SeptiKomala (2008) Analisis Pendapatan dan Produktivitas Usahatani Jagung Hibrida Varietas BISI dan Non BISI : studi kasus di Desa Sumengko, Kecamatan Sukomoro, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jagung (Zea mays Linn) merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan yang sudah sejak lama diusahakan oleh petani Indonesia. Peran jagung sebagai pengganti beras dan makanan tambahan sangat berfluktuasi permintaannya. Disamping untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia, jagung juga diproduksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pakan ternak. Salah satu upaya peningkatan produksi jagung adalah menggunakan benih jagung hibrida yang berdaya hasil tinggi (Anonymous, 2005). Jagung hibrida memiliki keunggulan dalam segi produksi karena umur tanamnya pendek, daya tumbuhnya tinggi dan perawatannya mudah. Selain itu jagung hibrida juga memiliki ketahanan terhadap penyakit yang sering menyerang. Keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh jagung hibrida ini dapat memberikan keuntungan lebih kepada petani (AAK, 2003). Produktivitas jagung juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor produksi lain seperti lahan, pupuk, pestisida, tenaga kerja dan lain-lain. Penggunaan faktorfaktor produksi secara efisien dapat meningkatkan produktivitas jagung hibrida. Peningkatan produktivitas jagung hibrida akan memberikan keuntungan maksimal bagi usahatani jagung hibrida. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk menganalisis apakah ada perbedaan pendapatan yang pendapatan yang diterima oleh usahatani jagung hibrida dengan varietas BISI dan non BISI (2) Untuk menduga parameter fungsi produksi yang berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap produktivitas jagung hibrida.Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Diduga pendapatan usahatani jagung hibrida varietas BISI lebih besar daripada usahatani jagung hibrida varietas non BISI (2) Diduga faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap produktivitas jagung hibrida adalah lahan, pupuk, tenaga kerja dan varietas benih yang digunakan. Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari petani secara langsung melalui wawancara. Data sekunder diperoleh dari Dinas Pertanian kabupaten Nganjuk dan kantor kepala desa Sumengko. Model analisis data yang digunakan adalah perhitungan biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan, analisis efisiensi usahatani (R/C Ratio), Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglass ( Analisis regresi) dan Analisis Andil faktor. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Rata-rata pendapatan usahatani jagung hibrida varietas BISI sebesar Rp 10.465.221/Ha, lebih tinggi dibandingkan usahatani jagung hibrida varietas Non BISI yaitusebesar Rp 5.868.439/Ha persen dari penerimaan total sedangkan untuk usahatani jagung hibrida varietas Non BISI sebesar 30.37 persen dari penerimaan total. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk upaya peningkatan pendapatan, petani lebih baik membudidayakan jagung hibrida varietas BISI karena telah diketahui bahwa varietas BISI secara ekonomis lebih menguntungkan (2) Untuk program subsidi benih, Pemerintah, terutama Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Nganjuk lebih baik memilih BISI untuk subsidi benih jagung hibrida karena produktivitasnya lebih tinggi dan lebih menguntungkan (3) Untuk penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan peneliti dapat menyempurnakan kekurangan dari penelitian ini.ditunjukkan dengan uji beda rata-rata dimana t hitung = 3.525 lebih besar dari t tabel = 2.015 (α = 0.05). Hal ini disebabkan varietas BISI menghasilkan produksi jagung hibrida 9408 kg lebih tinggi dari varietas Non BISI yaitu 7255 kg sedangkan harga jual jagung hibrida per Kg sama yaitu Rp 2000,00 sehingga penerimaan total usahatani jagung hibrida varietas BISI lebih tinggi dari Non BISI. Nilai R/C Ratio untuk varietas BISI adalah 2,27 sedangkan untuk varietas Non BISI adalah 1,67 sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa usahatani jagung hibrida baik varietas BISI maupun Non BISI sama-sama menguntungkan. Akan tetapi varietas BISI lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan usahatani varietas Non BISI. (2) Hasil analisis anggaran parsial menunjukkan bahwa perubahan teknologi penggunaan benih baik varietas BISI maupun Non BISI adalah menguntungkan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari extra profit yang dimiliki oleh varietas BISI sebesar Rp. 18.288.055 dan varietas Non BISI sebesar Rp. 13.654.212 (3) Hasil analisis fungsi produksi Cobb Douglas menunjukkan adanya multikolinearitas antara variabel lahan dengan variabel-variabel bebas lainnya. Hasil analisis regresi dengan metode apriori menunjukkan bahwa variabel dummy untuk beda varietas benih yang digunakan berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap produkstivitas jagung hibrida, dimana produktivitas jagung hibrida varietas BISI lebih tinggi dari produktivitas usahatani jagung hibrida varietas non BISI (4) Hasil analisis andil faktor menunjukkan andil faktor untuk usahatani varietas BISI adalah 0,137 untuk modal, 0,134 untuk lahan, 0,129 untuk tenaga kerja dan 0,078 untuk pupuk. Sedangkan andil faktor untuk usahatani varietas Non BISI adalah 0,215 untuk modal, 0,2106 untuk lahan, 0,1840 untuk tenaga kerja dan 0.0877 untuk pupuk. Residu yang didapat oleh usahatani varietas BISI sebesar 52.07
English Abstract
Corn ( Zea mays Linn ) is one of the food crops which has been grown on for a long time by the Indonesian farmers. The roles of corn as a substitute for rice and supplemental food cause the corn demand becoming very fluctuate. In addition to meet human needs, the corn is also produced to meet the needs of cattle feeding. One of the efforts conducted to increase the corn production is to use the seeds of the hybrid corn with high productivity (Anonymous, 2005). The hybrid corn has the superiority in production because it has short period, easy treatment and pest resistance. The superiority of this hybrid corn could provide more benefits and profits for the farmers (AAK, 2003). The productivity of corn is also influenced by other production factors, such as: soils, fertilizers, pesticides, labor, etc. The usage of production factors efficiently could increase the productivity of hybrid corn. The increase of the hybrid corn productivity could provide higher profits for the hybrid corn farm. The purposes of conducting this research are (1) to analyze whether there is any farm earning difference obtained between BISI hybrid corn farm and non BISI hybrid corn farm and (2) to estimate the parameters of the production functions which obviously influence the productivity of the hybrid corn. The hypothesis proposed in this research are (1) that farm earning of BISI hybrid corn farm is higher than farm earning of Non BISI hybrid corn farm, (2) that the factors with obvious influence to the productivity of hybrid corn are soils, fertilizers, labor, and seeds variety used. Primary and secondary data were used in this research. The primary data were obtained from the farmers directly using questionnaire through interview.The secondary data were obtained from Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Nganjuk and Kantor Kepala Desa Sumengko. Cobb Douglass production factors and profitability farm accounting, namely revenue/cost ratio, partial budget analysis and factor share analysis were used in this research. Conclusions of this research are (1) the average farm earning of BISI hybrid corn farm was 10,465,221/ha, which is significantly higher than the average farm earning of Non BISI hybrid corn, that is 5,868,439/ha. This was due to the yield of BISI hybrid corn was 9,408 kg, which is higher than the yield of non BISI hybrid corn, that is 7,255 kg. Meanwhile the unit selling price per kg of the hybrid corn is exactly the same, that is RP 2,000.00, so that the total revenue received by BISI hybrid corn farm is higher than the total revenue received by Non BISI hybrid corn farm. R/C ratio for BISI hybrid corn farm is 2.27, whereas R/C ratio for Non BISI hybrid corn farm is 1.67. It is known that both of BISI andnon BISI hybrid corn farm are profitable. But, however BISI hybrid corn farm is much more profitable than non BISI hybrid corn farm, (2) the results of partial budget analysis showed that the technology changes of seeds usage of both BISI variety and Non BISI variety are profitable. This could be seen from the extra profits obtained by the hybrid corn of BISI variety, that is RP 18,288,055 and the hybrid corn of Non BISI variety, that is RP 13,654,212, (3) the results of Cobb - Douglass production functions analysis, it was known that there is multicolinearity between land and other independent variables. From cobb douglass analysis using prior information can be known that dummy variable for the different variety of hybrid corn significantly influence to the hybrid corn production, the productivity of BISI is higher than non BISI (4) the analysis results of factor share showed that the factor share for capital was 0,137, 0,134 for soils, 0,129 for labor, and 0.078 for fertilizers from the total revenue obtained by BISI hybrid corn farm. Whereas, the factors share of Non BISI hybrid corn farm are 0,215 for capital, 0,210 for soils, 0,184 for labor, and 0,087 for fertilizers. The residue obtained by BISI hybrid corn farm is 52.07 percent from the total income received, while the residue obtained by Non BISI hybrid corn is 30.37 percent from the total income received.non BISI hybrid corn farm are profitable. But, however BISI hybrid corn farm is much more profitable than non BISI hybrid corn farm, (2) the results of partial budget analysis showed that the technology changes of seeds usage of both BISI variety and Non BISI variety are profitable. This could be seen from the extra profits obtained by the hybrid corn of BISI variety, that is RP 18,288,055 and the hybrid corn of Non BISI variety, that is RP 13,654,212, (3) the results of Cobb - Douglass production functions analysis, it was known that there is multicolinearity between land and other independent variables. From cobb douglass analysis using prior information can be known that dummy variable for the different variety of hybrid corn significantly influence to the hybrid corn production, the productivity of BISI is higher than non BISI (4) the analysis results of factor share showed that the factor share for capital was 0,137, 0,134 for soils, 0,129 for labor, and 0.078 for fertilizers from the total revenue obtained by BISI hybrid corn farm. Whereas, the factors share of Non BISI hybrid corn farm are 0,215 for capital, 0,210 for soils, 0,184 for labor, and 0,087 for fertilizers. The residue obtained by BISI hybrid corn farm is 52.07 percent from the total income received, while the residue obtained by Non BISI hybrid corn is 30.37 percent from the total income received.The advice and suggestion conveyed in this research were (1) in the efforts of increasing the income, the farmers are suggested to cultivate the hybrid corn with BISI variety because the hybrid corn of BISI variety is found to be economically profitable, (2) in order to success seed subsidy program, Governor especially Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Nganjuk are suggested to choose BISI as hybrid corn subsidized because BISI hybrid corn has high productivity and could provide higher profit, (3) for the next researches, the writer expected that the next researchers could complete the information of this research.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2008/58/050800697 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 02 Apr 2008 09:16 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 08:32 |
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