Optimasi Perencanaan Layout Produksi Pembuatan Hoiken Boiler Cap. 5000 Kg/H Dengan Craft Algorithm Dan Simulasi

Dewi, Egar Astri (2014) Optimasi Perencanaan Layout Produksi Pembuatan Hoiken Boiler Cap. 5000 Kg/H Dengan Craft Algorithm Dan Simulasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT XYZ merupakan industri manufaktur yang memproduksi beberapa jenis produk berbahan logam seperti boiler, pressure vessel, heat exchanger, tangki dan lain-lain. PT XYZ membuat kebijakan untuk melakukan spesialisasi produk di tiap cabang. Berdasarkan kebijakan tersebut, salah satu cabang PT XYZ yakni cabang Pulo Gadung dikhususkan untuk menjadi produsen Hoiken Boiler Cap. 5000 Kg/h. Awalnya layout lantai produksi di PT XYZ cabang Pulo Gadung adalah layout yang difungsikan untuk memproduksi berbagai produk. Untuk itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi apakah existing layout di PT XYZ cabang Pulo Gadung sudah sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut atau tidak, dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan layoutagar dapat menunjang kebijakan tersebut, jika existing layout dianggap belum optimal. Analisa produk dan proses pembuatan Hoiken Boiler dijadikan acuan dalam usaha optimasi layout lantai produksi di PT XYZ. Analisa produk dan proses dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari analisa buat beli, operation process chart,danassembly chart. Setelah itu dilakukan analisa kebutuhan mesin, luas lantai dan aliran material pada PT XYZ. Hasil dari analisa tersebutlah yang dijadikan dasar dalam melakukan optimasi perancangan layoutPT XYZ. Metode optimasi yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan algoritma CRAFT dengan bantuan software Winqsb 2.0, guna menghasilkan layout usulan dengan tujuan meminimasi total jarak material handling. Hasil dari CRAFT adalah 4 layout usulan dengan metode pertukaran improve by exchanging 2 departments, improve by exchanging 3 departments, improve by exchanging 2 than 3 departments dan improve by exchanging 3 than 2 departments.Keempat layout usulan tersebut disimulasikan dengan software Arena 5.0 untuk melihat utilitas transporter. Hasil dari pengolahan CRAFT adala 4 layout usulan dengan masing masing total jarak perpindahan material yang telah disesuaikan dengan keadaan aktual sebesar 4633.6 m, 4622 m, 4642.6 m, 4492.5 m per 1 unit Hoiken Boiler. Lalu setelah disimulasikan, masing-masing layout usulan memiliki total utilitas transporter yaitu sebesar 3.16 % untuk layout usulan dengan metode pertukaranimprove by exchanging 2 departments, 3.28 % untuk metode improve by exchanging 3 departments, 3.19 % untuk improve by exchanging 2 than 3 departments, dan 0.49 % untuk metode improve by exchanging 3 than 2 departments.Dari simulasi ini dipilih layout usulan dengan utilitas transporter terendah sebagailayout rekomendasi untuk PT XYZ dalam memproduksi Hoiken Boiler. Layout usulan yang menjadi rekomendasi adalah layout usulan CRAFT dengan metode pertukaran improve by exchanging 3 than 2 departments dan total jarak perpindahan material terkecil sebesar 4492.5 m, serta utilitas transporter terendah sebesar 0.49 % setiap produksi 1 unit Hoiken Boiler Cap. 5000 Kg/H setelah disimulasikan.

English Abstract

PT XYZis manufactured industrial which produces some variants of metallic products, such as boiler, pressure vessel, heat exchanger, tank etc. PT XYZ made a policy for product specialization in each branch. Based on that policy, Pulo Gadung’s branch was focused to produce only one product, that is Hoiken Boiler Cap. 5000 Kg/H. In the beginning, existing layout in this branch was designed for producing some variants of metallic products. This research aims to evaluate whether existing layout in Pulo Gadung’s branch can support that policy or not, and give improvement layout recommendation for optimizing plant layout in order to support that policy. Product and process analysis of Hoiken Boiler production, was used as reference of optimizing PT XYZ’s plant layout. Product and process analysis in this research, consists of make or buy analysis, operation process chart, and assembly chart. Those analysis were used for machine requirement analysis, space requirement analysis and material flow analysis in PT XYZ. Optimizationmethod was using CRAFT algorithm as an improvement tool, with help of Winqsb 2.0 software. This method produced alternative layouts in aim to minimize distance total of material handling. From CRAFT, there were 4 alternative layouts with 4 exchange methods, they wereimprove by exchanging 2 departments, improve by exchanging 3 departments, improve by exchanging 2 than 3 departments and improve by exchanging 3 than 2 departments. 4 alternative layouts from CRAFT was simulated by Arena 5.0 software. This simulation showed transporter utility in each method. Distance total of material handling for 4 CRAFT alternative layout after actual condition adaptations are 4633.6 m, 4622 m, 4642.6 m, and 4492.5 m in producing 1 unit of Hoiken Boiler. 4 alternative layouts from CRAFT was simulated by Arena 5.0 software and showed transporter utility in each method. They were 3.16 % for improve by exchanging 2 departments method, 3.28 % for improve by exchanging 3 departments method , 3.19 % improve by exchanging 2 than 3 departments method, and 0.49 % for improve by exchanging 3 than 2 departments method. Alternative layout which had lowest transporter utility had choosen as layout recommendation for PT XYZ in Pulo Gadung’s branch. Layout recommendation had 4492.5 m distance total of material handling from improve by exchanging 3 than 2 departments CRAFT method and 0.49 % transporter utility in producing 1 unit of Hoiken Boiler Cap. 5000 Kg/H after simulation.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2014/501/051405266
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2014 09:45
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2021 03:50
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/142810
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