Karakteristik Agronomi 14 Famili F5 Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annuum L.) Di Dataran Menengah

Dewi, MartinaSari (2016) Karakteristik Agronomi 14 Famili F5 Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annuum L.) Di Dataran Menengah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran penting dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Produksi cabai di Indonesia masih rendah, rataan nasional hanya mencapai 5,5 t ha-1, sedangkan potensi produksinya dapat mencapai 20 t ha-1 (Anonim, 2004). Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi cabai yaitu lingkungan. Pengaruh dari faktor lingkungan erat kaitannya dengan topografi suatu daerah. Tanaman cabai merah memiliki hasil yang berbeda apabila ditanam pada dataran yang berbeda. Menurut Setiawan (2012), selama ini cabai banyak diusahakan di dataran tinggi dan dataran rendah, padahal cabai memiliki peluang diusahakan secara produktif di dataran menengah. Hal ini perlu dilakukan karena semakin tingginya permintaan akan cabai merah. Salah satu upaya perbaikan terhadap hasil cabai merah di dataran menengah dapat dilakukan melalui program pemuliaan tanaman, yaitu perakitan varietas unggul. Menurut Soetiarso, Setiawati, dan Musaddad (2011), ketersediaan varietas unggul masih terbatas, sehingga penting untuk mengembangkan varietas yang berdaya hasil tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakteristik 14 famili F5 cabai merah di dataran menengah dan memiliki potensi hasil tinggi. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat perbedaan karakteristik antar famili F5 cabai merah di dataran menengah dan berpotensi memiliki hasil tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Kepuharjo, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2015. Alat yang digunakan yaitu plastik rol untuk tempat media semai dan karung untuk menutup persemaian, gembor, hand sprayer, kamera digital, penggaris, gunting, dan alat tulis. Bahan tanam yang digunakan ialah 14 benih famili F5 cabai merah. Teknik pengamatan yang digunakan yaitu teknik single plant yaitu diamati setiap tanaman. Famili ditanam pada satu petak percobaan. Peubah kuantitatif akan diuji menggunakan uji-t. Peubah yang diamati yaitu umur berbunga, umur panen, jumlah buah per tanaman, bobot buah per tanaman, bobot per buah, diameter buah, panjang buah, tinggi tanaman, tebal daging buah. Sedangkan karakter kualitatifnya yaitu tekstur permukaan buah dan bentuk buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari sembilan karakter kuantitatif yang diamati, keempatbelas famili memiliki kemampuan dan keunggulan masing-masing. Famili B2.58.20 memiliki umur berbunga dan umur panen tercepat dibandingkan dengan famili lainnya. Famili A4.92.14 memiliki jumlah buah terbanyak, disusul dengan famili B2.58.20. Bobot buah per tanaman tertinggi diperoleh dari famili A1.26.19, diikuti oleh famili B2.58.20, A4.92.14, A1.54.14, dan A1.8.14. Bobot per buah tertinggi diperoleh famili A1.26.19. Panjang buah tertinggi secara berurutan diperoleh famili A1.54.14, A4.92.14, dan A1.8.14. Sedangkan pada karakter tebal daging buah dan tinggi tanaman tertinggi diperoleh famili A4.92.14 dan B2.58.20. Dari segi karakter kualitatif, keseluruhan famili ii memiliki tekstur permukaan buah yang dominan halus dan bentuk buah memanjang. Dari hasil tersebut maka didapatkan famili terpilih yang memiliki potensi hasil paling tinggi dibandingkan yang lain secara berurutan yaitu A1.26.19, B2.58.20, A4.92.14, A1.54.14, dan A1.8.14. Kriteria seleksi pada famili terpilih diutamakan dari nilai bobot buah per tanaman, sedangkan karakter lainnya digunakan sebagai penunjang.

English Abstract

Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the important vegetable crops and high economic value. Red Pepper production in Indonesia is still low, the national average is only 5,5 t ha-1, while the production potential could reach 20 t ha-1 (Anonim, 2004). One of the factors that affect the production of red pepper is the environment. The influence of environmental factors closely related to the topography of an area. Red Pepper family would have different results when planted in different plateau because at each plateau has different characteristics. According to Setiawan (2012), during this chilli cultivated in the highlands and the lowlands, but the red pepper has cultivated productive opportunities in the medium plateau. This needs to be done because of the high demand for red pepper. One of the efforts to improve the results of red peppers is in the medium plateau can be done through breeding programs, namely the assembly of high yield varieties. According Soetiarso et al. (2011), the availability of improved varieties is still limited, so it is important to develop. The purpose of this research is to get information about the characteristics of the 14 F5 families of red peppers in the medium plateau and which has a high yield potential. The hypothesis of this research that there are differences between the characteristics of the F5 family of red pepper in the medium plateau and potentially has a high yield. The research was conducted in Kepuharjo village, Karangploso, Malang. The research was conducted between February until August 2015. The equipment used are plastic rollers for a seedling media and sacks to cover nursery, yells, hand sprayer, a digital camera, a ruler, scissors, and stationery. Planting material used was 14 F5 family seed of red pepper. Observation technique used is observed every single plant crops. Family planted in a single plot. Quantitative characters will be tested using t-test. The parameters observed were flowering age, harvesting age, the number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant, weight per fruit, fruit diameter, fruit length, plant height, thick flesh. While the qualitative character are the texture of the surface of the fruit and fruit shape. The results showed that the population in the family is quite uniform. Whereas among families has shown the diversity that is quite clear. Of the nine quantitative trait observed, Fourteenth families have the ability and the advantages of each. Family B2.58.20 have a lifespan of flowering and harvesting the fastest compared to the other family. Family A4.92.14 has the highest number of fruit, followed by family B2.58.20. The highest weight of fruits per plant obtained from family A1.26.19, followed by family B2.58.20, A4.92.14, A1.54.14, and A1.8.14. Obtained the highest fruit weights per plant is family A1.26.19. The highest fruit length sequentially obtained family A1.54.14, A4.92.14, and A1.8.14. Whereas in bold character flesh and obtained the highest plant height are family A4.92.14 and B2.58.20. In the qualitative character, Fourteenth family has shown uniformity in the family, whereas the variation among families already looks quite high. It can facilitate the process of selection of the Fourteenth red pepper family. From these iv results we obtained are selected sequentially families A1.26.19, B2.58.20, A4.92.14, A1.54.14, and A1.8.14. The selection criteria on the selected family takes precedence over the value of the weight of fruit per plant, while the other is used as a supporting character.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2016/177/ 051604725
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 24 May 2016 13:56
Last Modified: 24 May 2016 13:56
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/131152
Full text not available from this repository.

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