,95.

English Abstract

Biscuit and crackers are favorite snack for children. Biscuit is usually made from wheat flour as the main material. Biscuit and crackers consumed by children with autism should not contain gluten (wheat flour) and casein (milk). Casein and gluten will form caseomorphine and gluteomorphine, so the matters result in behavioral disturbance such as hyperactive. Until now, there are still lacks in number of biscuit or crackers specialized for autism. Besides, if the biscuit is made without adding milk, the protein content will be poor. Arrowroot starch is the alternative flour can be used for this purpose. Arrowroot starch is an Indonesian local raw material so it is more available and affordable. In order to fulfill the need of protein usually obtained from mung bean, it contains 24% of protein. The objective of this research is to obtain the most appropriate proportion between arrowroot starch and mung bean flour for biscuit and crackers as the alternatif non-wheat material so the product can be safely consumed by children with autism. The research was designed using two factorial Nested-Design and the treatments were conducted in quardouple. Based on the organoleptical properties it was determined that the proportion of composite starch (arrowroot starch : mung bean flour : tapioca) of 62% : 20% : 14% (P1T1) produced biscuit with the most desired properties. This product has physico-chemical properties as follow : water content of 3.74, ash content of 0.61%, protein content of 11.6%, fat content of 30.58%, starch content of 32.80%, total sugar of 19.93%, crude fiber content of 0.42%, total energy of 532.78 Kal, lead (Pb) content of 0 ppm, the protein digestibility of 81.11%, break force of 12.18, proofing ability of 47.50%, lightness of 59.28 and yellowness of 31.95. While at the proportion of composite starch (arrowroot starch : mung bean flour : tapioca) of 45% : 40% : 15% (P2T3) produces crackers with the most desired properties. This product has physico-chemical properties as follow : water content of 2.15%, ash content of 1.52%, protein content of 15.76%, fat content of 30.71, starch content of 29.72%, total sugar of 8.39%, crude fiber content of 0.98%, total energy of 491.87 Kal, lead (Pb) content of 0 ppm, the protein digestibility of 94.63%, break force of 3.25, proofing ability of 27.50%, lightness of 59.28 and yellowness of 31.95.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2007/267/050703290
Uncontrolled Keywords: Biskuit, Crackers, Autisme, Pati Garut,Biscuit, Crackers, Autism, Arrowroot Starch
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2008 10:10
Last Modified: 15 Nov 2021 06:51
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