Perilaku Peternak Ayam Broiler Dalam Mengambil Kredit Umum Pedesaan (Kupedes) Pada Bri Unit Kunir Kecamatan Wonodadi Kabupaten Blitar

Wiranata, Hendra (2018) Perilaku Peternak Ayam Broiler Dalam Mengambil Kredit Umum Pedesaan (Kupedes) Pada Bri Unit Kunir Kecamatan Wonodadi Kabupaten Blitar. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Lokasi penelitian adalah di Bank BRI Unit Kunir Kecamatan Wonodadi Kabupaten Blitar, Sampel adalah 30 orang dipilih secara purposive samplingdan dilaksanakan pada 1-10 Agustus 2015. Tujuan untuk mengetahui profil peternak nasabah BRI, profil peternak berdasarkan 5C dan korelasiantara kredit dengan 5C. Analisis deskriptif, crosstabulation, dan korelasi pearson.Hasil penelitian untuk kredit 1-30juta usia 42-51thn, pendidikan SMA, pengalamann usaha 1-5thn,keluarga 3-4 orang dan ternak 1000-2000 ekor, kredit 31-75 usia 20-41thn, pendidikan SMA dengan pengalaman usaha 6-10thn memiiki keluarga 3-4 orang dan ternak >2000ekor dan kredit 76-100juta usia 42-51thn, pendidikan SMA dengan pengalam usaha >10thn memiliki keluarga 3-4 orang dan ternak >2000 ekor. Kredit berdasarkan 5C variabel Characteradalah berurusan dengan pihak kepolisian,Capacity adalah ketepatan waktu mengangsur kredit, Capital adalah pemakaian modal pinjaman, Condition adalah kondisi lingkungan tempat usahadan Collateral adalah kepemilikan agunan, bentuk agunan, nilai agunan dan keabsahan agunan. Korelasi kuat Y1 (1-30jt) adalah lamakeluarga dan bentuk agunan, Y2 (31-75jt) adalah memiliki tabungan di Bank BRI dan pesaing usaha dan Y3 (76-100jt) adalah variabel hobby peternak, sejarah usaha peternakan, dan nilai agunan melebihi kredit yang diberikan apa tidak

English Abstract

Research was conducted at BRI Bank at sub district wonodadi, Blitar. This study aimed to investigate farmer BRI customers, the plafond of credit based on 5C (Character, capacity, capital, condition and collateral), and the correlation between the amount of credit and 5C. 30 customers of KUPEDES (village credit) were recruited by using purposive sampling. Data collection was held on August 1-10, 2015. Descriptive analysis, cross tabulation, and Pearson’s correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. Results showed that the small credit (IDR 1-30 million) was taken by farmers aged 42-51 years old with the senior high school, heaving 3-4 family members, and owned up to 1000-2000 broiler. The medium credit (value IDR 31-75 million) was taken by farmers aged 20-41 years old with the senior high school, raising broiler experience of 6-10 years, heaving 3-4 family members, and controlled more than >2000 broiler. The large credit (value IDR 76-100 million) was of obtained by farmers aged 42-51 years old with the senior high school, farming experience more than 10 years, heaving 3-4 family members, and owned more than 2000 broiler. This study also demonstrated that farmer’s character was avoid the police problem, their capacity was represented by credit payment on time, the capital was used for profitability farming purpose, farming condition was environmental business, and collateral was dominated by ownership, form, value and legal. There was high correlation between small credit with length offamily life and the form collateral, the medium credit had strong association with BRI customers and broiler farmer’s competitors, and the farmer’s hobby had large correlation the large credit (76-100idr).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FPT/2018/474/051808948
Uncontrolled Keywords: legalitas, pembayaran, KUPEDES, 5C, jaminan-legal, payment, KUPEDES , 5C, collateral
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 332 Financial economics > 332.7 Credit
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2018 03:00
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2021 04:37
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