Evaluasi Program Desa Mandiri Pangan (Kasus Di Desa Dawuhan, Purwoasri, Kediri)

Syarifuddin, Ahmad (2016) Evaluasi Program Desa Mandiri Pangan (Kasus Di Desa Dawuhan, Purwoasri, Kediri). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Indonesia merupakan negara dengan populasi penduduk yang tinggi. Pada tahun 2000 penduduk Indonesia berjumlah 206.264.595 jiwa dan meningkat secara drastis pada tahun 2010 berjumlah 237.641.326 jiwa (BPS, 2012). Hal ini mengharuskan pemerintah untuk menyediakan kebutuhan pangan yang aman bagi penduduk. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kerawanan pangan masih terdapat pada beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Kemiskinan menjadi salah satu alasan terjadinya kerawanan pangan karena ketidak mampuan penduduk memenuhi pangan baik dari segi akses maupun ekonomi. Program Desa Mandiri Pangan merupakan salah satu solusi yang digagas oleh pemerintah melalui Badan Ketahanan Pangan Kementerian Pertanian sebagai gerakan yang dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan dan berkesinambungan untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan masyarakat, melalui pendekatan sub sistem ketersediaan, sub sistem distribusi dan sub sistem konsumsi (Pedum Desa Mandiri Pangan, 2010). Kabupaten Kediri merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Timur yang termasuk daerah rawan pangan, sehingga ditunjuk untuk melaksanakan program Desa Mandiri Pangan. SK Bupati Kabupaten Kediri nomor 188.45/125/418.32/2010 menunjuk Desa Dawuhan Kecamatan Purwoasri sebagai desa penerima bantuan dan pelaksanan program Desa Mandiri Pangan. Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Dawuhan memiliki beberapa agenda kegiatan seperti penumbuhan usaha bersama, simpan pinjam usaha, pemberdayaan serta pendampingan. Namun tidak keseluruhan kegiatan program disambut dengan baik. Banyak program dilakukan hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi jangka pendek, misalnya penggunaan dana simpan pinjam tidak untuk pembukaan usaha melainkan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari, sehingga tidak memberikan penghasilan berkelanjutan bagi penduduk. Permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Dawuhan menunjukan bahwa perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang, „Evaluasi Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Dawuhan, Kecamatan Purwoasri, Kabupaten Kediri‟. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Dawuhan, Kecamatan Purwoasri, Kabupaten Kediri serta mengetahui tingkat efektifitas program Desa Mandiri Pangan dalam memberdayakan anggota kelompok afinitas di Desa Dawuhan, Kecamatan Purwoasri, Kabupaten Kediri. Lokasi penelitian adalah di Desa Dawuhan, Kecamatan Purwoasri, Kabupaten Kediri. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian berdasarkan pertimbangan yaitu Desa Dawuhan merupakan salah satu desa penerima bantuan sosial pelaksanaan program Desa Mandiri Pangan. Waktu penelitian adalah Mei sampai Juni 2016. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh peserta Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Dawuhan sebanyak 90 orang. Kemudian diambil sampel dengan metode slovin pada tingkat toleransi 10% sehingga didapatkan 45 orang responden. Dalam penelitian ini, data yang dibutuhkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat 2 metode pengumpulan data, yaitu wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif. Analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan skala likert. Skala likert digunakan untuk mengukur efektifitas pelaksanaan Program Desa Mandiri Pangan. Evaluasi efektifitas menggunakan metode CIPP, yaitu konteks, masukan, proses serta hasil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketaui bahwa masing masing indikator memiliki hasil kesesuain yang berbeda. Program kerja desa mandiri pangam memiliki nilai skor 41,51 sehingga didapatkan nilai presentasi 69,19%. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa hasil dari evaluasi program kerja Desa Mandiri Pangan termasuk dalam kategori kurang sesuai. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa program kerja dalam program Desa Mandiri Pangan belum sesuai dengan ketentuan program yang tercantum dalam buku pedoman. Sumber daya dalam program Desa Mandiri Pangan memperoleh nilai skor lapang 28,91 dari skor maskimal 50 sehingga diperoleh presentase 57,82%. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa evaluasi pada sumber daya dalam program Desa Mandiri Pangan termasuk dalam kategori tidak sesuai. Rendahnya hasil yang didapat disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, yaitu sumber daya yang terdapat dalam program belum mampu dialokasikan dengan maksimal. Pelaksanaan program Desa Mandiri Pangan memperoleh skor 30,84 sehingga diperoleh presentase 51,41%. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan program Desa Mandiri Pangan termasuk dalam kategori sangat tidak sesuai. Kegagalan pelaksanaan program disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu anggota tidak mengikuti kegiatan secara aktif serta kegagalan usaha produktif yang dilakukan oleh anggota secara individu maupun kelompok. Keberhasilan program Desa Mandiri Pangan memperoleh skor hasil 29,20 sehingga diperoleh presentase 53,09%. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa keberhasilan program Desa Mandiri Pangan termasuk dalam kategori tidak sesuai. Keberhasilan program belum dapat dicapai secara maksimal dikarenakan beberapa indikator keberhasilan program belum terpenuhi. Sehingga secara umum evaluasi Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Dawuhan memperoleh skor 130,47 dengan presentase 57,99% termasuk dalam kategori tidak sesuai. Saran yang dapat diberikan pada penelitian ini adalah: 1). Pelaksanaan program sebaiknya anggota dilibatkan secara aktif dalam setiap tahapan kegiatan agar kegiatan berjalan baik. 2). Pemerintah perlu melakukan pemilihan sasaran yang tepat sehingga sasaran yang dipilih adalah individu yang mampu melaksanakan kegiatan dengan baik dan aktif. 3). Usaha produktif disarankan diperbaiki melalui pengembangan pemasaran susu kedelai, manajemen waktu usaha ternak yang lebih lama, pelatihan produksi kerajinan, pengemasan beras serta peningkatan kesadaran pembayaran angsuran pinjaman. 4). Penelitian selanjutnya berfokus pada analisa usaha individu dan kelompok.

English Abstract

Indonesia is a country with a population of the high. In 2000 the population indonesia were 206.264.595 lives and has increased dramatically in 2010 totaling 237.641.326 people. This requires the government to provide food needs safe for the. But it cannot be denied that food shortages there are still in some regions in indonesia. Poverty becomes one of the reasons the occurrence of food insecurity because of incompetence inhabitant of food meet both in terms of access as well as economic . Community development programs food independent is a solution is held by the government through the food security the ministry of agriculture as motion that are implemented sustainably and sustainable to embody food security community, with the sub systems availability, sub distribution systems and sub systems consumption the guidelines independent. Kediri Regency is a Regency in East Java which includes areas of food insecurity, so designated to carry out the program of the Independent Village of food. Kediri Regency Regent DECREE number 812.42/125/418.32/2010 appointing the village Dawuhan village Purwoasri as a Sub recipient and program Independent Village pelaksanan Food. Self-contained Village Food program in the village of Dawuhan have some agenda of activities such as joint venture established, save loan effort, empowering and mentoring. But not the overall activities of the program were met with either. Many programs are done only to satisfy personal needs short term, for example the use of funds not borrowed to save opening effort but for the fulfillment of the needs of the everyday, so its not sustainable revenue for the residents. Problems occurred in implementing the program Standalone Village Food in the village of Dawuhan indicates that research needs to be done is about evaluation of sufficiently food village program.. This study aims to describe the Self-contained Village Food Program execution in the village Dawuhan, district Purwoasri, Kediri Regency as well as knowing the level of effectiveness of the program Villages Self-sufficient in food in the empower group member affinity in the Dawuhan village. Research locations is in the village dawuhan, Kecamatan Purwoasri, Kabupaten Kediri. The choice of research location based on the consideration the village dawuhan is one village recipients social assistance the implementation of the program village mandiri food. Time research s may until june 2016.Population research is all participants program village mandiri food in the village dawuhan as many as 100 people. Later taken sample with the methods slovin on the level of tolerance 10 % so obtained 50 respondents. In this research, data needed is primary and secondary data.In this study, are 2 data collection method, namely interview and observation.Methods used is descriptive analysis.Descriptive analysis done in this research was descriptive analysis by using scale likert.Scale likert used to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of the program village mandiri food. Evaluation the effectiveness of uses the method cipp , namely the context , input , the process as well as the results . Based on the research results can be known that each indicator has a different kesesuain results. Independent village pangam work programme has a value score of 41.51 score a maximum of 60 thereby obtained 69,19% presentation value. The results showed that the results of the evaluation of the work programme of the village self-sufficient food included in the category less appropriate. These results indicate that program working in the independent village of food program were in accordance with the provisions of the programs that are listed in the manual. Resources in independent food village program earns a value score of 28.91 airy score max 50 so obtained percentage 57,82%. These results suggest that evaluation on resources in independent village food program included in the category are not appropriate. These results indicate that the suitability of the resources of the guidelines set out less than 68%. The low the results had caused by several factors , which is resources that was found in the program have not been able to be allocated in full.The implementation of the program independent village food obtain a score 30,84 of the score a maximum of 60 in order to obtain the percentage 51,41 %.The evaluation results showed that the implementation of the program independent village food included in a category very nor appropriate. The failure of the implementation of the program caused by several factors, members of the did not follow the activity in a active and productive business failure which was carried out by members is individuals and groups. Some effort that experienced failure is for business from cattle and barns business. The success of the program independent village food obtain scores 29,20 of the score a maximum of 55 in order to obtain the percentage 53,09%. The results of them shows that the success of the program independent village food included in a category not appropriate. The success of the program cannot yet be reached by maximum because of several indicators of success of the program have not been. Advice can be given at this research is: 1) program execution should the members actively in every stage of the activity so that the activities are going well. 2) the Government needs to do a precise target selection so that the chosen target is the individual who is capable of performing well and active. productive Effort. 3) suggested improved through the development of marketing of soy milk cattle business, time management, craft production training, packaging of rice as well as increased awareness of payment installment loans. 4). further Research focuses on the analysis of individual and group efforts

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2016/908/0516121407
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Sugiantoro
Date Deposited: 01 Dec 2016 10:45
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 09:14
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/131910
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