Gedung Pengolahan Ikan Bandeng Di Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik

AlamAA, MBachrul (2015) Gedung Pengolahan Ikan Bandeng Di Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Potensi sumber daya alam ikan Bandeng di kabupaten Gresik yang melimpah saat ini, belum terkelola secara optimal. Keberadaan usaha pengolahan hasil petani ikan Bandeng masih terbatas, pada industri kecil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar lokal. Perancangan gedung pengolahan ikan Bandeng di kecamatan Manyar ini diharapkan mampu menampung hasil panen para petani tambak di kabupaten Gresik, juga dapat mengatasi masalah perekonomian masyarakatnya. Pemilihan letak bangunan industri di kecamatan Manyar dimaksudkan untuk mendekatkan proses produksi dengan bahan baku sehingga dapat menekan biaya produksi. Gedung pengolahan ikan Bandeng di kecamatan Manyar dirancang sesuai standart industri pangan yang memperhatikan tingkat kebersihan dan keamanan. Standart tersebut berfungsi untuk menjamin keamanan hasil produk dari kontaminasi. Sehingga nantinya hasil produksi bisa memiliki nilai harga jual yang tinggi serta aman untuk dikonsumsi.

English Abstract

The potential of Milkfish natural resources in Gresik which is spread widely has not been managed optimally. The existance of outcome management business of Milkfish farmers is still limited on small industries to complete local markets needs. The design of building for managing Milkfish in Manyar is not only expected to accommodate the outcome product of fishpond farmers in Gresik, but also to solve peoples economy problems. Choosing a location of industrial building in Manyar is supposed to get the production process near with the raw materials in order to suppress the production cost. The building of Milkfish management in Manyar is designed based on standard of food industry which concerns on cleanliness and securement. It is used to guarantee the securement of outcome product from a contamination. therefore, the outcome product can have a high value of selling price and safe to be consumed.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2015/672/ 051506851
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 690 Construction of buildings
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2015 13:26
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2015 13:26
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