Anam, Khoirul (2011) Populasi Lalat Buah (Bactrocera dorsalis complex Drew And Hancock) dan Parasitoid Hymenoptera pada Pertanaman Belimbing di Desa Argosuko Poncokusumo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Lalat buah merupakan salah satu hama yang sangat merugikan tanaman hortikultura di dunia. Lebih dari seratus jenis tanaman hortikultura menjadi inang lalat buah, salah satunya adalah belimbing. Kerusakan yang disebabkan dapat mencapai 64 - 70%. Di alam lalat buah mempunyai musuh alami yaitu parasitoid Hymenoptera yang menyerang berbagai stadia kehidupan, sehingga mampu bekerja sebagai pengatur populasi. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian untuk mempelajari fluktuasi populasi lalat buah dan parasitoid pada pertanaman Belimbing. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pemanfaatan musuh alami untuk pengendalian secara biologi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan petani yang terletak di desa Argosuko, Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang dan di Laboratorium Entomologi Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang, mulai bulan Februari sampai April 2011. Pengambilan sampel di lakukan pada dua lahan yaitu di lahan pekarangan dan sawah. Pada setiap lahan ditentukan sepuluh pohon contoh secara sistematis. Pada setiap pohon contoh dipasang perangkap dengan metil eugenol untuk menangkap lalat buah jantan, pengambilan empat buah belimbing yang terserang lalat buah, dan pengambilan tanah disekitar pohon contoh dengan kedalaman 2 cm dengan luas 25 cm 2 . Buah dan pupa yang diperoleh dibawa ke laboratorium sampai lalat buah dan parasitoidnya muncul. Kemudian dihitung jumlahnya dan diidentifikasi jenisnya. Untuk menganalisis populasi dari masing-masing lahan menggunakan uji T (p=0,05). Jenis lalat buah yang ditemukan adalah B. carambolae, B. papayae, B. umbrosa. Parasitoid yang ditemukan adalah Fopius sp., Diachasmimorpha sp., dan Tetrastichus sp. Populasi lalat buah jantan dari perangkap metil eugenol di lahan pekarangan nyata lebih tinggi dibandingkan populasi dilahan persawahan (p=0,00), masing-masing populasi lalat buah di lahan pekarangan dan persawahan adalah 51,50 dan 36,45. Rata-rata populasi pupa, lalat buah dan parasitoid dari contoh buah di lahan pekarangan dan persawahan menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata. Rata-rata populasi pupa di pekarangan yaitu 99,25 tidak berbeda nyata (p=0,83) dibandingkan di persawahan yaitu 101,54. Populasi lalat buah di pekarangan yaitu 46,36 tidak berbeda nyata (p=0,97) dibandingkan di sawah yaitu 46,67. Rata-rata populasi parasitoid di pekarangan yaitu 49,29 tidak berbeda nyata (p=0,83) dibandingkan di persawahan yaitu 46,00. Rata-rata populasi pupa, lalat buah dan parasitoid dari sampel tanah di pekarangan dan persawahan menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata. Rata-rata populasi pupa di pekarangan yaitu 0,83 tidak berbeda nyata (p=0,23) dibandingkan di persawahan yaitu 1,83. Rata-rata Populasi lalat buah di pekarangan yaitu 0,83 tidak berbeda nyata (p=0,42) dibandingkan di persawahan yaitu 1,33. Rata-rata populasi parasitoid di pekarangan yaitu 0,00 tidak berbeda nyata (p=0,18) dibandingkan di persawahan yaitu 0,33.
English Abstract
Fruit fly is one of the most harmful pests of horticultural plants in the world. More than one hundred species of horticultural plants are host the fruit flies, such as star fruit. The damage which caused by fruit fly attacks could reach 64 - 70%. In nature there are parasitoids of fruit flies, which can regulate the population of fruit files. Therefore, a study of the fluctuations of fruit flies and parasitoids populations on star fruits plantation had been conducted. The results can be used as data base for biological control of fruit files. The reseach was conducted at Argosuko village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency and Laboratory Entomology of Plant Protection Department, Agriculture Faculty, Brawijaya University from February until April 2011. To know the fluctuation of fruit flies and it’s parasitoid was done by survey at star fruit plantation which were at the orchard and rice habitat. From each type of field were taken ten samples of trees. Methyl Eugenol’s traps were placed on the samples tree, four star fruit trees were picked up from each sample tree. Soil samples (25 cm 2 and 2 cm depth) were also taken from surrounding the sample tree to observe the population of fruit fly pupae. The entire samples were carried to the laboratory and were kept until all fruit files and parasitoids emerged. Fruit flies and the parasitoid were counted and the species of parasitoid were also identified. All data were analyzed using T-test (p=0,05). The species of fruit flies which were found on star fruit’s orchard and rice habitat were B. carambolae, B. papayae, B. umbrosa . The Parasitoids of fruit fly were Fopius sp., Diachasmimorpha sp., and Tetrastichus sp. Male fruit flies population in the orchard significantly different from the population of male fruit flies in rice habitat (p=0,00). The average number of fruit flies in the orchard and rice habitat were 51,50 and 36,45, respectively. The average number of pupae in the orchard were not significantly different (p=0,83) with in the rice habitat. The average number of pupae from orchard’s fruit samples and rice habitat were 99,25 and 101,54, respectively. The average number of adults fruit fly in the orchard were not significantly different (p=0,97) with in the rice habitat. The average number of fruit flies adult emerged from orchard’s fruit samples and rice habitat were 46,36 and 46,67, respectively. The average number of pupae from soil samples of fruit star orchard (0,83) were not significantly different (p=0,23) with in the rice habitat (1,83). The average number of adults fruit fly emerged from soil samples of fruit star orchard (0,83) were not significantly different (p=0,42) with in the rice habitat (1,33). The average number of parasitoids emerged from fruit samples of fruit star orchard (49,29) were not significantly different (p=0,83) with in the rice habitat (46,00). The average number of parasitoids emerged from soil samples of fruit star orchard (0,00) were not significantly different (p=0,18) with in the rice habitat (0,33).
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2011/241/051104558 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 08 Mar 2012 08:38 |
Last Modified: | 20 Apr 2022 02:50 |
URI: | |
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