Pengaruh Bahan Pembenah Tanah Terhadap Retensi Air Tanah Dan Pertumbuhan Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Pada Humic Fragiudepts Di Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung, Malang

Naufal, Muhammad (2015) Pengaruh Bahan Pembenah Tanah Terhadap Retensi Air Tanah Dan Pertumbuhan Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Pada Humic Fragiudepts Di Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung, Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Lahan kering memegang peranan penting dalam kegiatan produksi gula di indonesia, terdapat 75% lahan budidaya yang termasuk lahan kering dari kurang lebih 450.000 ha luasan kebun tebu di Indonesia. Kegiatan budidaya tanaman di lahan kering ditekankan pada konservasi dan pemakaian air yang tersimpan dalam tanah. Kekurangan air pada saat awal pertumbuhan akan berpengaruh negatif terhadap pertumbuhan dan proses pembentukan gula. Penurunan hasil tebu akibat cekaman dapat mencapai 8% jika terjadi pada fase 1 dan 15% jika terjadi pada fase 2. Hasil gula akan menurun 12% jika cekaman terjadi pada fase 1 dan 19% jika terjadi pada fase 2 yang terjadi pada 3 bulan awal pertumbuhan. Di lain pihak, Abu ketel dan Blotong yang merupakan produk sampingan dari proses produksi gula tersedia secara melimpah. Potensi pengembangannya sebagai bahan pembenah tanah terlihat dari kandungan C-Organik (4,96 – 36%) dan KTK-nya (24,5 - 34,1me/100g) yang cenderung tinggi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba menguji pengaruh Abu Ketel, Blotong dan Kompos Blotong dalam perbaikan retensi air tanah serta pertumbuhan Tebu pada Humic fragiudepts di Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung, Malang. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan perkebunan milik Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung Malang yang terletak di Desa Karangduren, Kecamatan Pakisaji, Kabupaten Malang dan menggunakan Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 7 perlakuan pada 4 kali ulangan pada unit indikator tanaman tebu varietas PSJK 922 yang dilaksanakan bulan Oktober 2014 – Juni 2015. Analisis tanah dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisika dan Kimia Tanah Jurusan Ilmu Tanah Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Perlakuan terdiri dari kombinasi beberapa bahan pembenah tanah dengan beberapa dosis, yaitu P0 = kontrol, P1= Abu Ketel 60 t.ha-1, P2 = Kompos 3 t.ha-1, P3 = Blotong 60 t.ha-1, P4 = Abu Ketel 30 t.ha-1 + Blotong 30 t.ha-1, P5 = Abu Ketel 15 t.ha-1 + Blotong 45 t.ha-1 dan P6 = Abu Ketel 30 t.ha-1 + Blotong 30 t.ha-1 + Pupuk Hayati 80 l.ha-1. Variabel yang diamati meliputi: sifat fisika tanah (berat isi, berat jenis, retensi air, pori total, distribusi pori dan permeabilitas) dan sifat kimia tanah (C-organik dan KTK) pada umur 0,1,2,3,8, 16 MST; pertumbuhan tanaman tebu yang meliputi tinggi dan jumlah tunas tanaman (4, 8, 12, 16, 20 MST). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian bahan pembenah tanah (Abu Ketel, Blotong dan Kompos) mampu memperbaiki secara nyata retensi air tanah (dari nilai analisis awal 33,62% menjadi 53.11% pada perlakuan abu ketel 60 ton Ha-1 (P1)), menurunkan nilai rerata pori drainase dan laju permeabilitas. Namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai C-Organik, KTK, Pori Air Tersedia dan Pori Titik layu pernmanen. Pemberian bahan pembenah tanah (Abu Ketel, Blotong dan Kompos) mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman secara nyata (hingga mencapai 293,87 cm pada 20 MST), tetapi tidak secara nyata pada penambahan rerata jumlah tunas tanaman tebu.

English Abstract

Dry land plays an important role in the production of sugar in Indonesia, there are 75% of the cultivated land including dry land of approximately 450,000 hectares of sugar cane plantation area in Indonesia. Crops are grown in dry land emphasis on conservation and use of water stored in the soil. Lack of water at the beginning of the growth will negatively affect the growth and sugar formation process. Sugarcane yield reduction due to stress may reach 8% if it occurs in phase 1 and 15% if it occurs in phase 2. The results of sugar will decrease by 12% when stress occurs in phase 1 and 19% if it occurs in phase 2 which occurred in the initial 3 months of growth. On the other hand, Boiler Ash and Blotong which is a byproduct of sugar production process are available in abundance. Potential development as Soil Conditioner Materials seen from the content of C-Organic (4.96 to 36%) and its CEC (24.5 - 34,1me / 100g) are likely to be high. Therefore, this study attempted to examine the effect of Boiler Ash, Blotong and Compost in improving ground water holding capacity and the growth of sugarcane in Humic Fragiudepts at Kebon Agung Sugar Factory, Malang. Research conducted in the Kebon Agung Sugar Factory Plantation that located at Karangduren village, Pakisaji Subdistrict, Malang Regency and use Random design groups with 7 treatments in 4 replications on the unit indicator of sugarcane varieties PSJK 922 held in Oktober 2014 - June 2015. Soil analysis carried out in the Laboratory of Soil Physics and Chemistry Department of Soil Science University of Brawijaya. The treatment consists of a combination of several ingredients Organic resources with several doses, ie P0 = control, P1 = Boiler Ash 60 t.ha-1, P2 = Compost 3 t.ha-1, P3 = Blotong 60 t.ha-1, P4 = Abu Kettle 30 t.ha-1+ Blotong 30 t.ha-1, P5 = Boiler Ash 15 t.ha-1+ Blotong 45 t.ha-1 and P6 = Boiler Ash 30 t.ha-1 + Blotong 30 t.ha-1 + Biofertilizer 80 l.ha-1. Variables observed included: soil physical properties (bulk density, density, water retention, total pore, pore distribution and permeability) and chemical properties of the soil (C-organic and CEC) at the age of 0,1,2,3,8, 16 MST; the growth of sugarcane crops which include high and the amount of shoots (4, 8, 12, 16, 20 MST). The results showed granting the soil conditioner materials (Abu kettle, Blotong and Compost) is able to significantly improve the ground water holding capacity of the soil (from the initial analysis of the value of 33.62% to 53.11% in the treatment of boiler ash 60 t.ha-1 (P1)), lowering the average value of pore drainage and soil permeability. But did not significantly affect the value of C-Organic, CEC, and Pore Pore Water Available permanen wilting point. Soil Conditioner Materials (Abu kettle, Blotong and Compost) is able to significantly increase plant height (up to 293.87 cm at 20 MST), but not significantly in the mean number of shoots addition of sugar cane.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2015/904/ 051509578
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2016 15:02
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2016 15:02
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