Sitinjak, Andre E.S (2018) Morfologi Dan Klasifikasi Tanah Pada Berbagai Macam Sub Landform Karst Di Formasi Wonosari Kecamatan Gedangan, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Salah satu formasi yang material penyusunnya terdiri dari batu gamping adalah Formasi (Tmwl). Batu gamping salah satu penyebab terjadinya proses pelarutan atau karstifikasi. Hasil dari karstifikasi tersebut mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan bentukan lahan atau landform. Landform Karst terdiri dari beberapa macam, yaitu bukit kecil berbentuk kerucut, punthuk karst pada perbukitan karst, punggung karst, pelembahan karst dan dataran karst, cekungan tertutup atau doline, lembah dan dataran yang sempit. Perbedaan landform tersebut berpengaruh terhadap morfologi, sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Sehingga terjadi perbedaan Taksa tanah tiap Sub Landform. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kecamatan Gedangan, Kabupaten Malang. Pembuatan peta kerja dengan overlay peta geologi, lereng, relief. Hasil dari overlay peta tersebut dihasilkan peta landform. Peta tersebut sebagai dasar penentuan titik mengggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan fisiografi. Survei terbagi atas dua bagian yaitu pra-survei dan survei utama. Pra-survei dengan pembuatan 54 minipit yang tersebar di tiap sub landform. Survei utama dilakukan pada 6 pedon tipikal yang ditentukan berdasarkan pada kesamaan karakteristik tanah pada masing-masing minipit. Pedon tipikal dibuat dengan ukuran 1 x 2 m2 dengan kedalam 180 meter. Contoh tanah diambil utuh dan komposit pada tiap horison di pedon tipikal. Analisis sifat fisik tanah ( Berat Isi dan Tekstur Tanah) dan sifat kimia (Kapasitas Tukar Kation, Basa-basa yang Dapat di Tukar, Kejenuhan Basa dan C-Organik). Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaaan sifat morfologi, fisik dan kimia. Warna tanah secara umum di lokasi penelitian cokelat sangat gelap (7,5 YR 2,5/2) sampai cokelat kekuningan (10 YR 5/8). Struktur tanah gumpal membulat, ukuran halus, tingkat perkembangan lemah sampai cukup. Konsistensi lembap gembur sampai teguh, konsistensi basah agak lekat sampai lekat dan plastis sampai agak plastis. Tekstur tanah lempung liat berdebu sampai liat berdebu. Perbedaan morfologi pada landform perbukitan dan pelembahan karst yang paling jelas adalah terdapat fragmen batuan pada perbukitan dan pelembahan tidak memiliki fragmen batuan, kedalaman solum pada perbukitan cederung dangkal dan pelembahan cenderung dalam. Jenis tanah pada P1 (sub landform punthuk karst pada perbukitan karst) Lithic Hapludolls, Halus, Campuran, Isohipertermik, P2 (sub landform punggung karst pada perbukitan karst) Typic Calciudolls, Halus, Campuran, Kalkareus, Superaktif, Isohipertermik. P3 (sub landform punggung karst pada perbukitan karst) Typic Hapludolls, Halus, Campuran, Superaktif, Isohipertermik. P4 (sub landform punggung karst pada perbukitan karst) Inceptic Haprendolls, Superaktif, Skeletal-Berliat, Campuran, Isohipertermik. P5 (sub landform pelembahan karst pada dataran karst) Eutric Humudepts, Halus, Campuran, Superaktif, Isohipertermik dan P6 (sub landform pelembahan karst pada perbukitan karst) Typic Humudepts, Halus, Campuran, Superaktif, Isohipertermik.
English Abstract
One of the formations whose constituent material consists of limestone is Formation (Tmwl). Limestone is one of the causes of dissolution or karstification. The results of the karstification resulted in changes in land formations. Karst landform consists of several types, namely small cone-shaped hills, karst pits on karst hills, karst backs, karst moistening and karst plains, closed basins or doline, narrow valleys and plains. The difference in landform affects the morphology, physical and chemical properties of the soil. So that there is a difference between the land for each Sub Landform. The research location is in Gedangan District, Malang Regency. Making a work map with overlaying geological maps, slopes, reliefs. The results of the map overlay are generated by a landform map. The map is the basis for determining the point of using analytical methods with physiographic approaches. The survey is divided into two parts, namely pre-survey and main survey. Pre-survey with the manufacture of 54 minipites scattered on each sub-landform. The main survey was carried out on 6 typical pedons which were determined based on the similarity of soil characteristics to each minipit. Typical pedons are made with a size of 1 x 2 m2 with 180 meters. Samples of soil taken intact and composite at each horizon in typical pedons. Analysis of soil physical properties (weight and content of soil texture and chemical properties (cation exchange capacity, exchangeable bases, alkaline and C-organic saturation). The results showed differences in morphological, physical and chemical properties. The general soil color at the study site is very dark brown (7.5 YR 2.5 / 2) to yellowish brown (10 YR 5/8). The structure of the lumpy soil is rounded, the size is smooth, the level of development is weak to enough. Moisture is loose and firm, firm consistency until firm and plastic until somewhat plastic. Dusty clay clay texture to dusty clay. Morphological differences in the landform of the hills and karst institutionalization are the most obvious are rock fragments in the hills and moisturization that have no rock fragments, the depth of the solum on the hills tend to be shallow and the tenderness is deep. Soil type in P1 (sub landform in karst hills in karst hills) Lithic Hapludolls, Smooth, Mixed, Isohipertermic, P2 (sub landform of karst back in karst hills) Typic Calciudolls, Smooth, Mixed, Calcareus, Superactive, Isohipertermic. P3 (sub landform karst back in karst hills) Typic Hapludolls, Smooth, Mixed, Superactive, Isohipertermik. P4 (sub landform karst back in karst hills) Inceptic Haprendolls, Superactive, Skeletal-Clayey, Mixed, Isohipertermik. P5 (sub landform karst humidification on karst plains) Eutric Humudepts, Smooth, Mixed, Superactive, Isohipertermic and P6 (sub landform karst softening on karst hills) Typic Humudepts, Smooth, Mixed, Superactive, Isohipertermic.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2018/744/051810391 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Limestone is one of the causes of dissolution or karstification. The results of the karstification resulted in changes in land formations. Karst |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.43 Soil physics |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 08 Mar 2019 01:40 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 15:58 |
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