Ramadhani, Siti Sarah (2018) Evaluasi Efikasi Diri Dosen Universitas Brawijaya dalam Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Dosen dengan Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model Termodifikasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Sistem Informasi Dosen adalah sistem berbasis web yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah dosen dalam administrasi kepegawaian. Pada penerapannya, masih banyak dari kalangan dosen masih kurang memaksimalkan penggunaan Sistem Informasi Dosen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi enam variabel berdasarkan model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) yang termodifikasi yaitu variabel Perceived of usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Computer Self-Efficacy, Attitude toward using, University Support dan Behavior Intention. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan bantuan instrumen berupa kuesioner dan pengambilan data sampel menggunakan metode disproportionate stratified random sampling. Populasi dari penelitian sebanyak 2192 dosen aktif di Universitas Brawijaya. Jumlah sampel didapatkan dari persamaan Slovin dengan tingkat kelonggaran 10% sehingga didapatkan hasil sampel sebanyak 96 orang dari seluruh fakultas di Universitas Brawijaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel Perceived of usefulness (68,6%), University Support (71.90%), Computer Self-Efficacy (71%) , Attitude toward using (73%) dan Behavior Intention (70,29%) termasuk kategori tinggi dan variabel Perceived Ease of Use (75,1%) termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Rekomendasi yang diberikan diantaranya: meningkatkan pengalaman pengoprasian SIADO dosen, menciptakan social model bagi diri dosen dan meningkatkan sosial persuasive di lingkungan dosen seperti mengadakan pelatihan pengoprasian SIADO dan fungsi komputasi secara rutin, meningkatkan keamanan web, menambahkan dan mempertahankan fungsi dan fitur yang disediakan pada SIADO dan mereduksi fungsi yang tidak berkaitan dengan tugas dosen, mempertahankan tampilan yang sederhana sehingga pengguna selalu merasa mudah serta pihak universitas dapat memberikan apresiasi atau reward kepada pengguna yang memiliki intensitas penggunaan SIADO yang tinggi.
English Abstract
The Lecturer Information System (SIADO) is a web based system that aims to support lecturers in staffing administration. In its use, there are many lecturers who have not maximized the use of Sistem Informasi Dosen (SIADO). This study aims to evaluate six variables based on a modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which are: perceived usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Computer Self- Efficacy, Attitude toward using, University Support and Behavior Intention. This research used a quantitative-descriptive method with the aid of an instrument in the form of questionnaires with sample data taken using a disproportionate stratified random sampling method. The population of the research comprised of 2192 active lecturers at Brawijaya University. The number of sample was obtained from the Slovin equation with a 10% clearance rate resulting in a sample of 96 people from all faculties at Brawijaya University. The results showed that perceived usefulness (68.6%), University Support (71.90%), Computer Self- Efficacy (71%), Attitude toward using (73%) and Behavior Intention (70.29%) were classified into the high category and Perceived Ease of Use variables (75.1%) fell into very high category. Recommendations include: improving the experience of SIADO, creating a model for self-lecturers and improving social persuasive in the lecturer environment such as organizing SIADO operation and computational functions training, improving web security, reducing functions or features that are not related to lecturer’s tasks, maintaining a simple interface in order for users to always feel ease and the university can give appreciation or reward to users who have high intensity of SIADO usage.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTIK/2018/585/051808441 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Sistem Informasi |
Subjects: | 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 15 Mar 2019 03:38 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 04:11 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/14065 |
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