Anggrainy, Veby (2016) Tingkat Pemberian Air Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kedelai adalah komoditas pangan terpenting ketiga setelah padi dan jagung yang mempunyai posisi strategis dalam seluruh kebijakan pangan nasional karena perannya sangat penting dalam menu pangan penduduk Indonesia. Dari aspek industri olahan kedelai dapat dihasilkan tempe, tahu, dan kecap yang menjadi bahan makanan sehari-hari bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Beragamnya penggunaan kedelai tersebut mengakibatkan meningkatnya konsumsi kedelai. Namun disisi lain terjadi ketidak seimbangan antara kemampuan petani dalam memproduksi dengan kenaikan permintaan kedelai oleh masyarakat. Satu dari beberapa faktor yang mengakibatkan ketidakseimbangan ini ialah rendahnya hasil yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya tingkat ketersediaan air tanah. Air adalah salah satu komponen fisik yang sangat vital dan dibutuhkan dalam jumlah besar untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Ketersediaan air secara optimal bagi tanaman kedelai selama pertumbuhannya jarang sekali ditemukan di lapangan. Ketersediaan air yang tidak terjamin merupakan salah satu penyebab merosotnya panen dan luas pertanaman kedelai, karena kedelai termasuk tanaman yang tidak tahan kekeringan (Raden, 2007). Dengan demikian kekurangan air pada media tanam kedelai menyebabkan pertumbuhan dan hasilnya menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh tingkat pemberian air pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini ialah pemberian air dibawah kapasitas lapang pada fase generatif dapat menurunkan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max(L.) Merr.). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2015 sampai bulan Januari 2016 di green house kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Desa Jatikerto, Kabupaten Malang. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Adapun perlakuan yang diberikan ialah perbedaan tingkat pemberian air, yaitu K0 (fase vegetatif- generatif 100% KL), K1 (fase vegetatif - generatif 75% KL), K2 (fase vegetatif - generatif 50% KL), K3 (fase vegetatif 100% KL – fase generatif 75% KL), K4 (fase vegetatif 100% KL – fase generatif 50% KL), K5 (fase vegetatif 75% KL – fase generatif 100% KL), K6 (fase vegetatif 50% KL – fase generatif 100% KL). Pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi, persiapan media tanam, persiapan bahan tanam, penanaman. Pemeliharaan meliputi, penyiraman, penyulaman, penyiangan dan pemupukan. Sedangkan parameter pengamatannya yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah cabang, luas daun, saat munculnya bunga, bobot segar total tanaman, bobot kering total tanaman, jumlah polong pertanaman, bobot polong pertanaman, jumlah biji pertanaman, dan bobot 100 biji. Data pengamatan yang telah diperoleh akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (Uji F) vii padataraf 5%. Apabila terdapat beda nyata (F hitung> F tabel 5%), maka akan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjutan Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) dengan taraf 5%. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan tingkat pemberian air pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai menunjukkan hasil yang nyata. Perlakuan pemberian air pada fasevegetatif - generatif 50% KL (K2) menunjukkan penghambatan yang paling besar terhadap komponen pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot segar total tanaman, bobot kering total tanaman. Perlakuan pemberian air fase vegetatif 50% KL – fase generatif 100% KL (K6) dapat menghasilkan jumlah polong pertanaman, bobot polong pertanaman, jumlah biji pertanaman dan bobot 100 biji yang paling mendekati dengan hasil yang didapatkan perlakuan fase vegetatif - generatif 100% KL (K0). Perlakuan pemberian air pada fase vegetatif - generatif 50% KL (K2) menunjukkan penurunan tertinggi terhadap jumlah polong pertanaman, bobot polong pertanaman, jumlah biji pertanaman dan bobot 100 biji masing-masing sebesar 69,8%, 77,5%, 76,8% dan 64,5%.
English Abstract
Soybean is the third most important food crop after paddy and maize which has the strategic position in all the national food policies due to its significant role in the food menu of the Indonesian people. From the processing industrial aspect, soybean is used to make tempeh, tofu and soya sauce which are the daily food materials for the Indonesians. The diversity of the soybean utilization causes the incease of the soybean consumption. Nevertheless, there is an imbalance of the farmers’ ability to produce and the people’s high demand on it. One of the factors causing this imbalance is the low yield of soybean plant due to the low water availability. Water is one of the physical components which is vital and needed in a high amount for the plant growth and development. The optimum water availability for the soybean plant during the growth phase is rarely found in the field. The inadequate water availability is one of the factors causing the decreases of the soybean yield and planting area, because soybean is a plant which does not stand drought (Raden, 2007). Thus the water inadequacy on the planting media makes the growth and yield decrease. The objective of the research was to study the effects of the water application levels to the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). It was hypothesized that the water application below the field capacity (FC) in the growth phase decreased the soybean yield (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The research was conducted from November 2015 to January 2016 in the green house of the Experimental Field owned by Agriculture Faculty – Brawijaya University, Jatikerto village, Malang regency. This research used the Block Randomized Design. The treatments (different water application levels) were K0 (100% FC of both vegetative and generative phases), K1 (75% FC of both vegetative and generative phases), K2 (50% FC of both vegetative and generative phases), K3 (100% FC of vegetative phase + 75% FC of generative phase), K4 (100% FC of vegetative phase + 50% FC of generative phase), K5 (75% FC of vegetative phase + 100% FC of generative phase), K6 (50% FC of vegetative phase + 100% FC of generative phase). The research conduction included planting media preparation, planting material preparation, planting. The plant care included watering, planting additional crops just in case the original crops died, weeding and fertilization. The observation parameters were plant height, leaf number, branch number, leaf area, floral emergence, plant total fresh weight, plant total dry weight, pod number per plant, pod weight per plant, seed number per plant and 100-seed weight. The obtained data were analyzed using the analysis of variance (F test) at the error level of 5%. Whenever there is a significant ix difference, it continues with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) at the error level of 5%. Based on the research conducted, the effects of the water application levels to the soybean growth and soybean showed significance. The treatment of K2 (50% FC of both vegetative and generative phases) showed the biggest inhibition to the plant growth components i.e., plant height, leaf number, leaf area, plant total fresh weight, plant total dry weight. The treatment of K6 (50% FC of vegetative phase + 100% FC of generative phase) resulted in the pod number per plant, pod weight per plant, seed number per plant and 100-weed weight which were nearly the same as the results of the K0 (100% FC of both vegetative and generative phases). The treatment of K2 (50% FC of both vegetative and generative phases) showed the highest decreases of the pod number per plant, pod weight per plant, seed number per plant and 100-seed weight i.e., 69.8%, 77.5%, 76.8% and 64.5%, respectively.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2016/370/ 051607244 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Kustati |
Date Deposited: | 05 Aug 2016 08:44 |
Last Modified: | 05 Aug 2016 08:44 |
URI: | |
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