Fahrunisa, Savira (2018) Evaluasi Biaya Pengembangan Sistem Reservasi Online Gedung Serbaguna Pt Ghl Peninsula Menggunakan Metode Advance Use Case Point Dan Revised Use Case Point (Studi Kasus: Cv Gumcode Indonesia). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di CV Gumcode Indonesia dimana terdapat sebanyak 40% proyek perangkat lunak disana mengalami keterlambatan dari jadwal, termasuk pengembangan Sistem Reservasi Online Gedung Serbaguna PT GHL Peninsula yang mengalami keterlambatan selama 3 minggu dari jadwal. Hal ini terjadi karena CV Gumcode Indonesia tidak memiliki standar perhitungan biaya, sehingga kesulitan menentukan ukuran perangkat lunak, estimasi waktu dan estimasi biaya. CV Gumcode Indonesia menghitung biaya berdasarkan pengalaman dan teknologi yang digunakan, sehingga hasilnya berupa campuran dugaan dan perhitungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan pekerjaan ke dalam Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), lalu menghitung estimasi waktu dan biaya dengan menggunakan metode Advance Use Case Point dan Revised Use Case Point yang menghasilkan ukuran perangkat lunak berupa estimasi effort yang nantinya dikonversikan ke dalam estimasi waktu dan biaya, dan menjadwalkan ke dalam Gantt Chart. Metodologi penelitian dimulai dari identifikasi masalah, studi pustaka tentang permasalahan dan metode yang akan digunakan, menentukan jenis penelitian, menyusun instrumen penelitian lalu menguji kelayakannya, menentukan responden, mengumpulkan data, mengolah data, menjadwalkan proyek, menganalisis hasil perbandingan, serta menarik kesimpulan dan saran. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi sistem dan lembar penilaian, kemudian data diolah menjadi Use Case Diagram dan Use Case Scenario yang merupakan inputan dari kedua metode. Data ini akan menghasilkan ukuran proyek yang nantinya dikonversi ke dalam estimasi waktu dan biaya. Perhitungan Advance Use Case Point menghasilkan alokasi waktu selama 185,93 jam dan biaya sebesar Rp 110.558. 733,00, sedangkan Revised Use Case Point menghasilkan alokasi waktu selama 140,1 jam dan biaya sebesar Rp 83.303.382,00. Berdasarkan perbandingan hasil kedua metode, Advance Use Case Point lebih direkomendasikan karena melibatkan fitur End-User Development yang dibutuhkan oleh sistem.
English Abstract
This research was conducted at CV Gumcode Indonesia where there was 40% of software projects in there were delayed from the schedule, included the development of the Sistem Reservasi Online Gedung Serbaguna PT GHL Peninsula which was delayed for 3 weeks from schedule. This happened because CV Gumcode Indonesia didn’t have any standard of cost calculation, which made it difficult to determine the size of the software, estimated time and cost. CV Gumcode Indonesia calculated the cost based on experience and technology used, so the result was a mix of guesses and calculations. This study aimed to classify the work into the WBS, then calculated the estimated time and cost using the Advance Use Case Point method and the Revised Use Case Point method which produced software size in the form of estimated effort that would be converted into estimated time and cost, and scheduled it into Gantt Chart. Research methodology began with problem identification, literature study on problem and method to be used, determined the type of research, developed research instruments and then tested its feasibility, determined respondents, collected data, processed data, scheduled projects, analyzed comparison results, and drew conclusion and suggestion. Data collection was done by interview, observation ob the software and assessment sheet. Data processed into Use Case Diagram and Use Case Scenario which was the input to both of the methods. This data produced project size that would be converted into estimated time and cost. The Advance Use Case Point calculation produced time allocation for 185.93 hours and total cost Rp 110,558.733.00, while the Revised Use Case Point produced time allocation for 140.1 hours and total cost Rp 83.303.382,00. Based on the comparison of the results of both methods, Advance Use Case Point was recommended because it involved the End-User Development features required by the system.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTIK/2018/383/051806222 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | evaluasi, perangkat lunak, estimasi biaya, advance use case point, revised use case point evaluation, software, cost estimation, advance use case point, revised use case point |
Subjects: | 000 Computer science, information and general works > 005 Computer programming, programs, data > 005.3 Programs |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 13 Mar 2019 03:31 |
Last Modified: | 18 Oct 2021 03:06 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/13609 |
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