Tamba, RoidaRimaMelati (2016) Analisis Manajemen Rantai Pasok Produk Abon Jamur Tiram Pada Cv. Ailani Tlogomas, Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tingginya permintaan jamur serta respon positif dari pelaku-pelaku usaha jamur menjadi alasan CV.Ailani untuk memanfaatkan peluang mengolah jamur tiram sebagai bahan baku pembuatan abon. Bahan baku jamur tiram diperoleh dari petani jamur yang bekerjasam dengan CV. Ailani. Selama menjalankan usahanya, tidak terlepas dari adanya permasalahan yakni ketersediaan jamur tiram semakin terbatas, rendahnya komunikasi dan tingkat ketergantungan antara CV.Ailani dengan pemasoknya. Permasalahan tersebut dapat menghambat kelancaran proses produksi abon jamur. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, analisis manajaemen rantai pasok yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui rantai pasok produk abon jamur tiram pada CV.Ailani, mengetahui tingkat kepercayaan, komitmen, kepuasan, komunikasi dan ketergantungan CV.Ailani terhadap rantai pasoknya serta untuk mengetahui tingkat performansi dari petani jamur yang bekerjasama dengan CV.Ailani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di CV.Ailani, pemilihan lokasi penelitian dikarenakan CV.Ailani merupakan satu-satunya agroindustri yang memproduksi dan memasarkan abon jamur tiram di Kota Malang. Penentuan responden dengan cara memilih key informan, sehingga key informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah enam orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini SOCR untuk mengetahui tingkat performansi petani jamur yang bekerjasama dengan CV.Ailani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kegiatan rantai pasok produk abon jamur mencakup aliran barang, aliran uang dan aliran informasi. Kepercayaan CV.Ailani kepada keempat petani jamur rata-rata 3,83 dengan persentase 77 persen. Kepercayaan CV.Ailani kepada toko Burung Swari rata-rata 3,33 atau sebesar 67 persen. Begitu juga kepercayaan keempat petani jamur kepada CV.Ailani rata-rata 4,25 atau 85 persen. Sedangkan kepercayaan toko Burung Swari kepada CV.Ailani rata-rata 4 atau 80 persen. Selanjutnya, komitmen CV.Ailani kepada keempat petani jamur rata-rata 4,08 atau 82 persen. Komitmen CV.Ailani kepada toko Burung Swari sebesar 3,67 atau 73 persen. Komitmen keempat petani jamur kepada CV.Ailani rata-rata 3,83 atau 77 persen. Komitmen toko Burung Swari kepada CV.Ailani sebesar 3,67 atau 73 persen. Tingkat kepuasan yang diberikan CV.Ailani kepada keempat petani jamur rata-rata 4,25 atau 85 persen, sedangkan tingkat kepuasan CV.Ailani kepada toko Burung Swari sebesar 3,67 atau sebesar 73 persen. Selain itu, tingkat kepuasan keempat petani jamur kepada CV.Ailani yakni rata-rata 4 atau 83 persen. Kepuasan toko Burung Swari kepada CV.Ailani sebesar 3,67 atau 73 persen. Selanjutnya, tingkat komunikasi CV.Ailani kepada petani jamur sebesar 2,83 atau 57 persen. Komunikasi CV.Ailani kepada toko Burung Swari sebesar 2,67 atau 53 persen. Untuk komunikasi petani jamur kepada CV.Ailani sebesar 3,25 atau 65 persen, sedangkan komunikasi toko Burung Swari kepada CV.Ailani sebesar 2,67 atau 53 persen. Kemudian tingkat ketergantungan CV.Ailani kepada petani jamur sebesar 4 atau 80 persen. Ketergantungan CV.Ailani kepada toko Burung Swari sebesar 3,33 atau 67 ii persen. Untuk tingkat ketergantungan petani jamur kepada CV.Ailani sebesar 3,5 atau 70 persen, sedangkan tingkat ketergantungan toko Burung Swari kepada CV.Ailani sebesar 3,33 atau 67 persen. Secara keseluruhan, nilai rata-rata SOCR petani jamur yang bekerjasama dengan CV.Ailani sebesar 93% sehingga dapat dikategorikan sangat baik. Menurut pemilik CV.Ailani petani jamur yang bekerjasama selalu mampu memenuhi permintaan bahan baku sesuai dengan kuantitas dan kualitas yang diminta serta mengirimkannya tepat waktu. Saran yang direkomendasikan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) komunikasi antar rantai pasok lebih terbuka, 2) lebih jujur dalam memberikan informasi dan 3) pemesanan bahan baku jamur tiram dilakukan secara rutin dengan jumlah yang stabil, sehingga petani jamur dapat mengatur ketersediaan jamur.
English Abstract
The high demand for the fungi and a positive response from business actors fungi became the reason for CV. Ailani to make use of that opportunity process oyster mushroom as the raw material for making abon. The provide raw materials oyster mushroom amounts of great that must work together for diplomatic production not hampered. For business, not despite the presence of problems with the oyster mushroom more limited, low communication and the dependence between CV.Ailani with suppliers. These problems could hinder the production process abon mushrooms. Based on these problems, need to he did analysis manajaemen supply chain aimed at to know supply products abon oyster mushroom in cv.ailani, know the level trust, commitment, satisfaction, communication and relying CV. Ailani to chain pasoknya and order to know the level performansi from the farmers fungi are engaged with CV. Ailani. The research carried out in CV. Ailani in March until April 2016 .The choice of research location because CV. Ailani is the only agroindustry that produces and markets abon oyster mushroom in the Malang city. The determination of respondents had to use non probability sampling with the process of selecting the key informants, so that key informants who used in this research were six people . A method of analysis that was used in this research was schedule to customer orders request or socr determine the level of performansi fungi farmers who cooperate with the CV. Ailani. The result showed that supply chain of product abon oyster mushroom involving four farmers there are Fithrawan, Teguh, Sumarwan and Mery and also one of the marketing is Burung Swari shop. A chain of supply activities products abon fungi includes the flow of goods , the flow of money and the flows of information .The flow of goods was defined as its raw materials of oyster mushrooms from farmers by conducting reservations. Oyster mushroom then sent to the company to be changed into abon .The flow of money referred to as the payment system CV. Ailani to farmers and Burung Swari swari to CV. Ailani over buy raw materials oyster mushroom and products abon oyster mushroom. The flow of information referred to is exchange information place in a two directions from CV. Ailani to colleagues and vice versa. The levels of trust given cv.ailani to the four farmers the average 3,83 with the 77 percent, it means feel trust. The Trust of CV. Ailani to Burung Swari with average value 3,33 or by 67 percent, it means feel quite trust. As well as the trust of fourth farmers to CV. Ailani with the average value 4.25 or about 85 percent, it means feel really trust. While Burung Swari trust to CV. Ailani, the average value 4 or 80 percent, it means feel believe. Next level is CV. Ailani commitment to the four fungi farmers with average value 4,08 or 82 percent, does it mean to have good commitment. CV. Ailani commitment to Burung Swari of 3,67 or 73 percent, does it mean to have good commitment. The commitment of fourth farmers to CV. Ailani with average value 3,83 or 77 percent, does it mean to have good commitment. Burung Swari commitment to cv.ailani of 3,67 or 73 percent, it iv means have the commitment good. A level of satisfaction that given CV. Ailani to the four farmers the average 4.25 or about 85 percent , it means were highly satisfied , while a level of satisfaction that given CV. Ailani ask the Burung Swari of 3,67 or 73 percent which means are satisfied. Besides it, the level of commitment also given fourth farmers to CV. Ailani with average value 4,16 or 83 percent that means farmers feel satisfied .While the level of satisfaction Burung Swari to CV. Ailani with average value 3,67 or 73 percent, it means satisfied. The next is level of communication given CV. Ailani to farmers with average value for overall of 2,83 or 57 percent which means the communication with farmers quite often .The communication for Burung Swari from CV.Ailani 2,67 or 53 percent, it means communication to the Burung Swari also quite often. Level communication from the farmers to CV. Ailani with average value for overall 3,66 or 73 percent, it means often, the rate communication of Burung Swari to CV. Ailani 2,67 or 53 percent which means communication is fairly often. Later for the dependency rate CV. Ailani to farmers with average value for overall 4 or 80 percent it means that CV. Ailani feel depends. Dependency rate CV. Ailani to Burung Swari of 3,33 or 67 percent, it means that fourth farmers felt quite depends. Dependency from farmers to CV. Ailani with average value for overall 3.5 or 70 percent which means feel depends, the dependence of Burung Swari to CV. Ailani 3 or 60 percent which means was just really depends . The level performance of farmers analyzed use the model SOCR along 2015 shows that the performance of farmers very well in provide the raw products oyster mushroom. Where the value of SOCR highest can be seen in November equal to 100 percent, the magnitude of imply that the performance fourth farmers overall was very good. Because that month demand for products Abon increased before christmas that is a big day. While value of SOCR lowest in September as much as 87 percent, but the classified as very good. Cause the value SOCR farmers of oyster mushrooms low is because the results of the harvest oyster mushrooms has experienced a fall in so that be unable to meet demand of oyster mushrooms according to quantity which are required. From this research, the suggestion will be that communication between the supply chain is more open, more honest in providing the informotion. Booking raw materials of the oyster mushrooms must routinely with a stable so that the farmers can be manage availibility of mushrooms.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2016/384/ 051607299 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis |
Depositing User: | Kustati |
Date Deposited: | 09 Aug 2016 10:26 |
Last Modified: | 09 Aug 2016 10:26 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/131379 |
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