Strategi Perencanaan Perawatan Mesin Pada Stasiun Evaporator Dengan Menggunakan Metode Discrete Markov Chain (Studi Kasus: PG. Kebon Agung, Malang, Jawa Timur)

DwiCahyaPutra, Firdaus (2017) Strategi Perencanaan Perawatan Mesin Pada Stasiun Evaporator Dengan Menggunakan Metode Discrete Markov Chain (Studi Kasus: PG. Kebon Agung, Malang, Jawa Timur). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PG Kebon Agung merupakan pabrik gula dibawah naungan PT Kebon Agung yang terletak di kecamatan Pakisaji kabupaten Malang. Proses produksi beroperasi secara non-stop selama rentan waktu periode giling yang dapat menghasilkan 12.800 TCD (ton can per day) gula murni perhari. Stasiun Evaporator merupakan unit produksi yang sangat sensitif terhadap penurunan performa mesin, namun selama ini proses perawatan mesin hanya berdasarkan pengamatan dan pengecekan visual. Pada periode giling 2015 stasiun Evaporator memiliki persentase system failure yang cukup besar, yaitu 25−73%. System failure merupakan kondisi saat terdapat kurang dari 7 unit mesin yang bekerja optimal dan output nira kental pada badan evaporator akhir tidak sesuai standard (< 60% brix). Kegiatan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya system failure pada stasiun Evaporator dengan melakukan perencanaan perawatan terhadap mesin produksi. Kegiatan perencanaan perawatan mesin pada stasiun Evaporator ini menggunakan metode Discrete Markov Chain. Metode ini memuat nilai steady state (kondisi tunak) mesin, estimasi interval perawatan mesin dan tingkat keandalan (reliabilitas) sistem. Saat kondisi steady state, dimana kondisi mesin mengalami kestabilan, probabilitas state mesin sama/ atau mendekati sama nilainya dengan probabilitas sebelumnya. Perhitungan kondisi steady state, membagi probabilitas status mesin pada tiga kondisi (status) yaitu kondisi baik, gagal dan rusak. Sedangkan perhitungan interval perawatan mesin berdasarkan dua hal, yaitu durasi masa giling dan probabilitas kegagalan pada masing-masing unit evaporator. Reliabilitas merupakan kemampuan suatu sistem untuk melakukan fungsi tanpa mengalami kegagalan pada periode waktu tertentu. Perhitungan keandalan (reliabilitas) sistem berdasarkan nilai keandalan pada masing-masing unit evaporator yang merupakan akumulasi antara probabilitas mesin pada status baik dan status gagal dalam kondisi steady state. Setelah melakukan analisis menggunakan Discrete Markov Chain pada stasiun Evaporator PG Kebon Agung, diketahui bahwa probabilitas kegagalan dan tingkat keandalan dari sistem dan masing-masing unit evaporator pada kondisi steady state. Hasil analisis tersebut adalah estimasi interval perawatan dan nilai reliabilitas ( ) pada 9 unit evaporator yang ada, yaitu interval perawatan evaporator 1 setiap 195 jam ( ); interval perawatan evaporator 2 setiap 222 jam ( ); interval perawatan evaporator 3 setiap 518 jam ( 7); interval perawatan evaporator 4 setiap 71 jam ( ); interval perawatan evaporator 5 setiap 21 jam ( ); interval perawatan evaporator 6 setiap 68 jam ( ); interval perawatan evaporator 7 setiap 1.548 jam ( ); interval perawatan evaporator 8 setiap 18 jam ( ); dan interval perawatan evaporator 9 setiap 10 jam ( ). Pada perhitungan reliabilitas, unit evaporator 6, 7, 8, dan 9 berada di bawah nilai rata-rata (0,775) dengan nilai keandalan (reliabilitas) dan probabilitas kerusakan berturut-turut 0,720 dan 0,280; 0,622 dan 0,378; 0,681 dan 0,319; 0,688 dan 0,312. Sedangkan nilai reliabilitas sistem pada stasiun Evaporator sebesar 0,671, dengan kondisi terdapat minimal 2 unit mesin yang mengalami kerusakan.

English Abstract

PG Kebon Agung is a sugar factory under management of PT Kebon Agung, which is located in Pakisaji, Malang. Production process runs continuously during vulnerable production period and could produce 12.800 TCD (ton can per day) of cane sugar per day. Evaporation station is one of the production unit that is highly sensitive toward engine performance reduction. However maintenance process is only base on observation and visual check. During by 2015 period, evaporation station has fairly high percentage of system failure (25−73%). System failure is a condition when there is less than 7 units machine that works optimally and sugar thick juice at final body of evaporator are less than standard (60% brix). The purpose of this research is to minimize system failure on Evaporation station using maintenance planning of machines. This maintenance planning on Evaporation station is using Discrete Markov Chain method. This method obtained steady state value of each machines, maintenance interval estimation, and level of systems reliability. On steady state condition, which conditions of machines on stable position, the state probabilities of machines are same or almost equal with previous probability. The steady state calculations are obtained probabilities on three conditions, there are good condition, failure condition and breakdown condition. However the maintenance interval is available from calculation between the duration of vulnerable production and failure condition probability on each evaporation units. In addition, reliability is the ability of system to perform a required function without any failure during time period. The calculation of systems reliabilities is available from reliability value on each evaporation units. Those values are accumulation between good and failure condition probability on steady state condition. After analyze using Discrete Markov Chain on Evaporation station in PG Kebon Agung, known that failure condition probabilities and level of reliability for system and each evaporation units on steady state condition. The result of those analysis are maintenance interval and reliability value ( ) toward all nine evaporation units: evaporator 1 has maintenance interval as much as 195 hours ( ); evaporator 2 has maintenance interval as much as 222 hours ( ); evaporator 3 has maintenance interval as much as 518 hours ( ); evaporator 4 has maintenance interval as much as 71 hours ( ); evaporator 5 has maintenance interval as much as 21 hours ( ); evaporator 6 has maintenance interval as much as 68 hours ( ); evaporator 7 has maintenance interval as much as 1.548 hours ( ); evaporator 8 has maintenance interval as much as 18 hours ( ); and evaporator 9 has maintenance interval as much as 10 hours ( ). On reliability calculation, evaporation units 6, 7, 8, and 9 are under average value (0,775) with reliability value and breakdown probability as consecutive as 0,720 and 0,280; 0,622 and 0,378; 0,681 and 0,319; 0,688 and 0,312. While systems reliability value on Evaporation station is 0,671, it is notes that there are at least 2 units of machines which is damage.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/129/051701282
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Sugiantoro
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2017 09:00
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2021 04:53
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