Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun dan Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) Terhadap Blood Disease Bacterium

Baroroh, Baroroh (2014) Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun dan Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) Terhadap Blood Disease Bacterium. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penyakit darah yang disebabkan Blood Disease Bacterium (BDB) merupakan kendala serius dalam budidaya tanaman pisang di Indonesia karena dapat menyebabkan kehilangan hasil sebesar 20-100% dalam satu luasan lahan. Selama ini pengendalian dilakukan dengan perbaikan teknik budidaya dan penggunaan bahan kimia, namun tingkat keberhasilan masih belum maksimal. Pemanfaatan ekstrak tanaman mengkudu khususnya bagian daun dan buah yang mengandung senyawa antibakteri menjadi alternatif pengendalian BDB yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya pada bulan Oktober 2013 sampai Februari 2014. Pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri patogen, pembuatan ekstraks daun dan buah mengkudu, uji sensitivitas antibakteri, dan uji penekanan pertumbuhan BDB pada buah pisang. Uji sensitivitas antibakteri dilaksanakan dengan metode difusi agar. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan enam macam perlakuan yaitu US1 (ekstrak buah 30%), US2 (ekstrak buah 60%), US3 (ekstrak buah 90%), US4 (ekstrak daun 30%), US5 (ekstrak daun 60%) dan US6 (ekstrak daun 90%). Kontrol terdiri dari aquades, alkohol 96% dan streptomisin. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari selama 3 hari. Sedangkan uji penekanan pertumbuhan BDB pada buah pisang menggunakan RAL dengan sepuluh perlakuan yaitu UP1 (kontrol BDB), UP2 (BDB dan aquades), UP3 (BDB dan streptomisin), UP4 (BDB dan alkohol 96%), UP5 (BDB dan ekstrak daun 30%), UP6 (BDB dan ekstrak daun 60%), UP7 (BDB dan ekstrak daun 90%), UP8 (BDB dan ekstrak buah 30%), UP9 (BDB dan ekstrak buah 60%), dan UP10 (BDB dan ekstrak buah 30%). Perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali dan pengamatan dilakukan pada hari ketiga setelah inokulasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada uji sensitivitas antibakteri diketahui kontrol aquades dan alkohol tidak mampu menghasilkan zona hambat sedangkan kontrol streptomisin mampu menghasilkan zona hambat pertumbuhan BDB. Perlakuan ekstrak daun dan buah mengkudu mampu menghasilkan zona hambat terhadap pertumbuhan BDB. Ekstrak buah mengkudu memiliki diameter zona hambat yang lebih besar dari ekstrak daun mengkudu, sehingga ekstrak buah mengkudu lebih efektif menghambat pertumbuhan BDB dibandingkan ekstrak daun mengkudu. Ekstrak buah konsentrasi 90% terbaik dalam menekan pertumbuhan BDB media NA. Pada uji penekanan pertumbuhan BDB pada buah pisang diketahui ekstrak buah dengan konsentrasi 90% dan streptomisin mampu menekan pertumbuhan BDB pada buah pisang, sedangkan perlakuan aquades, alkohol, ekstrak daun (konsentrasi 30%,60% dan 90%) serta ekstrak buah (konsentrasi 30% dan 60%) tidak mampu menekan pertumbuhan BDB pada buah pisang. Penggunaan streptomisin lebih efektif dibandingkan ekstrak buah konsentrasi 90% dalam menekan pertumbuhan BDB pada buah pisang.

English Abstract

Blood disease caused by Blood Disease Bacterium (BDB) has been reported caused loss of banana production by 20-100%. The control measure was commonly performed using cultivation technique and by the use of chemicals, but the effectivity were low. Utilization of leaves and fruit extract from Morinda which contains compounds act as antibacterial would be the alternative controlling for BDB and more environmental friendly. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Departement of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University from October 2013 to February 2014. Implementation of these research included the isolation and identification of bacterial pathogen from banana fruit infected by blood disease, production of leaf and fruit extract of Morinda, assay for antibacterial sensitivity and assay for suppression of BDB on banana fruit. Antibacterial sensitivity assay was carried out by agar diffusion test. Antibacterial sensitivity test were conducted using complete randomized design with six treatments as follows: US1 (30% of fruit extract), US2 (60% of fruit extract), US3 (90% of fruit extract), US4 (30% of leaves extract), US5 (60% of leaves extract), and US6 (90% of leaves extract). Each treatment was repeated three times. The control included sterile distilled water, alcohol 96% and streptomycin. Suppression of BDB growth assay was conducted using complete randomized design with ten treatments as follows: UP1 (BDB or control), UP2 (BDB and sterile distilled water), UP3 (BDB and streptomycin), UP4 (BDB and alcohol 96%), UP5 (BDB and 30% of leaf extract), UP6 (BDB and 60% of leaf extract), UP7 (BDB and 30% of leaf extract), UP8 (BDB and 30% of fruit extract), UP9 (BDB and 60% of fruit extract), UP10 (BDB and 90% of fruit extract). Each treatment was repeated three times. Observations were done on third day after inoculation. The results of the antibacterial sensitivity assay showed that sterile distilled water and alcohol were not able to produce clear zone, while streptomycin was capable of producing clear zone on the BDB lawn. Leaves and fruit extract of Morinda were capable to produce clear zone on BDB lawn. Fruit extract showed larger diameter of clear zones than leaves extract, indicating that the fruit extract was more effective to inhibit the growth of BDB compared to that of leaves extract. Fruit extract at the concentrations of 90% had the highest activity to suppress the growth of BDB on NA medium. On suppression assay of BDB on banana fruit, 90% extract of Morinda fruit as well as streptomycin were able to suppress the growth of BDB, while sterile distilled water, alcohol, leaves extract (at the concentration of 30%, 60% and 90%), and fruit extracts (at the concentration of 30% and 60%) were unable to suppress the growth of BDB on banana fruit. Streptomycin showed more effective than 90% of morinda fruit extracts to suppress the growth of BDB on banana fruit.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2014/122/051403088
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2014 09:47
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 03:15
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/129571
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