Baety, Nur (2018) Pengaruh Perasan Daun Semanggi Air (Marsilea Crenata) Terhadap Percepatan Siklus Birahi Tikus (Rattus Norvegicus) Betina Berdasarkan Ketebalanlapisan Sel Epitelvagina Dan Ulangan Estrus. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Siklus estrus merupakan proses yang dikendalikanolehberbagaihormon, baikhormondariHipotalamus-hipofisamaupundariovarium. Estrogen dapatmenimbulkanresponterhadapaktivitasbetinaseperti: perkembangansifatseksualsekunder, perilakupersiapankawin (estrus), mempersiapkan uterus untuk implantasi dan menyiapkan perkembangan kelenjar susu. Penggunaan bahan alami yang mengandung estrogen-like substances (fitoestrogen/herbal estrogen) banyak dikembangkan karena diyakini tidak menimbulkan efek samping , dibandingkan dengan estrogen sintesis atau obat-obat hormonal pengganti (hormonal replacement therapy/HRT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian daun semanggi air (Marsilea crenata) terhadap gambaran histologi vagina dan lama fase siklus birahi yang dilihat berdasarkan kornifikasi sel epitel vagina pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina. Hewan model menggunakan tikus (Rattus norvegicus) galur wistar betina dan berumur 2 bulan dengan bobot 100-150 gram. Penelitian ini menggunakan 6 kelompok perlakuan yakni kontrol positif, kontrol negatif, Kelompok tikus yang diberi daun semanggi air dengan konsentrasi 20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80% selama 23 hari.Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan one way Analisiss of Variance (ANOVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey (α = 5 %). Tebal lapisan sel epitel vagina diamati secara kuantitatif dan Kornifikasi sel epitel vagina diamati melalui swab vagina.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian perasan daun semanggi air berpengaruh terhadap percepatan siklus birahi berdasarkan ketebalan lapisan sel epitel vagina dan ulangan estrus pada tikus (Rattus norvegicus) betina.
English Abstract
The estrus cycle is a process controlled by various hormones, either hormones of the hypothalamus-pituitary as well as from the ovaries. Estrogen can make cause a response to female activities such as: the development of secondary sexual behavior, the behavior of mating preparation (estrus), preparing the uterus for implantation and preparing the development of the mammary gland. The use of natural substances containing estrogenlike substances (phytoestrogens / estrogen herbs) is widely developed because it is believed to have no side effects, compared with estrogen synthesis or hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the leaf water clover (Marsileacrenata) to the histothology of vaginal and the length of the cycle of lust which is seen based on the chromosomy of vaginal epithelial cells on female mice (Rattusnorvegicus). Animal model using mice (Rattusnorvegicus) female wistar strain and 2 months old with weight 100-150 grams. This research used 6 treatment groups that were positive control, negative control, group of mice that were given clover leaves water with concentration 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% for 23 days. Quantitative of the data analysis using one way Analisiss of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with Tukey test (α = 5%). The thickness of the vaginal epithelial cell layer was observed quantitatively and the cordification of vaginal epithelial cells was observed through the vaginal swab.The results ofthe study indicated that administration water from the leaves clover given the influence to acceleration of cyclical cycle, beacause based on the thickness of the vaginal epithelial cell layer and estrus replication in female rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FKH/2018/39/051803096 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | semanggi air, Estrus, Swab vagina- Leaf water clover, Estrus, Swab vaginal |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs > 615.32 Drugs derived from plants and mikroorganisms > 615.327 Drugs derived from spesific plant (Pteridophyta) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 05 Nov 2018 03:09 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 08:13 |
URI: | |
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