Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode SMART System (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Apel UD. HS Putra Kota Batu, Jawa Timur).

Pratiwi, YusufiHanny (2014) Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode SMART System (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Apel UD. HS Putra Kota Batu, Jawa Timur). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perkembangan dunia bisnis beberapa tahun ini sangat cepat dan membuat pihak-pihak yang terlibat didalamnya harus bekerja keras agar keberadaanya tetap diakui oleh pelanggan mereka. Semakin beragamnya jenis dan macam produk-produk di dunia bisnis menggambarkan semakin ketatnya persaingan dalam dunia bisnis. Setiap perusahaan sering kali dihadapi pada beberapa permasalahan, antara lain dari aspek permodalan, kemampuan manajemen usaha, dan kualitas sumberdaya manusia pengelolanya. Kesulitan dalam mengakses informasi dan sumberdaya produktif seperti modal dan teknologi, menyebabkan keterbatasan usaha kecil untuk berkembang. Hal-hal seperti itu juga bisa saja terjadi pada perusahaan Agribisnis UD. HS Putra Pengukuran kinerja perusahaan mestinya harus terfokus dari berbagi aspek. Aspek tersebut meliputi unit bisnis, yang didalamnya termasuk aspek keuangan dan pasar, setelah itu unti operasi bisnis, yang didalamnya termasuk produktivitas, fleksibilitas, dan pelanggan, selanjutnya yang terakhis aspek departemen dan pusat keja, yang sisalamnya meliputi biaya, waktu proses, pengiriman, dan kualitas. Berdasarkan kondisi itulah, perlu dilakukan upaya penelaahan terhadap strategi bisnis perusahaan agribisnis dalam kerangka pengembangan kinerja perusahaan agribisnis yang berfokus peningkatan daya saing di masa datang. Model SMART ( Strategic Management Analysis and Reporting Technique ) System merupakan sistem yang dibuat oleh Wang Laboratory , Inc. Lowell, yang mampu mengintegrasikan aspek finansial dan non-finansial yang dibutuhkan manajer . Penelitian ini dilakukan selama bulan April 2014, di perusahaan agribisnis suplier apel UD. HS Putra yang berlokasi di UD. HS Putra Jl. Abdul Ghani Gg. 2 no. 2 kota Batu . Penentuan lokasi ini ditentukan secara purposive . Metode yang digunakan untuk penentuan responden adalah dengan metode critical case sampling.

English Abstract

Business development evolves in rapid growth in recent years and made some parties that involved in should give more effort to keep their business wins their costumer. With more various types of products, business world currently shows that our current world market going on more and more competitive. Each of business enterprise shall face some problems during its activities, such as business finance,work management, and quality of the manpower. The difficulties in accessing information and productive resources such as finance and technology could affect to the restrictiveness of micro business to grow and being developed. This too could happen in this agro-business enterprise, UD HS Putra. The measurement of working activity of an enterprise should be focused on multiple aspects. They are including of business unit, which comprises of finance and market area; then business operation unit, which ranging of productivity, flexibility, and costumer; and next is divisions and working center; which involve expense, process time, delivering/shipping, and quality. Based on those circumstances, we need further studies towards business strategies of an agro-business enterprise as a frame of developing of working activity in an agro-business enterprise which focused on the improvement of competitiveness in the future. SMART Model (Strategic Management Analysis and Reporting Technique) System is a system that invented by Wang Laboratory , Inc. Lowell, that is able to integrate financial and non-financial that neede by a manager. This study was done in April 2014, in an agro-business enterprise of apple supplier named UD HS Putra which is located in Jl. Abdul Ghani Gg. 2 no. 2, Batu City, East Java . Place assignment was decided by purposive.Used method of respondent determination is critical case sampling method. Based on three levels which are; business unit level, business operation level, and division and working center level, UD HS Putra has 9 perspectives that is needed to measure the working activity of an enterprise which are finance, market dimension, productivity, flexibility, costumer, expense, process time, delivering/shipping, and quality. From those nine perspectives, we could get 28 of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The study result shows that the working activity could be specified good grade with betterment needed in some KPIs. KPI that has the highest score and fulfilling target is sales volume (27.7%) with working activity score 10. Second highest is the amount of loyal costumer (16.9%) which is included in business operation level. This KPI get 9 of the working activity score.In this working activity measurement, KPIs that need to be improved coming from business unit level which is amount of new product sold (4%) that scored 2, business operation level that is percentage of non-manufacturing tools maintenance (4,2%) which scored 2, and in division and working center level which is database availability (2,1%) which scored 1. Those three KPIs are under target. Therefore, it really needs to find a manager for UD HS Putra who knows well in improving

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2014/320/051406596
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2014 10:36
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 07:17
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