Efek positif substitusi sari wortel terhadap fermentasi probiotik (Bifidobacterium bifidum) susu kedelai

AdiNugroho (2007) Efek positif substitusi sari wortel terhadap fermentasi probiotik (Bifidobacterium bifidum) susu kedelai. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Susu kedelai saat ini menjadi substitusi yang bagus bagi produk hewani, karena kedelai memberikan profil protein yang lengkap tanpa disertai lemak jenuh dan kolesterol, selain itu dapat menjadi pilihan tepat bagi individu yang intoleran terhadap laktosa. Namun pada kedelai juga terdapat senyawa anti gizi dan senyawa penyebab “off-flavor”. Fermentasi dengan bakteri asam laktat merupakan metode yang efisien untuk menghilangkan senyawa merugikan dan mengurangi off-flavor pada susu kedelai. Berbeda dengan kultur yoghurt, golongan Bifidobakteri merupakan bakteri probiotik yang diketahui memiliki enzim α-galaktosidase yang memungkinkan penggunaan oligosakarida sebagai salah satu substansi anti gizi dalam susu kedelai. Penambahan bahan alami lain pada susu fermentasi selain dapat melengkapi nutrisi produk akhir, juga diketahui berpengaruh positif bagi viabilitas kultur Penggabungan sari wortel dan susu kedelai memungkinkan terbentuknya produk dengan nutrisi yang lebih lengkap, dimana wortel merupakan sumber mineral disamping sumber yang sempurna bagi provitamin A, B1, B2, C, thiamin dan riboflavin namun sangat rendah protein dan lemak. Sebaliknya susu kedelai mengandung lemak tak jenuh, asam lemak esensial serta kaya akan protein dan asam amino esensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi sari wortel dan lama inkubasi terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia susu kedelai fermentasi, serta viabilitas kultur probiotik Bifidobacterium bifidum dalam susu kedelai fermentasi. Penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) menggunakan dua faktor. Faktor pertama terdiri dari 4 level yaitu konsentrasi substitusi sari wortel (0%, 10%, 20% dan 30%) sedangkan faktor ke-dua terdiri dari 2 level yaitu lama inkubasi (12 dan 24 jam). Data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian dianalisa dengan analisa ragam (ANOVA), sementara data hasil uji organoleptik diolah dengan metode Amerine and Roessler (1976). Dilanjutkan dengan uji beda BNT dan DMRT dengan selang kepercayaan 1% dan 5%. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa substitusi sari wortel berpengaruh nyata (α = 0,01) terhadap total BAL dan berpengaruh sangat nyata (α = 0,05) terhadap total asam, pH, total gula, N amino, TPT, total karotenoid, intensitas kecerahan, intensitas kemerahan, dan intensitas kekuningan produk susu kedelai yang difermentasi Bifidobacterium bifidum. Sedangkan perlakuan lama inkubasi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap semua parameter fisik, kimia dan mikrobiologi, kecuali total karotenoid dan intensitas kekuningan yang berpengaruh nyata dan TPT yang tidak berpengaruh nyata. Produk dengan perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan parameter organoleptik, fisik, kimia dan mikrobiologi diperoleh dari susu kedelai dengan substitusi sari wortel 20% dan diinkubasi 24 jam. Produk dengan perlakuan terbaik memiliki jumlah total BAL (Bifidobacterium bifidum) 9,221 (log CFU/ml), total asam (asam laktat) 0,449%, pH 4,537, total gula 4,313%, total padatan terlarut 8,011 °Bx, N amino 0,935%, total karotenoid 6,7 mcg/g, tingkat kecerahan (L*) 63,333, tingkat kemerahan (a*) 12,8 dan tingkat kekuningan (b*) 25,067. Di akhir masa simpan selama 15 hari diketahui bahwa terjadi penurunan pada, pH, N amino dan TPT namun terjadi peningkatan pada total asam. Penurunan juga terjadi pada total Bifidobacterium selama penyimpanan 15 hari namun masih di atas batas minimum bagi produk probiotik.

English Abstract

Soymilk nowadays became suitable substitution for dairy products, because it had complete proteins profile with exclusion of saturated fats and cholesterols, and also soymilk could be the perfect alternative for people suffering from lactose intolerant. In the other hand, soymilk known to have anti nutrients and substances which could caused off flavor. One of anti nutrient substances in soymilk was flatulence-caused oligosaccharides. Fermentation by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) was an efficient method to omit disadvantageous substances and to reduce off-flavor in soymilk. Be different from yoghurt cultures, Bifidobacteria group was a kind of probiotic bacteria known to posses α-galactosyde enzyme which could make it possible to deplete oligosaccharides in soymilk. The addition of natural substances to soymilk besides could complete fermented product’s nutrient, it also gave positive effects to the cultures viability. The combination of carrot extract and soymilk made it possible to create product with richer nutrients, because carrot was rich in minerals and also known as the perfect source for provitamin A, B1, B2, C, thiamin and riboflavin but low in proteins and fats. On the other hand soymilk had unsaturated fats, essential fatty acids and rich in proteins and essential amino acids. The aim of this research was to identify the influence of carrot extract addition and duration of incubation toward physico-chemical characteristics of fermented soymilk, and toward viability of probiotic cultures Bifidobacterium bifidum in fermented soymilk. This research was carried out using Randomized Block Design with two factor, four level concentration of carrot extraction substitution (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) with two level of duration of incubation time (12 and 24 hours). The data obtained were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for physico-chemical and microbiological properties followed by analyzing level of significance using Duncan Multiple Range Test if there was significance effect from the factors using 95% and 99% level of confidence. Data of sensory characteristics were analyzed using Amerine and Roessler method. Results show that carrot extract had a significance effect (α = 0,01) on total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), and had very significant effect (α = 0,05) on total acids, pH, total sugars, N amino, total soluble solids (TSS), total carotenoid, intensity of brightness, intensity of red and yellow of Bifidobacterium bifidum-fermented soymilk. Meanwhile duration of incubation gave very significance effect on all parameters tested, except for total carotenoid and yellow intensity which was only gave significance effect and also TSS which did not significantly affected. Product with the best combination of treatments based on sensory, physical, chemicals and microbiological parameters was product with 20% carrot extract substitution and incubated for 24 hours, who had total LAB (Bifidobacterium bifidum) 9,221 (log CFU/ml), total acids content of 0,449%, pH of 4,537, total sugars content of 4,313%, TSS of 8,011 °Bx, N amino content of 0,935%, total carotenoid content of 6,7 mcg/g, intensity of brightness of (L*) 63,333, red (a*) of 12,8 and yellow (b*) of 25,067. During refrigerated storage for 15 days, product with the best combination chosen showed decreasing in pH, N amino and TSS but there was increasing for total acids. There was also decreasing in total Bifidobacterium during storage for 15 days, but the number of viable culture was still above of the minimum requirements for probiotic products.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2007/05072464
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email repository.ub@ub.ac.id
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2007 00:00
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 04:56
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/147744
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