Dinamika Perubahan Komposisi Gulma pada Tanaman Tebu Keprasan di Lahan Sistem Reynoso dan Tegalan

Marsal, Dito (2014) Dinamika Perubahan Komposisi Gulma pada Tanaman Tebu Keprasan di Lahan Sistem Reynoso dan Tegalan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


komposisi gulma pada suatu ekosistem dapat disebabkan oleh proses alami atau karena campur tangan manusia. Interaksi antara faktor biotik dan abiotik merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya perubahan . Gulma adalah komponen yang tetap pada agroekosistem . Semakin beragam sistem penggunaan lahan, semakin beragam komunitas gulma dan lebih sedikit yang mendominasi (Takim dan Amodu, 2013). Komposisi gulma dapat berubah tergantung pada beberapa faktor selama periode waktu yang panjang. Kepadatan spesies gulma tunggal atau banyak dapat berubah tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti kemurnian bibit, pemilihan tanaman, rotasi, teknik dan waktu tanam, pengolahan tanah, waktu panen, pemupukan, metode pengendalian gulma dengan cara kimia dan mekanik selama periode tertentu (Albrecht, 1995 dalam Mennan dan Isik, 2003). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan distribusi gulma di perkebunan tebu keprasan di lahan sistem reynoso dan tegalan untuk menilai pergeseran gulma selama periode tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui dinamika perubahan komposisi gulma pada tanaman tebu keprasan yang ada di lahan sistem reynoso dan lahan tegalan . Hipotesis yang diajukan ialah t erdapat spesies gulma tertentu yang ada dipermukaan tanah yang tahan terhadap naungan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari -Mei 2014, di Desa Legundi , Kabupaten Ngawi . Alat yang digunakan adalah tali rafia, meteran, kamera, kantung plastik, kertas, lux meter , timbangan dan oven. Sedangkan bahan yang digunakan adalah lahan sistem reynoso dan tegalan budidaya tanaman tebu keprasan ( ratoon cane ). Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitati f, m etode penelitian menggunakan analisis vegetasi. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan metode sampling kuadrat dengan petak contoh yang disusun secara acak. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 lokasi yang bebeda yait u tanaman tebu keperasan di lahan sistem reynoso dan tegalan . Pengamatan dilakukan 15 hari sekali selama 4 bulan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu

English Abstract

Weed composition change in an ecosystem could be caused by natural process or human involvement. Interaction between biotic and abiotic factors is one of causes the weed change. Weed is the permanent component in agroecosystem. More various systems of land use lead to more various weed communities, but less dominated ones (Takim and Amodu, 2013). The weed composition could be changed, which depends on some factors for longer period of time. Densities of the weed species, both single and greater quantities, could be changed because they depend on some factors, such as seed purity, plant selection, rotation, technique and planting time, soil cultivation, harvest time, fertilization, weed control method, both chemically and mechanically, for a given period of time (Albrecht, 1995 in Mennan and Isik, 2003). The research was conducted to study weed composition and distribution at the ratoon cane plantation in reynoso system and unirrigated-field in order to assess the weed displacement for a given period of time. Objective of the research was to study the dynamics of weed composition change on ratoon cane in reynoso system and unirrigated-field. The proposed hypothesis showed specific weed species on soil surface, which is resistant to shade. The research was conducted from January-May 2014, in Legundi Village, Ngawi Regency. The applied equipments included raffia fibre, tape measure, camera, plastic bags, paper, lux meter, scales, and oven. Meanwhile, medium of the research were reynoso system and unirrigated-field for ratoon cane breeding. It was a quantitative research and used vegetation analysis as method of the research. Collecting samples were based on quadratic sampling method with sample plots, which were arranged randomly. The research used 2 different locations for ratoon cane, for example, in reynoso system and unirrigated-field. Observation was done once in 15 days for 4 months. The observed parameters included identification of weed species, number of weed species, intensity of sunrays accepted by by the weeds, and observation on dry weight of weed. Meanwhile, the observed parameters on the cane plant included plant height, number of plantlet, and canopy of the cane. The obtainable data was calculated using vegetation analysis. Based on result of the research, there were diverse species of weeds, which dominated the research fields I and II. The research field I was dominated by Ipomoea triloba , Chromolaena odorata , Cayratia trifolia and Phyllanthus niruri ; meanwhile, the research field II was dominated by Digitaria sanguinalis , Brachiaria distachya and Ageratum conyzoides . The r esult of Shanon-Wienner’s (H’) index showed that both research fields belonged to tolerable category. Simpson’s Index (C) in both research fields ranged 0.05-0.13, which meant that the community structures in the research fields I and II were in stable condition. Morisita’s index values ranged 0.00-12.28. The weed dissemination pattern in the research field I tended to be formed in groups and disseminate evenly, while the weeds in the research field II tended to be formed in groups. Based on result of the observation in cane growth toward weed competition at the research field, it showed different growth of ratoon canes in reynoso system and in the unirrigated-field. The growth of cane plant in reynoso system is better than in the unirrigated-field. Competition between the cane plant and the weeds has shown bad effect on the cane growth, such as decreasing number of plantlet, reducing size of the cane’s stem, short and pale internodes.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2014/302/051406407
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2014 10:19
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 07:00
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/129772
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