Mardiyah, Silvi (2018) Potensi Jamur Selulolitik Dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L) Sebagai Dekomposer Limbah Kulit Kakao Di Pusat Penelitian Kopi Dan Kakao Indonesia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Setiap tahunnya budidaya kakao semakin meningkat. Produksi buah kakao tahun 2015 yaitu 661.243 ton dan pada tahun 2016 mencapai 760.429 ton. Peningkatan produksi buah kakao tidak diimbangi oleh penanganan limbah kakao yang dihasilkan. Selulosa pada kulit kakao sulit terurai sehingga diperlukan dekomposer untuk mengurainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi jamur selulolitik aerob dari limbah kulit kakao di Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia dan efektifitasnya dalam mendekomposisi kulit kakao Penelitian dilakukan di Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia pada bulan November 2017 sampai bulan Mei 2018. Pelaksaan penelitian meliputi pembuatan media CMC dan PDA, pengambilan sampel kulit kakao, isolasi jamur selulolitik, uji aktivitas selulolitik jamur, uji antagonis jamur, perbanyakan, dan dekomposisi substrat. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu rancangan Split plot dimana terdapat 2 main plot (kulit kako cacah dan tanpa cacah) dengan sub plot 6 perlakuan perbedaan jenis jamur dan 3 ulangan sehingga terdapat 36 unit percobaan. Dimana parameter yang diamati yaitu laju dekomposisi, kadar selulosa, suhu, pH, C-organik, N-total, rasio C/N dan kondisi fisik substrat. Data yang didapat dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dengan taraf 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Duncan jika terdapat beda nyata. Hasil isolasi jamur yang dilakukan diperoleh 3 isolat jamur ketiga jamur memiliki zona bening. Ketiga jamur tersebut yaitu Trichoderma spp, Aspergilus spp dan Rhizomucor spp. Ketiganya memiliki daya hambat yang rendah.. Laju dekomposisi substrat kulit kakao dengan perlakukan cacahan memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi dibanding tidak dicacah dengan nilai laju dekomposisi sebesar 0.19 gram/hari. Jamur Trichoderma spp. merupakan jamur yang paling berpotensi dalam menurukan kadar selulosa substrat dimana penurunan mencapai 19%. Aspergilus spp. dapat menurunkan kadar selulosa 17% dan Rhizomucor spp. hanya 10% saja. Nilai rerata C-organik paling tinggi terdapat pada perlakuan C1J1 (kulit kakao cacah+ Trichoderma spp) yaitu sebesar 20.88% N-total tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan C1J3 (kulit kakao cacah + Rhizomucor spp) yaitu sebesar 2.33 % dan rasio C/N tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T1J3 (kulit kakao tanpa cacah + Rhizomucor spp) dengan nilai 11.09%. Rerata rasio C/N pada kompos semua perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata namun mampu mendekomposisi limbah kulit kakao dan termasuk kompos matang sehingga dapat diaplikasikan pada tanaman.
English Abstract
The cocoa cultivation is increasing every year. Production of cocoa in 2015 is 661.243 tons and in 2016 is 760.429 tons. The increase in cocoa pod production is not offset by the processing of its waste. The cellulose on the cocoa husk is difficult to decompose. Therefore, it requires decomposers to disentangle it.. This research was aimed to isolate the aerobic cellulolytic fungus from the waste of cocoa husk in the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute as well as to see its effectiveness in decomposing the cocoa husk. This research was conducted in Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember from November 2017 to Mei 2018. The implementation of this research includes several activities, such as making CMC and PDA media, cocoa husk sampling, isolating cellulolytic fungus, testing the cellulolytic activity of fungi, testing the fungi antagonist, propagating the fungi, and decomposing the substrate. The design of this research was Split Pot design which consisted of 2 main plots (chopping and without chopping cocoa husk). The subplot was 6 treatments of different fungus types and 3 replications. Thus, there were 36 units of experiments. The observed parameters were decomposition rate, cellulose content, temperature, pH, C-organic, N-total, C/N ration and substrate physical condition. The obtained data were analyzed by using analysis of variance with 5% level. If there were any significant differences, Duncan test would be used to find out the difference. The research result showed that there were three isolates of fungus in which those three had a clear zone. Those three fungi were Trichoderma spp, A spergilus spp, and Rhizomucor spp. Those three fungi had low inhibitory power over one another. The rate of cocoa husk substrate decomposition with chopping treatment was higher than without chopping treatment. The rate of the decomposition was 0.19 gram/day. Trichoderma spp. was the most potential fungus in decreasing the substrate cellulose level; the decrease was 19%. Aspergilus spp could decrease the cellulose level by 17%, while Rhizomucor spp. could only decrease by 10%. The highest mean value of C-organic was found in the C1J1 treatment (chopped cocoa husk + Trichoderma spp); it was 20.88%. The highest N-total was found in the C1J3 treatment (chopped cocoa husk + Rhizomucor spp); it was 2.33%. While the highest C/N ratio was found in the T1J3 (cocoa husk without chopping + Rhizomucor spp); it was 11.09%. The average of C/N ratio on compost, all treatments had no significant difference. However, the average of C/N ratio be able to decomposed waste of Cocoa husk and ratio value indicated that Cocoa husk compost could be categorized as mature compost that could be applied to the plant.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2018/666/051810001 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kulit kakao, Jamur selulolitik, Dekomposisi, Cocoa husk, Cellulolytic fungus, Decomposition |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 363 Other social problems and services > 363.7 Environmental problems > 363.72 Sanitation > 363.728 Wastes |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 27 Feb 2019 03:37 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 14:28 |
URI: | |
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