Syarifah, Indriatus (2018) Upaya Perbaikan Kualitas Parasitoid Trichogramma Japonicum Ashmead Hasil Pembiakan Massal Di Laboratorium. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Salah satu hama utama pada perkebunan tebu di Indonesia adalah penggerek pucuk Scirpophaga excerptalis Walker. Serangan hama dapat menyebabkan kerusakan atau kematian pada batang tebu. Pelepasan Trichogramma japonicum di beberapa negara terbukti efektif dalam mengendalikan hama tebu maupun hama lain (Virk, 2011). Namun, terdapat beberapa faktor yang yang mempengaruhi ke efektifan parasitoid ketika dilepas dilahan, antara lain waktu pelepasan, dosis yang dilepaskan, kesesuaian agens hayati dengan hama target dan kualitas agens hayati yang dikembangkan (Marwoto, 2011). Perbanyakan T. japonicum di laboratorium secara terus menerus, dapat menurunkan kualitas parasitoid karena pembiakan yang tidak memperhatikan biologi parasitoid. Hasil pengamatan terhadap kualitas parasitoid T. japonicum di laboratorium hayati pada beberapa pabrik gula di Indonesia pada tahun 2011, menunjukkan kualitas parasitoid seperti parasitasi, imago betina dan malformasi sayap masih belum memenuhi standar (Achadian, 2011). Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan teknik perbanyakan yang tepat untuk memperbaiki kualitas pias T. japonicum hasil pembiakan massal di laboratorium pabrik gula terutama meningkatkan parasitasi, kemunculan imago, nisbah kelamin dan kebugaran parasitoid di laboratorium. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Kebun Percobaan Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia, Pasuruan pada bulan Juli sampai November 2017. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari T1 yaitu infestasi parasitoid pada inang asli S. excerptalis, T2 yaitu out crossing dengan koloni T. japonicum dari lapangan, T3 yaitu out crossing dengan koloni T. japonicum dari lab lain dan T4 yaitu reisolasi parasitoid dari kurungan di rumah kaca. Variabel pengamatan terdiri dari persentase parasitasi, kemunculan imago, persentase nisbah kelamin, dan kebugaran parasitoid. Semua data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dengan aplikasi DSAASTAT. Jika pengaruh perlakuan berbeda nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan uji Duncan taraf 5% (Duncan Multiple Random Test). Analisis efektivitas dan efisiensi masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan dengan menghitung rata-rata masing-masing variabel dari generasi pertama sampai generasi ketiga. Kemudian dilakukan sistem skoring dengan rentang skor 1-4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dari setiap perlakuan terhadap persentase parasitasi, kemunculan imago, persentase nisbah kelamin, dan kebugaran parasitoid. Persentase parasitasi T. japonicum pada semua perlakuan di setiap generasi masih rendah, namun perlakuan T4 reisolasi parasitoid dari kurungan di rumah kaca menunjukkan trend persentase parasitasi yang terus meningkat dari generasi pertama sampai generasi ketiga. Persentase parasitasi berhubungan dengan persentase kemunculan imago. Telur inang yang telah terparasit, dapat menetas atau tidak menetas di karenakan parasitoid mengalami kematian saat masih di dalam telur inang. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti rendahnya nutrisi inang bagi parasitoid. Kemunculan imago tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T4 reisolasi parasitoid dari kurungan di rumah kaca yaitu sebesar 65,94% pada generasi ketiga. Selanjutnya persentaseii betina tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T4 reisolasi parasitoid dari kurungan di rumah kaca dengan persentase 63,60% dan kebugaran parasitoid tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T1 yaitu infestasi parasitoid pada telur inang dengan persentase parasitoid yang mengalami malformasi sayap sebesar 0,71%. Hasil skoring efektivitas dan efisiensi menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan T4 reisolasi parasitoid dari kurungan di rumah kaca memiliki nilai skoring paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 19, sehingga perlakuan T4 dapat menjadi alternatif bagi pabrik gula dalam memperbaiki kualitas parasitoid hasil pembiakan massal di laboratorium sebelum dilakukan pelepasan parasitoid ke lahan.
English Abstract
One of the major pests in sugarcane plantations in Indonesia is the top borer Scirpophaga excerptalis Walker. Pest attacks can cause damage or death to sugarcane stems. The release of Trichogramma japonicum in several countries has proven effective in controlling sugar cane and other pests (Virk, 2011). However, there are several factors that affect the effectiveness of parasitoid when released in the field, including the time of release, the dose released, the suitability of the biological agent with the target pest and the quality of the biological agent being developed (Marwoto, 2010). Continuous propagation of T. japonicum in the laboratory, can reduce the quality of parasitoids due to breeding that does not pay attention to the biology of parasitoids. The results of observations on the quality of parasitoid T. japonicum in biological laboratories in several sugar mills in Indonesia in 2011, showed the quality of parasitoid such as parasitation, female imago in colonies and wing malformations still did not meet the standards. Therefore, it is necessary to do research to get the right propagation technique to improve the quality of T. japonicum poultry from mass rearing in a sugar factory laboratory, especially to increase parasitic, imago appearance, sex ratio and parasitoid fitness. The research was conducted at Indonesian Sugar Plantation Pest and Experimental Laboratory Research Center, Pasuruan in July until November 2017. This research used a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 5 replication. The treatment consisted of T1, namely the parasitoid infestation in the indigenous host of S. excerptalis, T2, that is out crossing with T. japonicum colonies from the field, T3, that is out crossing with T. japonicum colonies from other labs and T4, which was the isolation of parasitoid from confinement in the greenhouse. Variables observed were percent parasitism, percent imago appearance, percent sex ratio, and parasitoid fitness. All data were analyzed by analysis of variance (anova) with the DSAASTAT application. If there were a significant differences, it continue to calculate with duncan multiple random test at 5% level. Analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of each treatment by calculating the mean of each variable from the first generation to the third generation. Then a scoring system is carried out with a score range of 1-4. The experimental results showed that there was a significant different in each treatment of the percent parasitism, percent imago appearance, percent of sex ratio, and parasitoid fitness. Percent parasitism of T. japonicum in all treatments in each generation was still low, but the T4 treatment of isolated parasitoid from confinement in the greenhouse showed a trend of the mean percent of parasitism that continued to increase from the first generation to the third generation. Percent parasitism is related to the percent of imago appearance. The host eggs that have been parasitized, can hatch and not hatch caused parasitoid died while still in the host egg. This can be influenced by several factors such as low host nutrition for parasitoids. The highest imago appearance was found in T4 treatment by isolating parasitoids from confinement in greenhouses, which was 65.94% in the third generation. Then the highest percent of sex ratio was found in T4 treatment by isolating parasitoids from confinement in greenhouses with a 63.60% and the highest of fitness parasitoids was found in T1 treatment, namely the infestment ofiv parasitoid in indigenous host eggs with parasitoid that had wing malformations of 0,71%. The results of the effectiveness and efficiency scoring showed that T4 treatment of parasitoid isolation from confinement in the greenhouse had the highest scoring value of 19, so that T4 treatment could be an alternative for sugar mills in improving the quality of mass rearing parasitoid in the laboratory before releasing parasitoid into the field.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2018/720/051810367 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pengendalian Hama, Parasitoid, Trichogramma Japonicum Ashmead |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.9 General topics of pest and disease control > 632.96 Biological control |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 19 Feb 2019 02:27 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 15:34 |
URI: | |
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