Monitoring Populasi Kumbang Ambrosia, Euplatypus parallelus (F.) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) pada Tanaman Sonokembang di Kota Malang : Studi Keefektifan Penggunaan Perangkap

Erniawati, Riska (2016) Monitoring Populasi Kumbang Ambrosia, Euplatypus parallelus (F.) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) pada Tanaman Sonokembang di Kota Malang : Studi Keefektifan Penggunaan Perangkap. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ulat grayak Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) merupakan hama pertanian yang menyerang berbagai macam tanaman di seluruh dunia dan menyebabkan penurunan hasil mencapai 80% bahkan gagal panen. Alternatif pengendalian yang berpotensi menekan serangan ulat S. litura dengan memanfaatkan jamur Beauveria bassiana. Kendala utama dalam pengaplikasian jamur B. bassiana yaitu proses penginfeksian serangga yang lama sampai serangga mati. Kendala dalam pengaplikasian jamur B. bassiana dapat disiasati dengan penambahan insektisida botani untuk meningkatkan efektivitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi perbedaan pertumbuhan dan sporulasi jamur B. bassiana pada ekstrak daun Azadirachta indica, daun Melia azedarach, daun Lantana camara dan daun Tithonia diversifolia, serta mengukur perbedaan komptabilitas jamur B. bassiana dengan ekstrak daun A. indica, daun M. azedarach, daun L. camara dan daun T. diversifolia dalam mengendalikan S. litura. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai bulan Juli 2016 di sub Laboratorium Nematologi dan Toksikologi, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian menggunakan metode RAL dengan 3 ulangan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu tahap pertama mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak tanaman terhadap fisiologi jamur B. bassiana serta tahap kedua uji efektifitas jamur B. bassiana dan ekstrak tanaman terhadap mortalitas S. litura. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh pemberian ekstrak daun A. indica, daun M. azedarach, daun L. camara dan daun T. diversifolia efektif menurunkan pertumbuhan koloni jamur B. bassiana. Perlakuan ekstrak daun A. indica, daun M. azedarach, daun L. camara dan daun T. diversifolia yang diekstrak dengan air tidak berpengaruh dengan daya kecambah jamur B. bassiana. Jumlah konidia jamur B. bassiana tidak dipengaruhi oleh ekstrak daun A. indica, daun M. azedarach, daun L. camara dan daun T. diversifolia. Hasil yang menunjukkan nilai kompatibel dengan nilai T tertinggi (82,10) yaitu ekstrak daun M. azedarach 0,25%. Pada kombinasi jamur B. bassiana dengan ekstrak daun A. indica, daun M. azedarach, daun L. camara dan daun T. diversifolia tingkat mortalitas S. litura tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol B. bassiana.

English Abstract

Sonokembang Pterocarpus indicus (W.) (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) is one of the shade trees in Malang City. The death incidence of sonokembang trees were reported until 69,7% from the 3.206 trees in 2012. The incidence caused attack of ambrosia beetles Euplatypus parallelus (F.) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae). Control method by DKP Malang to prevent about collapse of sonokembang trees, it were cutting the leafy of branchs. And than, they were sprayed with pesticides, but it were not succeed. The first of ambrosia beetle‟s attack was difficult to detect, so we need monitoring about fluctuation the population to prevent population densities increase. Monitoring fluctuation the population can be done with trapping. The information of traps for monitoring fluctuation of E. Parallelus is less, so very important to do research about use the traps for E. parallelus traps. The aim of this research was to understood the fluctuation of population the ambrosia beetle at sonokembang trees in Malang and to knew the effectivity of traps for the monitoring fluctuation of population the E. parallelus. This research was conducted in the area landscaping of Lowokwaru, Malang District and Laboratory of Pests and Plant Diseases, Sub Lab. Entomology, Department of Pests and Plant Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universty of Brawijaya from February until April 2016. The samples of tree was use 12 of tree spread out in five points the road. Tools for monitoring were plastic bottles that have been modified to trap. All the data were be analyzed using correlation, independent t test and analysis of variance. Correlation and independent T test were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 software. Analysis of variance and further test were analyzed using Excel 2007. The results of this research indicate that the population density of E. parallelus can occur throughout the year. Female population density, high reproductive rate, temperature, and rainfall in monitoring sites supported the development of E. parallelus. A decline in population can be influenced by the stem diameter. In the small stem diameter, E. parallelus will migrate to find a new host after a new generation is formed. Based on the observations it can be seen that the E. parallelus were active during the day and night. The activity of ambrosia beetle at the day and night was influenced by low intensity of light. Euplatypus parallelus was more active in early morning and at dusk. Based on the research, the plastic bottle traps without ethanol and placed at a height of 50-100 cm from the ground more effectively.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2016/763/051609567
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Sugiantoro
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2017 14:54
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 12:01
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