Jamin, Tri Hidayati (2018) Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Tanah Di UB Forest Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kawasan UB Forest merupakan hutan pendidikan yang dimiliki oleh Universitas Brawijaya dan berada di kawasan Gunung Arjuno Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. Untuk menjadikan UB Forest sebagai Laboratorium hidup sekaligus sebagai upaya pengembangan UB Forest, maka kawasan UB Forest ditanami berbagai macam tanaman dan tentunya kawasan tersebut memiliki keanekaragaman Arthropoda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman Arthropoda dengan perbedaan pemanfaatan lahan di UB Forest yaitu agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman kopi, agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman semusim, agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman kopi, agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman semusim dan tanaman semusim. Pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan di Kawasan UB Forest pada bulan Agustus hingga Oktober 2017, dan dilanjutkan Identifikasi Arthropoda tanah di Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya pada bulan November hingga Desember 2017. Analisis tanah dilakukan di Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Pada masing – masing lahan ditentukan plot pengamatan berukuran 20 x 20 m, sebanyak 3 plot sebagai ulangan. Setiap plot terdapat 6 titik pengambilan sampel. Pada setiap titik dilakukan pengambilan sampel di dalam tanah dan di permukaan tanah menggunakan kotak besi berukuran 20 x 20 x 10 cm. Sampel serasah dan sampel tanah dimasukkan kedalam kantong kasa untuk dibawa ke laboratorium, yang selanjutnya diekstrak menggunakan metode dinamik dengan alat corong Berlase untuk memisahkan tanah dengan Arthropoda. Arthropoda tanah yang terkumpul kemudian diidentifikasi, dan selanjutnya dilakukan pengumpulan data pendukung yaitu pengukuran serasah, C-Organik, bahan organik tanah dan pH tanah. Keanekaragaman dan Kemerataan Arthropoda tanah di setiap tipe pemanfaatan lahan pada kawasan UB Forest dihitung menggunakan indeks Shannon-Wienner (H’) dan (E). Dominansi spesies pada masing-masing lokasi dapat dihitung dengan rumus indeks Simpson (D). Perbedaan kelimpahan Arthropoda tanah antar pemanfaatan lahan dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square. Komposisi kemiripan spesies Arthropoda tanah pada berbagai tipe pemanfaatan lahan dinyatakan dengan indeks Bray-Curtis. Kemiripan Arthropoda tanah pada berbagai tipe pemanfaatan lahan diuji dengan ANOSIM dan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara faktor abiotik dengan kelimpahan Arthropoda tanah digunakan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian di kawasan UB Forest dengan perbedaan pemanfaatan lahan ditemukan 4368 individu Arthropoda tanah yang tergolong dalam 28 Famili. Kelimpahan Arthropoda di dalam tanah yang tertinggi terdapat pada lahan agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman kopi berjumlah 893 individu Arthropoda dan yang terendah terdapat pada lahan tanaman semusim berjumlah 7 individu Arthropoda. Di permukaan tanah, kelimpahan Arthropda yang tertinggi terdapat pada lahan agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman semusim berjumlah 579 Atrhropoda, dan yang terendah terdapat pada lahan tanaman semusim berjumlah 52 individu Arthropoda. Keanekaragaman Arthropoda tanah pada lahan agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman kopi (H’=3,12), agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman semusim (H’=2,95), agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman kopi (H’=3,16), agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman semusim (H’=3,18) adalah tergolongviii sedang. Pada lahan tanaman semusim keanekaragaman Arthropoda tanah tergolong rendah (H’= 1,55). Arthropoda tanah yang ditemukan memiliki peran yang berbeda, yaitu sebagai herbivora, predator, dekomposer, dan detrivitor. Terdapat pengaruh nyata dari tipe pemanfaatan lahan yang berbeda terhadap komposisi spesies Arthropoda tanah baik di atas permukaan tanah (P=0,001) maupun di dalam tanah (P=0,001). Persentase kemiripan spesies Arthropoda tanah di lahan agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman semusim dan lahan agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman kopi di masing-masing lahan adalah 77,4%. Pada lahan agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman kopi dan lahan agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman kopi persentase kemiripannya adalah 62,7%. Sedangkan persentase kemiripan pada lahan agroforestri pinus dengan tanaman semusim dan lahan agroforestri mahoni dengan tanaman kopi adalah juga 62,7%. Namun persentase kemiripan spesies Arthropoda tanah pada lahan tanaman semusim dan lahan-lahan agroforestri hanya kurang dari 2%. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara kelimpahan Arthropoda di dalam tanah dan di permukaan tanah dengan kandungan bahan Organik (r=0,82) dan C-organik tanah (r=0,82).
English Abstract
UB Forest is an educational forest owned by Brawijaya University which is located in Arjuno Mountain area, Karangploso Subdistrict, Malang Regency. To be a field laboratory, UB Forest have been managed with planting several kinds of plants. Some area have been developed as an agroforestry, i.e pines and coffee, pines and horticulture crops, mahogany and coffee, and mahogany and yam. Those kind of plants may support many Arthropods which they are a part of living things at the ecosystem. Many Arthropods are also important for the ecosystem services. The diversity of Arthropods at UB Forest can be influenced by the different landuses, as an agroforestry or as an monoculture field. Therefore this study was aimed to determine the diversity of soil arthropods at five different land uses at UB Forest, namely 1) the agroforestry pine and coffee, 2) the pine agroforestry and seasonal crops, 3) the agroforestry mahogany and coffee, 4) the mahogany agroforestry and yam crops and 5) seasonal crops. Soil sampling was conducted in UB Forest area from August to October 2017, followed by Identification of Arthropod Soil at Biological Control Laboratory of Plant Pest and Disease Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University from November to December 2017. Soil analysis was conducted in Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University to obtain the support data. In each land use was taked 3 plot of 20 x 20 m2 at randomly. The litter and soil sample where taken by pushing 20x20x10 cm iron box into the soil surface. Litter on the surface where taken up firstly before the soil sample. The litter and soil sample whre put in a gauze by respectively. Soil fauna from litter and soil sample where extracted by berlese funnel. Among the soil fauna, only the Arthropods which were observed and indentified. The diversity index and evenness of Soil Arthropods in each type of land use at the UB Forest area were determined with the Shannon-Wienner (H ') and (E) indices. The dominance of species in each location was calculated by the Simpson (D) index formula. The differences of soil Arthropods abundance between five land useswere analyzed using chi square test. The composition of similarities in soil Arthropod species in various types of land use was stated by the Bray-Curtis index. Similarities in soil arthropods in various types of land use were tested by ANOSIM. The correlation between abiotic factors and the abundance of soil arthropods was tested. The results showed that have been found 4368 Arthropods belongs to 28 families from five landuses. The highest abundance of Arthropods in the soil was found in pine agroforestry land and coffee plants (893 Arthropods) and the lowest was in seasonal crops field (7 Arthropods). At the soil surface, the highest abundance of Arthropds was found in pine agroforestry and seasonal crops (579 Atrhropods), and the lowest was in the seasonal crop fields (52 Arthropods). The diversity index of Arthropods of soil at pine agroforestry and coffee (H'= 3.12), pine agroforestry with seasonal crops (H' = 2.95), mahogany agroforestry and coffee (H '= 3.16), mahogany agroforestry and seasonal crops (H '= 3.18) were classified as medium diversity. In the seasonal crop lands the diversity index of soil Arthropods was classified as low diversity (H '= 1.55). The Arthropods of soil which were found having different roles, i.e as herbivores, predators, decomposers, and detrivitor. There was a significant effect of different types of land use on the soil Arthropod species composition, both from the soil surface (P = 0.001) and from thex soil (P = 0.001). The similarity percentage of Arthropod species of soil in mahogany agroforestry landuse and seasonal crop, and mahogany agroforestry land and coffee were 77.4%, respectively. In pine agroforestry landuse and coffee, and mahogany agroforestry land and coffee had the same similarity percentage, it was 62.7%. While the similarity percentage in pine agroforestry land with seasonal crops and mahogany agroforestry land and coffee was also 62.7%. However, the percentage of similarities in soil Arthropoda species at seasonal crops field and four agroforestry landuses was less than 2%. There was a strong correlation between the abundance of Arthropods in soil and from the soil surface with organic material content (r = 0.82) and C-organic soil (r = 0.82)
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2018/446/051808122 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Arthropoda Tanah, hama hewan, Pemanfaatan Lahan |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.6 Animal pests > 632.65 Animal pests (Arthropoda) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 26 Nov 2018 07:48 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 05:42 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/13694 |
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