Widyaningtyas, Andhita (2016) Studi Pemetaan Lahan Kritis Di Sub Das Kali Gunting Kabupaten Jombang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Sub-DAS Kali Gunting was characterized by land-uses dominated by forest and plantation at upstream with human settlement at downstream. The slope of the upstream was very steep. The change of land-use eroded the infiltrative capacity of the soil, and therefore, river water debit was becoming excess. Pursuant to this condition, the study attempted to review the danger rate of erosion against the existing land condition in 2014, and also to examine whether land-use was directed based on the class of land capacity at Sub-DAS Kali Gunting. Method to calculate erosion rate was MUSLE. This method used the approach of surface overflow. The involved data were 10-year rainfall, land-use, soil type, column depth map, slope, and soil texture soil. Data were processed by Geographic Information System (GIS). Result of study showed that erosion rate at Sub-DAS Kali Gunting was 2,564.28 tons/ha/year. It means that Sub-DAS Kali Gunting has lost its soil level for 16.03 mm/year. Land criticality rate at Sub-DAS Kali Gunting can be arranged as following: 19,228.05 ha (58.9%) were very critical; 9,787.93 ha (30.0%) were critical; 3,560.11 (10.9%) were semi critical; and 54.80 ha (0.2%) were potentially critical. Sub-DAS Kali Gunting was divided into 4 area functions. The area allotted for annual plant cultivation was 21,704.3 ha (66.51%); that for protected area was 2,848.4 ha (8.73%); that for supporting area was 4,943.14 ha (15.15%); and that for seasonal plant cultivation was 3,135.06 ha (9.61%). The composition of land-use at Sub-DAS Kali Gunting had been compatible to the area function, precisely for the protected forest at width of 2,848.4 ha. The supporting area comprised of the mixed forest at width of 304.49 ha, the production forest at width of 58.992 ha, the limited production forest at width of 1,942.26 ha, the human settlement at width of 135.232 ha, the irrigated field at width of 24,813 ha, and the rain-cistern field at width of 30.246 ha. Seasonal plant cultivation area was used for the limited production forest at width of 36.296 ha, the people forest at width of 53.054 ha, the human settlement at width of 656.501 ha, the plantation at width of 244.96 ha, the irrigated field at width of 1,569.30 ha, the bushes at width of 53.37, and the non-irrigated field at width of 125.96 ha. The annual plant cultivation area consisted of the mixed forest at width of 421.68 ha, the production forest at width of 1,862.071 ha, the limited production forest at width of 492.499 ha, the people forest at width of 3,127.137 ha, the human settlement at width of 2,972.95 ha, the plantation at width of 3,081.98 ha, the irrigated field at width of 5,971.78 ha, the rain-cistern field at width of 947.42 ha, the bushes at width of 17.99 ha, and the non-irrigated field at width of 70.21 ha.
English Abstract
Sub DAS Kali Gunting mempunyai tata guna lahan di dominasi oleh hutan dan lahan perkebunan di bagian hulu, serta pemukiman di wilayah hilir. Kemiringan daerah hulu yang cukup terjal dan adanya perubahan tata guna lahan mengakibatkan tanah kehilangan kemampuan untuk infiltrasi sehingga debit air sungai menjadi sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, studi ini mengkaji tingkat bahaya erosi yang terjadi pada kondisi lahan eksisting 2014 dan arahan penggunaan lahan yang sesuai dengan kelas kemampuan lahan pada Sub DAS Kali Gunting. Metode yang digunakan dalam menghitung besarnya laju erosi adalah metode MUSLE dimana metode tersebut menggunakan pendekatan limpasan permukaan. Data yang diperlukan yaitu data curah hujan selama 10 tahun, data tata guna lahan, data jenis tanah, peta kedalaman solum, data kelerengan, peta tekstur tanah. Pengolahan data dalam studi ini menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan jumlah laju erosi pada sub DAS Kali Gunting sebesar 2.564,28 ton/ha/tahun. Dengan demikian, pada Sub DAS Kali Gunting kehilangan tanah sebesar 16,03 mm/tahun. Tingkat kekritisan lahan yang terjadi pada Sub DAS Kali Gunting dengan tata sebagian besar sangat kritis yaitu seluas 19.228,05 ha (58,9%), kritis seluas 9.787,93 ha (30,0%), semi kritis 3.560,11 ha (10,9%), dan potensial kritis seluas 54,80 ha (0,2%). Sub DAS Kali Gunting terbagi menjadi 4 fungsi kawasan. Sebagian besar merupakan kawasan budidaya tanaman tahunan seluas 21.704,3 ha (66,51%) kawasan lindung seluas 2.848,4 ha (8,73%), kawasan penyangga 4.943.14 ha (15,15%), kawasan budidaya tanaman semusim 3.135,06 ha (9,61%). Komposisi penggunaan lahan yang tepat untuk Sub DAS Kali Gunting adalah sesuai dengan fungsi kawasannya, yaitu kawasan lindung digunakan sebagai hutan lindung seluas 2.848,4 ha. Kawasan penyangga terdiri dari hutan campuran seluas 304,49 ha, hutan produksi seluas 58,992 ha, hutan produksi terbatas seluas 1.942,26 ha, pemukiman seluas 135,232 ha, sawah irigasi seluas 24,813 ha, dan sawah tadah hujan seluas 30,246 ha. Kawasan budidaya tananan semusim digunakan untuk hutan produksi terbatas seluas 36,296 ha, hutan rakyat 53,054 ha, pemukiman seluas 656,501 ha, perkebunan 244,96, sawah irigasi seluas 1.569,30 ha, semak belukar seluas 53,37, tanah ladang seluas 125,96 ha. Kawasan budidaya tanaman tahunan terdiri dari hutan campuran seluas 421,68 ha, hutan produksi seluas 1.862,071 ha, hutan produksi terbatas seluas 492,499 ha, hutan rakyat 3.127,137 ha, pemukiman seluas 2.972,95 ha, perkebunan 3.081,98 ha, sawah irigasi 5.971,78 ha, sawah tadah hujan 947,42 ha, semak belukar 17,99 ha, tanah ladang 70,21 ha.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FT/2016/1048/051612738 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.5 Reclamations, Irrigation, related topics > 627.52 Irrigation |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan |
Depositing User: | Sugiantoro |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jan 2017 14:03 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 00:34 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/144214 |
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