Novianto, AdhitiyoTeguh (2015) Analisis Keuntungan Usahatani Belimbing Manis Di Kelurahan Tugu Kecamatan Cimanggis Kota Depok. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Buah-buahan memiliki prospek menjanjikan di masa datang dikarenakan permintaan pasar akan terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya mengkonsumsi buah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi. Salah satu jenis tanaman buah yang dapat dikonsumsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi adalah belimbing. Perkembangan produksi buah belimbing di Indonesia memiliki tren positif, dilihat dari rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 6,92 % dari tahun 2008 – 2012. Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan Kota Depok sebagai kota strategis dan berpotensi sebagai lokasi pengembangan usahatani belimbing. Salah satu lokasi berlangsungnya usahatani belimbing manis di Kota Depok yakni Kelurahan Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis dan petani belimbing manis di lokasi tersebut menjadi salah satu pemasok belimbing terbesar di pasar pusat Jakarta. Oleh sebab itu pengembangan usahatani belimbing baik jika diarahkan kepada petani di Kelurahan Tugu. Sebagai langkah awal dalam pengembangan usahatani belimbing manis, perlu dilakukan evaluasi mengenai jumlah produksi, biaya, harga jual, dan penerimaan sehingga dapat diambil keputusan yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis struktur biaya produksi, penerimaan dan keuntungan serta nilai titik impas (BEP) dari usahatani belimbing manis di Kelurahan Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kota Depok. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive berdasarkan tujuan penelitian dan penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November – Desember 2013. Jumlah sampel petani sebanyak 30 petani dari populasi 95 petani ditentukan dengan metode simple random sampling dengan toleransi kesalahan 15 %. Analisis data yang digunakan yakni analisis deskriptif meliputi gambaran umum lokasi penelitian, karakteristik petani responden, dan penyajian data kuantitatif, serta analisis kuantitatif terdiri atas analisis biaya total, penerimaan, dan pendapatan usahatani, Gross B/C Ratio, dan Break Even Point (BEP) yang terdiri atas BEP Produksi, BEP Harga, dan BEP Penerimaan. Hasil analisis keuntungan usahatani belimbing manis di Kelurahan Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kota Depok yakni total biaya investasi sebesar Rp.67.775.080,00/ha, total biaya tetap sebesar Rp.336.334.131,00/ha dan total biaya variabel sebesar Rp.2.479.730.909,00/ha, sehingga didapatkan biaya total usahatani belimbing manis selama 25 tahun sebesar Rp.2.883.840.119,00/ha. Total penerimaan usahatani belimbing manis selama 25 tahun sebesar Rp.4.892.031.111,00 per hektar. Besarnya keuntungan usahatani belimbing manis selama 25 tahun sebesar Rp.1.776.271.607,00 per hektar. Rata-rata nilai Gross B/C ratio dari usahatani belimbing manis sebesar 1,50 artinya setiap Rp 1,00 biaya yang dikorbankan menghasilkan penerimaan sebesar Rp 1,50. Rata-rata nilai titik impas atau Break Even Point (BEP) dari usahatani belimbing manis di Kelurahan Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kota Depok pada satu hektar lahan antara lain BEP produksi sebesar 2.946,32 kg, BEP harga sebesar Rp.5.231,00 dan BEP penerimaan sebesar Rp.26.872.332,00.
English Abstract
Fruits having a good prospect in the future because the market demand of them will be increase in line with increasing the awareness of the importance for consume the fruits to meet nutritional requirements. One of fruits can be consumed for that is starfruit. The production development of starfruit in Indonesia have a positive trend, this is seen from the average of increased was 6,92 % at 2008 – 2012. East Java with Depok Regency as the strategic area and have a potency for the development of starfruit farm. One of the starfruit farm area in Depok is Tugu Village, Cimanggis District. The farmers in there currently is one of the largest supplier of starfruit for Jakarta central market. Therefore, the development of starfruit farm is right to farmers in there. As the first step in the development of starfruit farm required to evaluation about volume of production, cost of production, selling price, revenue and income, so that the right decisions can be taken. Purposes of this research are analyze the cost structure of production, revenue and income, and also Break Even Point (BEP) of starfruit farm in Tugu Village, Cimanggis, Depok. The research location selected by purposive and the research was conducted in November – December, 2013. Total sample of farmers in this research was 30 farmers is determined by simple random sampling method with tolerance of error is 15 % of the population was 95 farmers. Data analysis which used in this research are descriptive analysis about general description of research location, characteristic of respondent farmers, and interpretation of quantitative data, as well as the quantitative analysis consists of an analysis of the total cost, revenue, and income of the starfruit farm, Gross B/C Ratio, and Break Even Point (BEP) consists of production, price, and revenue. The result of this research are total invested cost amount to Rp.67.775.080,00 per hectare, total fixed cost amount to Rp.336.334.131,00 per hectare and total variable cost amount to Rp.2.479.730.909,00 per hectare, so that the total cost of starfruit farm for 25 years in Tugu Village amount to Rp.2.883.840.119,00 per hectare. Total revenue of starfruit farm for 25 years amount to Rp.4.892.031.111,00 per hectare. The profit was obtained by farmers from starfruit farm for 25 years amount to Rp.1.776.271.607,00 per hectare. The average of Gross B/C ratio value of starfruit farm amount to 1,50, it means every Rp 1,00 the cost of being expended can make the revenue amount to Rp 1,50. The average value of Break Even Point (BEP) of starfruit farm consists of BEP of production amount to 2.946,32 kg, BEP of price amount to Rp.5.231,00 and BEP of revenue amount to Rp.26.872.332,00.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2015/801/051509620 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis |
Depositing User: | Kustati |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2016 15:27 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2021 07:09 |
URI: | |
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