Perilaku Konsumen Kopi Bubuk Robusta Pada Warung Kopi (Studi Kasus Di Tiga Warung Kopi Kelurahan Merjosari, Malang)

Fitriah, Hidayatul (2015) Perilaku Konsumen Kopi Bubuk Robusta Pada Warung Kopi (Studi Kasus Di Tiga Warung Kopi Kelurahan Merjosari, Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kopi adalah salah satu minuman yang digemari masyarakat dunia sejak berabad-abad silam. Sampai saat ini kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas minuman yang paling akrab di berbagai lapisan (Cahyono, 2011). Konsumsi kopi dunia terus meningkat sebesar 3-4% setiap tahunnya. Di Indonesia sendiri konsumsi masyarakat Indonesia akan kopi meningkat pesat sebesar 98% dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Dua jenis kopi yang paling sering dikonsumsi antara lain kopi Arabika dan kopi Robusta. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan konsumennya, belakangan ini usaha warung kopi menjadi usaha yang menjanjikan. Saat ini, usaha kedai kopi muncul menjadi usaha yang memiliki konsep tempat, konsep jualan (marketing), konsep kemasan, konsep menu, dan konsep pelayanan yang menarik. Seperti yang tergambar di Kelurahan Merjosari Malang, warung kopi bermunculan menyajikan menu utama kopi Robusta dan menu lainnya. Suasana di setiap kedai kopi yang memiliki ciri khas berbeda-beda menjadi salah satu daya tarik bagi para konsumen. Ngopi hanyalah aktifitas mengisi waktu luang dan tempat untuk istirahat dari kepenatan. Namun perkembangannya kini kedai kopi menjadi sebuah tempat yang penting untuk menghabiskan waktu luang maupun waktu beraktifitas sehari-hari. Warung kopi memperlihatkan peranan dan fungsinya, bukan hanya sekedar mendapatkan segelas tetapi juga sebagai suatu media interaksi antara sesama pengunjung kedai kopi ataupun dengan penjual minuman kopi. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) Mendeskripsikan faktor yang menjadi penyebab konsumen berlangganan di warung kopi terkait aktivitas konsumen di warung kopi tempat penelitian (2) Mendeskripsikan alasan dan latar belakang konsumen dalam keputusan mengonsumsi kopi bubuk Robusta (3) Mendeskripsikan peran warung kopi bagi konsumen. Metode yang digunakan adalah memilih secara sengaja 3 warung kopi yang mewakili daerah Kelurahan Merjosari yaitu warung kopi Jemblung, warung kopi Setunggal dan warung kopi Bagio dimana ketiganya terletak di daerah pasar induk Merjosari dalam radius 1km. Informan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik warung dengan total 3 informan dari 3 warung tersebut, sedangkan konsumen yang sering datang mengkonsumsi kopi Robusta di warung kopi yang berjumlah 24 orang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian statistik deskriptif dan menggunakan alat analisa miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari tiga kegiatan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil pada penelitian ini bahwa tujuan utama konsumen datang ke warung kopi adalah minum kopi. Selain tujuan utama minum kopi, alasan konsumen mengkonsumsi kopi bubuk di warung kopi yaitu karena jenis kopi yang dijual mempunyai banyak variasi, lokasi warung kopi yang strategis, fasilitas warung kopi yang lengkap seperti catur, kartu remi, wifi, stopcontac, televisi, keragaman produk seperti makanan dan minuman yang beragam dan suasana di warung kopi itu sendiri yang dirasa nyaman bagi konsumen. Alasan tersebut dapat mendukung aktifitas konsumen selama berada di warung kopi seperti mencari hiburan, nobar, ii mengerjakan tugas, bermain game dan diskusi ataupun rapat. Alasan konsumen mengonsumsi kopi bubuk Robusta dibandingkan dengan kopi jenis lain ataupun kopi instan yaitu karena harga kopi yang tidak terlalu mahal (sedang), kualitas kopi yang baik, rasa kopi yang enak dan aroma kopi sangat tercium. Peran warung kopi terhadap pembentukan aktivitas konsumen di warung kopi tempat penelitian sangatlah beragam. Konsumen membentuk kebiasaan dan aktivitas baru di warung kopi yang menggeser peran utama sebagai tempat minum kopi menjadi peran lain, diantaranya sebagai tempat berkumpul seperti tempat bertemu dengan teman, perkumpulan mahasiswa organisasi ataupun berkumpul sekedar mengobrol. Kedua, sebagai tempat mengerjakan tugas dan juga mendownload materi dan belajar. Ketiga, sebagai tempat diskusi seperti diskusi ringan sampai rapat dan diskusi mengenai topik yang sedang digemari sesama konsumen seperti isu politik, diskusi perkuliahan sampai diskusi strategi bermain game dan yang terakhir sebagai tempat refreshing yaitu tempat bersantai, nobar bola, bermain game, sosial media dan menikmati suasana di sekitarnya. Saran yang diberikan penulis yaitu konsumen harus mengetahui dampak negatif minum kopi. sehingga diharapkan bagi konsumen agar sadar tidak hanya terhadap dampak positif namun juga harus mengetahui dampak negatifnya. Sedangkan hal lain yang dapat dilakukan pemilik warung yaitu meningkatkan kualitas warung dengan cara memperbaiki dan memperindah warung kopi guna mendapatkan konsumen yang lebih banyak. Karena sepengetahuan peneliti bahwa bangunan warung kopi masih seadanya dan kurang indah. dirasa Konsumen tidak akan keberatan jika harga naik karena sebanding dengan tempat yang lebih layak. Bagi peneliti lain disarankan menggunakan kajian yang berbeda yang belum diteliti dalam penelitian ini seperti pengaruh negatif dan positif berdirinya warung kopi di sekitar kampus serta dampak yang ditimpulkan terhadap pola hidup konsumennya. Disarankan juga untuk memperluas jumlah sampel yang dipakai, sehingga dapat memperkaya hasil penelitian dan dapat melengkapi data penelitian yang belum ada dalam penelitian ini.

English Abstract

Coffee is one of a drink popular the world community centuries ago. Until now coffee is one of commodities the drink, familiar from various levels of (cahyono, 2011 ). Consumption coffee the world continue to increased by three to four % each year. In indonesia, public consumption indonesia will coffee increase sharply of 98 % in the last 10 years. Two types of coffee most frequently consumed among others coffee arabica and coffee robusta. Then as the of consumers, recently business coffee shop be business who promised. Now, business the coffee shop appear to be business have the concept of place, the concept that (marketing, the concept of packaging, the concept of menu, and concept service). Along with growth of consumers, recently a coffee shop be a promising business. Currently, a coffee shop appear to be businesses have the concept of place, the concept of trade (marketing), the concept of packaging, the menu, and the services interesting. As depicted in kelurahan merjosari unfortunate, coffee shop springing presenting the main course coffee robusta and other menus. The atmosphere at every coffee shop having typical different being one attraction for consumers. Drink a cup of coffee but fill leisure activities and a place to rest. But he has now coffee shop become a place important to spend leisure or the consume in daily. Coffee shop shows the role and functions, not just a get a glass but also as a medium interaction between fellow visitors coffee shop or by the seller drink coffee. As for the purpose of this research which are ( 1 ) described factors that causes consumers berlanganan in a coffee shop related activity consumers in a coffee shop place research ( 2 ) described reason and background consumers in the resolution consumption ground coffee robusta ( 3 ) described the role of coffee shop for consumers. Methods used is to choose deliberately 3 coffee stalls represent the urban village merjosari namely coffee shop jemblung, coffee shop setunggal and coffee shop bagio where the three is located in the main market merjosari radium 1km. Informants main in this research was stall owners with total 3 informants from 3 the stall, and choose subject to consumers a frequenter consume coffee robusta in a coffee shop which consisted of of the 24. The research is research descriptive statistics and menggunakanalat analysis miles and huberman consisting of three main activities which were reduction data, presentation of data and the withdrawal of conclusion. The results of this research in that the main objective of consumers come to the coffee house is drink coffee. In addition to the main objective of drinking coffee, reason consumers consume coffee of powder in the coffee shop is the kind of coffee on sale have many variations, the location of coffee stalls strategic, coffee shop facilities complete like chess, playing cards, wifi, stopcontac, television, the diversity of products such as food and beverage being diverse and the atmosphere on the coffee shop itself it thinks is convenient for consumers. That reason be able to support consumer activity during their stay in coffee shops iv like finding entertainment, nobar, do their tasks, playing a game and discussion or a meeting. The results of this research in that the main objective of consumers come to the coffee house is drink coffee. In addition to the main objective of drinking coffee, reason consumers consume coffee of powder in the coffee shop is the kind of coffee on sale have many variations, the location of coffee stalls strategic, coffee shop facilities complete like chess, playing cards, wifi, stopcontac, television, the diversity of products such as food and beverage being diverse and the atmosphere on the coffee shop itself it thinks is convenient for consumers. That reason be able to support consumer activity during their stay in coffee shops like finding entertainment, do their tasks, playing a game and discussion or a meeting. Reason consumers consume coffee powder robusta coffee compared with other kinds of instant coffee or because the price of coffee which is not too expensive (being), the quality of a good coffee, the taste of coffee that tastes good and to flavor coffee very smelt. The role of coffee shop on the establishment of activity consumers in a coffee shop place research is very diverse. Consumers habit-forming and activity new in a coffee shop who remove a major role as a coffee be the role of other, are to be a gathering place like a meet with friends, an association of students organization or gathered just chat. Second, as a do their tasks and also downloading matter and learn.Third, as a discussion as discussion light to meeting and discussion on the topic that was popular fellow consumers as political issue, discussion lecture until discussion strategy playing games and the last as a refreshing a place relax, in the ball, playing games, social media and enjoying herself around it. Advice provided writer namely consumers need to know the negative effects of drinking coffee . And it is hoped for consumer to aware of not only for a positive impact but also need to know the potential adverse impact. While the other thing that could stall owner done the improvement of the quality of a stall by way of improving and decorate coffee shop in order to obtain consumers that more. Because the knowledge of researchers that the buildings coffee shop still available and less beautiful. Felt to be consumers would not object if prices rise because in proportion to a place that is worthy. For other researcher study suggested use different who have not subjects in this study as the influence of negative and positive the establishment of coffee shop in about campus and the impacts that were ditimpulkan to lifestyle of consumers.Suggest also to expand the sample of the used, so that it can be enriched the research and can complement the data research is not already in this study.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2015/841/ 051509663
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 25 Jan 2016 14:22
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2016 14:22
Full text not available from this repository.

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