Eksplorasi Dan Uji Potensi Khamir Sebagai Agens Pendegradasi Fungisida Berbahan Aktif Metil Tiofanat Secara In Vitro

Noviana, Diva Putri Dwi (2018) Eksplorasi Dan Uji Potensi Khamir Sebagai Agens Pendegradasi Fungisida Berbahan Aktif Metil Tiofanat Secara In Vitro. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Residu pestisida yang terjadi pada lahan pertanian umumnya akibat penggunannya yang kurang terkontrol. Jenis fungisida sistemik seperti metil tiofanat masih banyak digunakan dikalangan petani tanaman semusim maupun tahunan. Untuk dapat mengurangi residu pestisida yaitu dengan menggunakan bioremediasi yang memanfaatkan mikroorganisme untuk mendegradasi residu pestisida sehingga tingkat toksisitasnya dapat berkurang di lingkungan. Salah satu mikroorganisme yang dapat digunakan dalam mendegradasi fungisida yaitu khamir. Saat ini penelitian mengenai potensi khamir untuk mendegradasi fungisida masih belum banyak dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji khamir yang ditemukan pada lahan terkena residu fungisida metil tiofanat dan mengkaji potensi sebagai pendegradasi fungisida tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya Malang pada bulan Januari hingga Juni 2018. Penelitian ini melalui beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan penelitian terdiri dari sterilisasi alat, pembuatan media pertumbuhan khamir, pengambilan sampel tanah yang diduga tercemar fungisida berbahan aktif metil tiofanat, isolasi dan identifikasi jamur patogen, pembuatan stok kultur khamir, dan pembuatan larutan stok fungisida. Identifikasi khamir terdiri dari isolasi dan pemurnian khamir serta identifikasi secara mikroskopis dan makroskopis. Uji adaptasi khamir dilakukan terhadap fungisida metil tiofanat, sedangkan uji degradasi metil tioanat dilakukan secara in vitro. Hasil dari eksplorasi diperoleh 4 isolat yaitu Saccharomyces sp. 1, Candida sp. 1, Schizosaccaromyces sp., Pichia sp. 1 dan 9 khamir dari koleksi laboratorium yaitu Pichia sp. 2, Pichia sp. 3, Saccharomyces sp. 2, Candida sp. 2, Debaryomyces sp., Issatchenkia sp., Candida sp. 3, Candida sp. 4, dan Pichia sp. 4. Uji adaptasi khamir menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 kali konsentrasi anjuran dengan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu panjang diameter koloni khamir di media PDA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 13 khamir pada uji adaptasi masih dapat hidup hingga 5 kali konsentrasi anjuran fungisida metil tiofanat namun terdapat penurunan dari panjang diameter khamir seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi fungisida. Selanjutnya yaitu uji degradasi untuk melihat kemampuan khamir dalam mengurangi tingkat toksisitas fungisida metil tiofanat dengan mengamati pertumbuhan koloni Alternaria porri sebagai indikatornya. Uji degradasi menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 15 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari 13 khamir dan 2 kontrol. Kontrol positif yaitu media cair yang ditambahkan fungisida sesuai konsentrasi anjuran tanpa penambahan khamir, dan kontrol negatif yaitu media cair tanpa pemberian fungisida dan khamir. Hasil uji degradasi rerata diameter koloni A. porri paling panjang pada yaitu pada perlakuan kontrol negatif (7,40cm) dan terendah yaitu pada kontrol positif (4,67cm). Pada perlakuan di hari terakhir khamir Issatchenkia sp. memiliki rerata diameter tertinggi (6,27cm) dibandingkan Saccharomyces sp. 1 (5,33cm), Candida sp. 1 (4,90cm), Schizosaccaromyces sp. (4,63cm), Pichia sp. 1 (5,57cm), Pichia sp. 2 (5,57cm), Pichia sp. 3 (5,17cm), Saccharomyces sp. 2 (5,90cm), Candida sp. 2 (6,07cm), Debaryomyces sp. (4,67cm), Candida sp. 3 (5,87cm), Candida sp. 4 (5,17cm), Pichia sp. 4 (4,80cm).

English Abstract

Pesticide residues in agricultural land are caused by poorly controlled pesticide use. Systemic fungicides such as methyl thiofanate are still widely used in annual and perennial plant. To reduce pesticide residues can be done by using microorganisms to degrade the pesticide residues so that the toxin can be reduced in the environment. Yeast is one of the microorganisms that can be used to degrade fungicides. Recently research about potential of yeasts to degrade the fungicide is still not much done. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of yeasts isolated in the soil methyl thiofanate fungicide residues as agent to degrade methyl thiofanate residue. This study was conducted in Laboratory of Plant Diseases, Plant Pests and Disease Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya Malang from January to June 2018. The study was carried out in several stages, namely tool sterilization, manufacturing of yeast growth media, soil sampling which was suspected to be contaminated by methyl thiofanate fungicides, isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi, yeast culture stocks, and preparing fungicide stock solutions. Identification and purification of yeast from microscopically and macroscopically. The yeast adaptation test was carried out on fungicides with the active matter methyl thiofanate, while the methyl thiofanate degradation was carried out in vitro. The study from exploration are 4 isolates of yeast namely Saccharomyces sp. 1, Candida sp. 1, Schizosaccaromyces sp., Pichia sp. 1. This study also use 9 genus of yeast collection from laboratory of plant disease, namely Pichia sp. 2, Pichia sp. 3, Saccharomyces sp. 2, Candida sp. 2, Debaryomyces sp., Issatchenkia sp., Candida sp. 3, Candida sp. 4, and Pichia sp. 4. The yeast adaptation test was carried out using a completely randomized design with 6 treatments, namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 times of recommended concentration threatment repeated 3 times. The parameters observed were the diameter of the yeast colony in PDA media. That all of the yeast were able to life after time methyl thiofanate fungiside, however there was decrease in the diameter of yeast along with increasing fungicide concentration. Furthermore, the degradation test to see the ability of yeast in reducing the level of toxicity of methyl thiofanate fungicide by observing the growth of Alternaria porri colonies as the indicator. Degradation test using a completely randomized design with 15 treatments and 3 replicates. The treatment consisted of 13 yeasts and 2 controls. Positive control is liquid media which was added with fungicide according to recommended concentration without addition of yeast, and negative control is liquid medium without fungicide and yeast. The results of the average degradation test of the diameter of A. porri colony were in the negative control (7.40cm) and the lowest was in the positive control (4.67cm). In the treatment on the last day of yeast Issatchenkia sp. has the highest average diameter length (6.27cm) compared to Saccharomyces sp. 1 (5.33cm), Candida sp. 1 (4.90cm), Schizosaccaromyces sp. (4.63cm), Pichia sp. 1 (5.57cm), Pichia sp. 2 (5.57cm), Pichia sp. 3 (5.17cm), Saccharomyces sp. 2 (5.90cm), Candida sp. 2 (6.07cm), Debaryomyces sp. (4.67cm), Candida sp. 3 (5.87cm), Candida sp. 4 (5.17cm), Pichia sp. 4 (4.80cm).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/767/051810494
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pestisida, Residu, Khamir, Fungisida
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.9 General topics of pest and disease control > 632.95 Pesticides > 632.950 4 Special topics of pesticides > 632.950 42 Undesired effects and their control
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2018 03:05
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 08:56
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/12617
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