Cahya, JamilEko (2016) Uji Potensi Enam Varietas Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt) Di Dataran Rendah Kabupaten Pamekasan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) ialah tanaman pangan serealia yang dapat dimanfaatkan biji, daun dan batangnya. Ekspor jagung manis mengalami penurunan sebesar 17,25% per tahun dan impor jagung manis mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6,26% per tahun pada tahun 2008-2010 (Sari, Suwarto dan Syukur, 2013). Jagung manis semakin populer dan banyak orang yang telah mengkonsumsi jagung manis karena memiliki rasa yang lebih manis dibandingkan jagung biasa, aroma lebih harum, dan mengandung gula sukrosa serta rendah lemak sehingga baik dikonsumsi bagi penderita diabetes. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah uji kesesuaian enam varietas jagung manis di dataran rendah Kabupaten Pamekasan untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil yang tinggi. Harapannya, Terdapat varietas tanaman jagung manis yang mempunyai potensi hasil tertinggi sehingga cocok dikembangkan di dataran rendah. Penelitian dilakukan dilahan pertanian Desa Pademawu Barat Kecamatan Pademawu, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur pada ketinggian 310 mdpl. Suhu udara 32 - 34˚ C. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari – April 2016. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah alat pertanian dalam bercocok tanam, label, tali raffia, penggaris, meteran, jangka sorong, timbangan analitik, alat tulis, kamera, Kertas, plastik dan penunjang penelitian lainnya. Bahan yang digunakan ialah benih jagung manis varietas Jambore, Asian Honey, Baruna, Bonanza, Talenta dan Silo 12. Pupuk NPK (15:15:15), pupuk Urea (46% N). Herbisida bahan aktif Glyphosate dan insektisida/nematisida bahan aktif Carbofuran. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 6 perlakuan varietas jagung manis dan 4 ulangan. Parameter pengamatan Non-destruktif meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun. Parameter panen jagung manis meliputi umur panen, diameter tongkol per tanaman, panjang tongkol per tanaman, bobot segar tongkol dengan klobot per tanaman, bobot segar tongkol tanpa klobot per tanaman, bobot segar tongkol dengan klobot per petak, bobot segar tongkol dengan klobot per hektar, bobot segar tongkol tanpa klobot per hektar dan Persen (%) Brix jagung manis. Data pengamatan yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (uji F) pada taraf 5%. Apabila hasil uji diperoleh pengaruh perlakuan yang nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil dari perlakuan varietas. Perlakuan varietas berpengaruh nyata tehadap umur panen, panjang tongkol dengan klobot dan panjang tongkol tanpa klobot, diameter tongkol, bobot segar tongkol dengan klobot per tanaman, bobot segar tongkol dengan klobot per hektar dan bobot segar tongkol tanpa klobot per tanaman, bobot segar tongkol tanpa klobot per hektar dan % Brix jagung manis. Bobot segar tongkol dengan klobot masing – masing varietas Jambore 21.10 t ha-1, varietas Asian Honey 20.28 t ha-1, varietas Baruna 19.85 t ha-1, Bonanza 19.01 t ha-1, Talenta 20.91 t ha- 1 dan Silo 12 20.71 t ha-1 nilai hasil yang paling tinggi pada varietas Jambore dan Talenta. Semua varietas mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan di daerah Kabupaten Pamekasan dengan nilai R/C rasio yang diperoleh dari varietas Jambore 1,80; varietas Asian Honey 1,73; varietas Baruna 1,68; varietas Bonanza 1,53; varietas ii Talenta 1,78 dan varietas Silo 12 1,67. Semua varietas menguntungkan tapi, yang paling menguntungkan adalah varietas Jambore dan Talenta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, semua perlakuan varietas itu menguntungkan dan cocok untuk dibudidayakan di dataran rendah Kabupaten Pamekasan.
English Abstract
Sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) is a cereal plant that can be utilized seeds, leaves and stems. Sweet corn exports decreased by 17.25% per year and sweet corn imports increased by 6.26% per year in 2008 - 2010 (Sari, Suwarto and Syukur, 2013). Sweet corn increasingly popular and many people have consumed sweet corn because it has a sweeter taste than regular corn, it has more fragrant aroma, and contain sucrose sugar and low in fat so that both consumed for diabetics. The purpose research the potency test six varieties of sweet corn on lowland pamekasan regency to get growth and high yield. The expectation, to get varieties of sweet corn plants that have the highest yield potential so that suitable developed in the lowlands. The research conducted at agricultural land Pademawu west village, Pademawu, Pamekasan Regency, East Java at altitude 310 asl with average air temperature 32˚ C - 34˚ C. The research conducted on February until April 2016. The tools that used in this research are the cultivation of agricultural equipment, label, raffia rope, ruler, tape measure, calipers, analytical scale, stationery, camera, paper, plastic and other research support. Materials that used seed the variety of Jambore, Asian Honey, Baruna, Bonanza, Talenta and Silo 12 varieties of sweet corn. NPK fertilizers 15:15:15, urea (46% N), active ingredient glyphosate of herbicide and active ingredient Carbofuran of insecticide/ nematicide. The research using the method of Random Complete Blok Desain (RCBD) with 6 sweet corn varieties treatment and 4 repetitions. Non-destructive observation parameters include high of plants, number of leaves, leaf area, Harvest parameters of sweet corn include diameter of cobs per plant, length of cobs per plant, fresh weight of cobs with husks per plant, fresh weight of cobs without husks per plant, fresh weight of cobs with husks per plot, fresh weight of cobs without husks per plot, fresh weight of cobs with husks per hectare and fresh weight of cobs without husks per hectare. Observation data which has gotten were analyzed using analysis of variance (F test) at 5% level. If the test results obtained significant different effect then continued with Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% level. The results showed that there are a difference in the yield of the treatment of varieties. The treatment of varieties give the significant effect for harvest age, The length of the cob with husks and the leght of the cob without husks, diameter of the cob, the fresh weights of the cob with husks per plant, the fresh weight of the cob with husks per hectare and the fresh weight of the cob without husks per plant, the fresh weights of the cob without husks per hectare and % Brix of the sweet corn. Fresh weight cob with husks Jambore varieties respectively 20.10 t ha-1, Asian Honey 20.28 t ha-1, Baruna varieties 19.85 t ha-1, Bonanza 19.01 t ha-1, Talenta 20.91 t ha- 1 and Silo 12 20.71 t ha-1. The value of the highest results is on Talenta and Silo 12 varieties. All of varieties has the potential to be developed in Pamekasan regency with the value of R/C ratios. Jambore varieties 1.80; Asian Honey varieties 1.73; Baruna varieties 1.68; Bonanza varieties 1.53; Talenta varieties 1.78; Silo 12 varieties 1.67. All of varieties has their own benefit. But, the most profitable are the iv variety of Jambore and Talenta variety. Based on the results of the research, all varieties of treatment was beneficial and suitable for cultivation in the lowland of Pamekasan Regency.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2016/348/ 051607047 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Kustati |
Date Deposited: | 05 Aug 2016 10:24 |
Last Modified: | 05 Aug 2016 10:24 |
URI: | |
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